Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Another Congressman Endorses Jeb Bush. Why?

Michigan will hold it's presidential primary on March 8th,
Mike Bishop

Many are asking wondering what the fascination with Jeb Bush is.   Jeb has struggled in the polls.  He is also considered the heart of the Republican establishment.  

Jeb’s recent debate performances makes one want to believe that even he doesn’t want the position.

Michigan Republican Leadership though stands behind Jeb Bush as additional legislators jump on to this sinking ship.

Just this week Congