Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Don't get "Uber" priced surged on New Year's Eve

Uber  has sent notice to their customers of their "surge" pricing for New Year's Eve
celebrations Wednesday night into Thursday morning.

The surge pricing is where riders will expect to pay a  lot more for their trip than normal hours. Uber says they require the surge pricing on busy nights so they can get enough cars on the road.

Uber  said they expect the highest demand and highest fares to be between 12:30-2:30 a.m. That's when fares will be the highest.

If you plan on using Uber tonight to avoid high fairs don't request a ride during those two hours. Instead, they say to catch a ride right when the ball drops at midnight, or wait a couple of hours until prices return to normal.

A good alternative for a designated driver is

Race For Michigan Republican Chair: Dr Kimberbly Shmina Is In

Earlier today Dr. Kimberly Shmina of Fair Haven, Michigan announced that she is now an official candidate for Michigan Republican Party Chair as Bobby Schostak announced that he is not running
Kim Shmina
Dr. Kimberly Shmina
for a third term.

Dr. Shmina previously ran in a hard fought school board race in Algonac where her goal was to curb the out of control spending and to fight the introduction of Common Core curriculum into the Algonac school district.

On her website  Dr. Kimberly Shmina says "In running for party chairperson, my main goal is to use a team approach to heal and grow our party in a manner that is inclusive and builds on the strengths of all of our members. It is a time for unity in order to ensure that strong conservatives are elected. I believe I am the leader who can help transform our party."

Dr. Shmina joins Ronna Romney McDaniel - a long time party activist, formerState Committee Woman, current Republican National Committee Woman and niece of  former Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, 

Also being mentioned in being interested or encouraged to run include, former Senatorial Candidate Terry Lynn Land who ran in 2010 before dropping out and endorsing  Bobby Schostak,  former MSU Trustee candidate Jeff Sakwa, current 14th District Chairman and long time party operative Paul Welday,  Kent County GOP Chair Dave Dishaw , Pete Lund and term linted but very conservative State Representative Tom McMillin.  However it has only been reported that Pete Lund and Tom McMillin have come out publicly about considering a run for State Chair.  Will they jump in after the first of the year?  

Monday, December 29, 2014

Black Rapper: America Owes Us $100 Trillion

Talent-less rapper, Aze
Azealia Banks
alia Banks isn't taking Obama's advice by forgetting things that happened before we were born.  She is pissed off by America’s history with slavery and took to Twitter to let everyone know about it!

The 23-year-old non-talent revealed her new desire after posting an article about the DeWolf family, who traded slaves from 1769 through 1820.

“I wonder where the descendants of the ‘DeWolf’ family are today. they should all have their houses burned and their finances seized,” Azealia tweeted. “This generation of young black kids needs to make a CONCERTED effort to seek out living descendants of major slave trading families. They Owe us Money.”

She Also believed that America owed over $100 trillion to blacks for putting them into slavery and stopping them from being successful in society.

“I don’t know why all the white people on my Twitter are saying I’m “playing the victim” cause I’m not… I really just want my fucking money,” the 23-year-old rapper tweeted on Saturday (December 27).

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Iran Tests 'Suicide Drone'

Iran's army has deployed a suicide drone for the first time in massive ongoing military drills near the strategic Strait of Hormuz at the entrance to the Persian Gulf.

Gen. Ahmad Reza Pourdastan, the army's chief commander of ground forces, is quoted by Iranian state media Saturday as calling the unmanned aircraft "a mobile bomb." The drone, named Yasir according to one Iranian newspaper, has been designed to plunge into aerial and ground targets, as well as ships.

The six-day military exercise is being carried out over 527,000 square miles in the northern part of the Indian Ocean, Sea of Oman and the eastern part of the Persian Gulf, through which one-fifth of the world's oil supply passes.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Democrat Party Mocked At Largest Annual Parade In Germany

These floats were part of the annual Carnival Parade in Germany watched by an estimated three million people in three German cities including Dusseldorf

Doesn't it make you proud that the whole world is laughing at the U.S.A. ?

Liberal Author Says God Raped Mary

Liberal  feminist nut job  writer Valerie Tarico has a history of saying ridiculously offensive things calling it  political correctness, but her latest efforts hit a new low even for her. In the spirit of
Christmas and she wrote a piece for Salon that says Christmas is all about God Raping Mary.  No joke, here is what this nut job wrote for Salon:

Powerful gods and demi-gods impregnating human women—it’s a common theme in the history of religion, and it’s more than a little rapey.
 Though the earliest Christians had a competing story, in the Gospel of Luke, the Virgin Mary gets pregnant when the spirit of the Lord comes upon her and the power of the Most High overshadows her.
 But these encounters between beautiful young women and gods have one thing in common. None of them has freely given female consent as a part of the narrative. (Luke’s Mary assents after being not asked but told by a powerful supernatural being what is going to happen to her, “Behold the bond slave of the Lord: be it done to me . . .”)
 Who needs consent, freely given? If he’s a god, she’s got to want it, right? That is how the stories play out.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Sony E-Mail Hack: Black James Bond? Rush Limbaugh Speaks Out Against

One of the many secrets revealed in the Sony email hack was a discussion about the possibility of Idris Elba, a black actor, playing James Bond after Daniel Craig decides it time for him to move on. “Idris should be the next bond,” Sony co-chair Amy Pascal wrote in an email, referring to the British
star of Luther and The Wire.

Rush Limbaugh discussed this yesterday on his show:
“James Bond is a fictional character, obviously,” Rush told the listeners of the spy character created by Ian Fleming. “He was white and Scottish, period.”

“I know it’s racist to probably even point this out,” but the franchise needs to get with it!We had 50 years of white Bonds because Bond was white!” said Rush

Rush then suggested the casting would be analogous to casting George Clooney and Kate Hudson as President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. Or how about Kelsey Grammar as Nelson Mandela? He then suggested Rob Reiner as “early” Al Sharpton. And George C. Scott (who’s dead) as Colin Powell and Scarlett Johansson as Condoleezza Rice. And so on…

I get what Rush is saying. He isn't racist  Some characters can be interchangeable with race and some can not.  For example Denzel Washington did a fine job playing Edward Woodward's old role of the movie remake of the TV show "The Equalizer"  But James Bond is British, and yes there are black Brits but when you watch Bond you feel like he is part of the Royal family kicking the bad guys you know whats.  What would the outrage be if the movie Shaft was remade with a white person?  What makes both Bond and Shaft so special is their ethnicity.  It isn't racism but believabllity.  

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Outgoing One Term Michigan Congressman Goes Out With Epic Rant

Last evening. soon to be former Republican
 Congressman Kerry Bentivolio went on an epic farewell rant/speech on his Facebook page.

 He blamed everyone but himself for his vote in the continuing resolution that was just passed and stopped the government shut down.  The resolution though  also funds Obamacare and Obama's amnesty program for the next 9 months.  Keep in mind that last summer Kerry was touting a bill called "Read The Bill Act" but said he couldn't read the bill as he was in cubicle and didn't have time.  Why vote for the bill if you didn't know what was in it? Vote present at the very worst.   Why didn't you follow the lead of whom you said you have respect for like Justin Amash or Michelle Bachmann? 

Here is what Kerry wrote on his facebook page:
In keeping with my status and rating as the most transparent member of Congress, I offer this explanation and commentary regarding the “rule” vote that allowed the bill to come to the floor.
Many claim my vote ushered in a $1.1 trillion dollar budget for the coming year. I am deeply honored how many think I had the power to determine so quickly the financial fate of our nation! However, this is not the case.

Do check my voting record--I have never before voted “no” on a rule vote. This, I admit, I did on a whim, a last hurrah. Let me give a little background on the circumstances of that fateful day Thursday, December 11th that I changed my vote from a ‘nay’ to a ‘yea’. A week prior, my staff and I were moved to a small cubicle with one computer and one desk. We shared a printer with others not returning to the House this January. I sat in the House cloakroom off the floor of Congress most of the day discussing various issues and concerns with retiring Congressman Latham from Iowa since he and I were in the same situation, though for different reasons. I obtained a copy of the 1600 page bill and read the first 25-30 pages a few hours before the rule vote.

I complained to Congressman Latham that I was disappointed in the proposed bill from what I heard, having no time to actually read the entire bill and how Congressman Mulvaney’s amendment to the bill to defund President Obama’s amnesty program failed to pass. I informed him and Congresswoman Candice Miller, acting in behalf of the Majority Whip, that they could not count on my vote for the 1.1 trillion spending bill.

When the house called to vote on the rule, I walked the seven feet beyond the cloak room door and voted “no” on the rule. I was the first vote. Congressman Latham laughed and asked why I voted “no” since few Republicans ever vote “no” on a rule. The rule vote simply stops all debates and amendments and brings the bill to the floor for consideration. I mentioned to him it really did not matter since it would pass anyway and no one really cared how I voted on the “rule”. Within minutes a GOP aide came in asking why I voted no on the rule. I waved him off politely indicating to him it really didn’t matter.
Within 20 minutes Speaker Boehner and other members of Congress asked if I would change my vote. I was perplexed why there was this much attention given a departing member’s vote on a rule. I walked back onto the floor and watched the tally of votes on the overhead side panels. 160-160, 165-166, 175-174, etc. While on the floor I stood within five feet of Congressmen Amash, Jordan, Mulvaney, and several other “conservative” members of Congress. Not one talked or discussed with me the implications, plans or strategy, consequences or what reasons they had to vote “no” on the rule. I asked what was happening and no one gave me a reply other than I should change my vote.

What I knew, as did they, that a “no” would mean re-negotiating a new bill. Nancy Pelosi, the minority leader would force the GOP to make concessions. I realized the Speaker was dead set against shutting the government down. A 30-60 day Continued Resolution (CR) was not an option because neither Harry Reid nor the President would sign it. There were “rumors” that the Democrats were planning on delaying social security, VA disability and retirement checks just before Christmas, blaming it on the GOP for failing to negotiate a funding bill both the Senate and President would sign. The Speaker was up against the wall, between a rock and hard place. After all, did not the President order open air memorials fenced and gated during the last shut down and hired Park Rangers to guard the otherwise “unguarded” tourist sites on the mall? What else would you expect from our Commander in Tyranny? The elderly in my district need those social security checks!

What many people do not realize or discuss in the media is the possibility that leadership would immediately offer a two-day CR funding the government over the weekend while they negotiated another bill with Democrats until they received enough votes and have had a bill the Senate, under Harry Reid, and the President would sign. Both the leadership and Democrats do not like Conservatives and we would not have had much influence on the final bill. Any future bill could be worse than the bill proposed on the floor that day. I was not willing under any circumstances, to give Nancy Pelosi any negotiating power, and for that reason alone I decided to change my vote to a “yea” on the rule.

Many conservative members changed their vote as well to make it a tie. After Congressman Stutzman changed his vote, the tally read 213 Yea and 213 Nay, effectively passing the rule. Congressman Stutzman is an excellent member and serves his constituents well. I am honored to have served with him as I am with other members of Congress.

I changed my vote to make the final tally 214 Yea and 212 Nay. I being the first and last to vote on the rule.
Immediately afterwards, many members of Congress thanked me and called me a “true patriot.” I did not need to hear those comments. I proved that years ago serving my country in the military. I responded to each by saying, “Merry Christmas.” Not because of my vote, rather because they were all going home immediately after voting that day, and I would not see them again. The Speaker came up to me and thanked me for changing my vote and said he owed me a great deal. I smiled at him wishing him and his family a Merry Christmas, too.

After voting “NO” on the $1.1 trillion spending bill, a member of Congress mentioned a fellow member of Congress and friend was very upset that I had changed my rule vote. When I heard that comment I became very concerned. I realized then I MAY have made a mistake since my friend, a member of Congress I most respected, was disappointed. I began to worry.

Within minutes she came up to me and asked why I changed my vote. “Michele, I said, I did not want to give the floor to Pelosi.” She asked if anyone promised me anything to get me to change my vote. I told her the truth and replied “No.” Then I asked her why no one contacted me or discussed with me any plans or strategy. I told her had she talked with me I might have considered sticking to my “no” vote. I have great respect and admiration for Congresswoman Bachmann and, other than my wife, have never met a greater woman. She is a tireless worker, a true patriot on all the issues, dedicated and takes no prisoners. Her retirement from Congress is America’s loss.

After the “rule” votes most everyone left the floor to wait for the call for the final bill, and I returned to sit with Congressman Latham again in the cloak room. Congressman Latham looked up at me and said, “So your vote didn’t matter and no one cared, huh?”

I replied, “Holy ****!”

It has been said and written that I did this (changed my rule vote) to get “even” for the lack of support my fellow conservatives gave me during the primary election. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Those that know me will tell you I am not that kind of person and the thought never entered my mind.
I maintain to this day a 100% rating from the American Conservative Union and a 90% from Conservative Review. I can surmise these conjectures are nothing more than my former opponent’s political machine at work in the social media and “bought and paid for” mainstream reporters. After all, they said in semi-private meetings during the primary campaign they would take the seat and then destroy me once and for all.

Conservatives who want nothing less than 100% are living in fantasyland along with the magic carpets and genie lanterns. While many of those conservatives and conservative groups received ample cash to stay out of my race, and Washington is a place where principles are bought by the highest bidder like stock on the stock exchange, my principles remain intact having been bought and paid for previously by soldiers, sailors, Marines and Airmen on the beaches of Normandy, in the jungles of Vietnam and desert of Iraq and many other places.

I am proud to have served in two wars for my country, the only member of Congress to serve in both Vietnam and Iraq, and an additional two-year deployment in Washington, D.C. No promises were made, no twisting of arms, but there was a bit of intimidation, which I ignored. There was hope after the vote that we might negotiate a sixty-day CR, but that hope evaporated within hours after the rule vote when leadership obtained enough Democratic votes to pass the bill. I voted NO on the bill itself as I previously advised the GOP leadership. There was neither malice aforethought nor vengefulness motivating my actions.

A fellow member of Congress said by changing my vote Nancy Pelosi became an afterthought, and politically dead. Then, knowing me as I often refer to DC as the Land of Oz, or use Mark Levin’s Maldorf designation, presented me with an old broom. “What’s this?” I asked. “You killed the wicked witch of the West! Congratulations! Here is her broom, she isn’t flyin anymore!” Does anyone know where that guy is behind the curtain?

Professor Gruber claimed voters are stupid. I strongly disagree. They are often intentionally misinformed by a social and mainstream media and hence become low-information voters. I often said that if I needed to lie to my constituents to keep this job, then I did not want it. I have often said, too, that the hardest thing to find in Washington, D. C. is the truth. It remains the case today.

However, since I have no real plans to return to Congress and many of you think I am responsible for ushering in the $1.1 Trillion spending bill I did not support nor vote for, so be it. Here is the story as it happened, from my perspective. If you wish to remember me as the crazy reindeer farmer, Santa impersonator, accidental Congressman who is responsible for that terrible bill passed in Congress before Christmas 2014, so be it too. It is amazing what a $6 million campaign in hard and soft money can purchase. I will pray for all of you, especially my country I fought for 30 years trying to protect. God bless you, and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
Could you vote have been a last payback to Speaker of The House John Boehner for coming to Michigan to compaign on your behalf?

Monday, December 22, 2014

Liberal Gun Control Advocate's New Low: Tell Kids To Steal Guns From Parents

What could go wrong with this scenario?  Telling kids to break into the parents private rooms and steal their guns?

Gun control liberal and wanna be filmmaker Rejina Sincic has created what she calls a "PSA" aimed at “reducing gun violence in schools and communities.”

Her video shows a teenage boy sneaking into his mom's bedroom and taking a gun out of her dresser not knowing if it is loaded or not.  He then puts  it in his backpack and takes it to school.  (How many kids have been expelled for bringing a weapon to school?)

After sitting through an entire class with a loaded gun in his backpack, he waits for the other students
to leave then puts the gun on the teacher’s desk and says, “Can you take this away? I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house.”

Here are some real world facts Rejina, your boy in your so called "PSA" has committed numerous felonies from weapon theft, unlawful possession, unlawful possession by a minor, illegal concealed carry, weapon on school property and wrongfully brandishing of a weapon. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Race For Michigan Republican Chair: Who Else Is In?

After current Chairman Bobby Schostak announced that he will not run for a third term, current Michigan National Committeewoman and Mitt Romney's niece, Ronna Romney McDaniel announced that she was running for Republican State Chair.

Now additional names are being mentioned.

Pete Lund
Pete Lund  is currently a term limited State Representative for Michigan’s 36th district has publicly stated “If he’s (Bobby Schostak) out, I’m probably in.. “I’m talking to people hypothetically about things, and I feel very good about the response.”  As State Rep. , Pete Lund was selected to head the House Republican Campaign Review Task Force, a precursor to being selected as Chairman of the House Republican Campaign Committee.

A sponsored advertisement, in which Pete mention's his consideration if Bobby Schostak doesn't run,is currently running on Facebook which gives indication that Pete is ready to jump in

Another Candidate Kimberly Shmina  of Fair Haven (St. Clair County) has formed an exploratory committee.  

Kimberly & Michael Shmina
Kimberly is married to Michael Shmina who in 2010 ran for State Representative against and lost to Andrea La Fountain in Michigan’s 32nd district. Kimberly most recently ran for the Algonac School Board (St. Clair County).  

Kimberly Shmina say’s “  I am very conservative and my primary goal would be to help unite the
party using our conservative principles and to encourage teamwork and open and honest expression! I cannot stand the direction our country , state and communities are now headed. It seems freedom too often takes a back seat to the needs of special interests and the vocal minority”

Also being mentioned in being interested or encouraged to run include, former Senatorial Candidate Terry Lynn Land who ran in 2010 before dropping out and endorsing  Bobby Schostak,  former MSU Trustee candidate Jeff Sakwa, current 14th District Chairman and long time party operative Paul Welday,  Kent County GOP Chair Dave Dishaw and term linted but very conservative State Representative Tom McMillin. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

Candidate Announces She Is Running For Republican Party Chair

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Bobby Schostak To Not Seek Re-election As Michigan Republican Party Chair.

Bobby Schostak is stepping down as Michigan Republican Chair and will not run for a third term.
 Below is his announcment :

What a great year!
 This year's historic victory was made possible by the dedication and determination of our candidates, volunteers and staff, and the tremendous generosity of our donors. It was hard work and a lot of late nights for many of us, but we kept our state headed in the right direction.
 This has been a long journey that started after the 2012 election. We set out to redefine the way elections are run, and won. We invested early in technology and volunteer recruitment. We ran aggressive political, fundraising and communications programs to support our candidates in every possible way. Our approach led to a record-breaking number of voter contacts and dollars raised.
 We returned Governor Snyder, Secretary Johnson and Attorney General Schuette to office, and we gave them historic majorities in the State House and Senate. We retained our conservative majority on the Michigan Supreme Court, and we returned nine Republicans to the U.S. House of Representatives.
 This grassroots committee is like no other in the nation, and I am humbled by the unyielding support we have received. I can't tell you how proud I am of all that we accomplished together, the hard work and determination of our volunteers and candidates, and the groundwork we laid for 2016.
 Those before me paved the road for a Michigan Republican Party that I have had the privilege to navigate these last four years.
 Today, our committee is the gold standard of Republican state committees across the country and well positioned for the future. As a result, I feel now is the time to turn the mantle over to the next great leader to take this organization to the next level as I focus on helping Republicans in Michigan and across the country in new ways.
 I look forward to being a part of political discussions and engagement in Michigan and beyond in the coming months and years. With our collective efforts, Michigan will continue to be led by solid conservative Republican leaders for generations to come.
 Thank you again for your friendship and support as we venture ahead together to build on our most recent successes in Michigan and beyond.

Bobby Schostak
Chairman of the Michigan Republican Party

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Michigan Democrats And Republicans Greenlight Ballot Proposal To Raise Sales Tax To 7%

So we ended up getting a real lump of coal for Christmas from our cowardly legislators who waited till the 11th hour to dump a road proposal on us and then run for the hills claiming Christmas break. 

 Jase Bolger and Randy Richardville on the Republican side Gretchen Whitmer and Tim Grimell on the Democrat side have decided to push through a plan that will raise our sales tax to 7% (so for every $100 you give Lansing $7) . They are also eliminating our sales tax on gas (which is a bait and switch) and now taxing wholesale gas. This bait and switch will raise our gas prices by 5 cents, so for every $100 of gas $5 goes to Lansing.  

Jase Bolger, Randy Richardville, Tim Griemel, Gretchen Whitmer
The Leadership Behind The Sale Tax And Gas Tax Increase Ballot Proposal

These tax and spenders will say we can afford it because the price of gas is now $2. Again this is a bait and switch, as gas prices will surely rise again to the $4 level. One war, one hurricane, one oil refinery fire is all that it will take. 

Also part of this package gives public transportation another $100 million of our hard earned dollars on an annual basis. If public transportation is so viable, why can't it self sustain itself? 

Voters get to vote on this but our sneaky legislators decided May would be the best time to vote on this issue, so they can get their camp to get this to passing. They know very well that May has very low voter turn out.

Several legislators questioned the need for a tax increase including Republican State Senator Patrick Colbeck and Republican State Representative Tom McMillin. 

Senator Colbeck stated recently " Here are some simple
Senator Patrick Colbeck 
facts for Michiganians to consider. When I started my service in the Legislature four years ago, our state budget was $46.8 billion. The last budget that we enacted for FY2014-2015 was $53.1 billion. That is an increase of $6.3 billion — $1.1 billion of that went toward education; $840 million has already gone toward our roads. That leaves $4.3 billion unaccounted for in our list of budget priorities. 
What are the odds that folks would find most, if not all, of the spending items associated with this $4.3 billion less important than fixing our roads?"

Commenting on the Detroit News Headline ‘Voters will be asked for tax increase to fix roads’  State Representative Tom McMillin who is against this tax increase stated, "This headline is actually very
false. Almost none of the 1% increase in sales tax goes to roads - it will go to schools, to the low-income and to local governments. If the sales tax hike in May fails, it is true that all the bills in this road funding package is repealed." 

Tom also said Governor Snyder saying that the additional cost for gas being a nickle or less is misleading.  He said "The gas tax will actually be about 12 cents higher.....going from 19 cents to 14.9% (with a minimum of 41 cents per gallon - but you have to take into effect that the 6% sales tax is removed)."

Tom also stated later “I've never seen the Dems so engaged on the floor with legislation - obviously they have a lot of say in the gas tax increase package.”

Norm Hughes Chair of the Michigan Conservative Union went so far as to write the legislators with 5 strong key points as to why any tax increase to fix the road is not needed. 

++ OUR MESSAGE TO THE LEGISLATURE: (Sent 3:00 PM 12/18/14)Dear Legislator; We are grateful you are not voting a tax increase today and WE ASK YOU TO VOTE NO on the ballot proposal!!!
 While all details of the "transportation fix" are not known to us yet, the bottom line is it increases taxes on several fronts. It CONTINUES to grow governments on the State and local levels and seeks to impose inter-state taxes that may violate the U.S. Constitution. It does not repeal prevailing wage laws and does not assure more competitive and more frugal purchase of government construction. It throws money at the problem instead of make frugal choices like our families must. 1) You have already grown State government at a brisk pace. The budget is up 16% - seven BILLION dollars in just four years. Georgia has 100,000 more people and provides adequate state services for $ 10 Billion a year less.
 2) Spending more than a billion dollars a week, Michigan certainly can find a few more dollars for roads if that is a true priority. If $1 Billion were a true need and priority, that requires a roll-back of just 2% of the budget elsewhere.
 3) We have seen no details on how or why local road spending needs to increase 73% as the Governor proposes. Grand Traverse has already passed it's own road funding increase, and Lapeer rejected an increase. The decision on local funding needs to be made on the county or local level where residents and voters know best, the need and affordability. THE need for an annual $1.2 BILLION INCREASE in perpetuity is NOT exhibited or proven.
 4) People are still hurting in this state. Unemployed and underemployed and senior families cannot afford more taxes increases. They already have been hit by millions of dollars in tax and fee increases.
 5) Raising more taxes will stifle the fledgling and sporadic economic growth Michigan is supposedly seeing.
Michigan took great steps towards improving the chances for jobs by passing Michigan Freedom To Work labor freedom laws, and changing the business tax structure.

Then it undermined those gains by going on a binge of government growth and increasing personal taxes. The trend has been towards protecting government income, instead of citizens. Let’s hope the new legislature will take a serious look at ALL expenditures and regulations and get governments off our backs and out of our purses.

Voters Do Not Want a Gas Tax Increase: 60.5% of voters oppose any road tax increase.
 “The statewide survey of 600 likely voters May 20-22 found 45.5 percent say the state already has enough moneyto spend on roads, and that the current pot of fuel taxes and vehicle fees needs to be better spent. Another 15 percent reject a small tax increase and say that while extra money for roads and bridges may be needed, it should be found elsewhere in the state budget.” From The Detroit News:…

We encourage you to vote against putting this scheme on the ballot and let the next legislature have a fresh look at expenditures and regulations, and alternatives to fix our roads.
This will be a rated vote.
 Thank you for serving, and best wishes for a wonderful and reverent HOLYday season.
Norm Hughes I, ChairMichigan Conservative UnionOxford, Mi. 48371

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Republican McSally Defeats Incumbent Rep Ron Barber For AZ Congressional Seat

In last election race in the U.S. Republican Martha McSally
defeated Democratic incumbent Rep. Ron Barber by 167 votes to represent Arizona's Second Congressional district. On election night, McSally led Barber by 161 votes, triggering an automatic recount that stretched on for weeks – a replay of their 2012 election, when a recount had Barber beat McSally by 2,500 votes.

“There’s no getting around that this was an incredibly close and hard-fought race,” McSally said after the results were announced, calling on the campaigns to “come together and heal our community.”

Barber had tried to focus on McSally's position on abortion to increase single female voter turnout, a successful strategy in 2012, when he linked McSally to Todd Akin. At the time her spokesman, Bruce Harvie, called Akins' comments about 'legitimate' rape “absolutely reprehensible.”

Democrats also accused McSally of flip-flopping on abortion in the two-year interval between campaigns. In 2012, she responded to a questionnaire from the Center for Arizona Policy by saying she supported "prohibiting abortion except where it is necessary to prevent the death of the mother" and favored conscience rights for health care professionals "to opt out of performing procedures that violate their moral or religious beliefs."

This year, she told Tucson radio talk show host John C. Scott, “I am pro-life with three exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother.”

Michelle Obama: America Is Racist As A Woman Asked Me To Reach For Something Off A Shelf At Target

The Obamas spoke with People magazine about dealing with their "own racist experiences."
Michelle Obama Target -
Michelle Obama At Target
September 2011
Michelle Obama told  People of one event that recently took place, even as she was first lady of the United States.

"I tell this story – I mean, even as the first lady – during that wonderfully publicized trip I took to Target, not highly disguised, the only person who came up to me in the store was a woman who asked me to help her take something off a shelf. Because she didn't see me as the first lady, she saw me as someone who could help her. Those kinds of things happen in life. So it isn't anything new," Michelle Obama, who is 5'11", said.

She also said that her husband, Barack Obama, was asked to get coffee when he was wearing a tux.  "He was wearing a tuxedo at a black-tie dinner, and somebody asked him to get coffee," she told People.

The president told his own experiences. "There's no black male my age, who's a professional, who hasn't come out of a restaurant and is waiting for their car and somebody didn't hand them their car keys," Obama stated in the magazine.

Mother Charged With Giving Her Children Medical Marijuana Rather Than Prescription Pills

WEXFORD COUNTY MICHIGAN: Amy Cunningham, of the town of Mesick  is charged with child
Amy Cunningham
abuse after police say she gave her young sons marijuana for medical reasons.

The Mesick woman is charged with two counts of third degree child abuse, and delivering and making marijuana.

The prosecutor says Amy Cunningham gave her 10-year-old marijuana to help with emotional issues and her 12-year-old to treat ADHD.

Amy Renee Cunningham allegedly gave her 12-year-old son marijuana to treat ADHD because she preferred the child to have that over prescribed pills.

She told investigators she would rather her children be given marijuana, than take the pills they're prescribed..

Police got involved after Cunningham told Child Protective Services she gave marijuana to her children.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Satanists Put Up Their Own Holiday Display On Capital Grounds And A Senator Takes Them On

The Michigan State Capitol Commission approved the
display, which the Detroit-based groups calls a Snaketivity Scene. It features a Satanic crucifix with the words “The Greatest Gift is Knowledge.” A red snake and book are also part of the display that will be up from Dec. 21-23.

On its Facebook page, the group states that, “just as the Nativity represents a mythology of the birth of Christ, the Snake is symbolic of the birth human enlightenment and liberation.”

In the meantime, State Sen. Rick Jones, R-Grand Ledge posted on his Facebook Page

A group wanted to put up a Christian Nativity scene at the Capitol. But the rules are that it must be put up in the morning and taken down at night. No one volunteered.
A Satanic group came forward and will put up a "Snaketivity Scene" honoring Satanic worship.
I cannot stand by and allow Satan to win this one. I have volunteered to put up and take down the Christian Nativity scene everyday.
Merry CHRISTmas

Senator Jones and his volunteer group are looking to put a
Michigan Senator Rick Jones (R)
Nativity on the grounds as well. The Michigan State Capitol Commission had approved plans for one, but those plans didn't move forw
ard because the backer was from out of state, and couldn't find someone to put up and tear down the display every day. 

Permanent displays are not allowed at the Capitol.  Senator Jones says he will find someone to maintain the display.

Senator Jones said he planned to speak with the original Nativity scene backers today to arrange delivery of the display, but that if the group couldn't get it to him, he would go to Bronner's Christmas Wonderland in Frankenmuth and buy one himself.

The Satanist group doesn't actually worship the Christian devil and is aligned with atheist groups in protesting religious displays on public grounds. An official with the Detroit chapter said Monday the Satanist display is meant to promote knowledge and highlight the diversity of beliefs in the state.  This same group is reported to behind the anti-Christmas billboards popping up along major highways across the United States. 

Also this morning morning another Christian group applied to display a traditional Nativity at the site. John Truscott of the State Capitol Commission said he expects their permit to be approved by the end of the day.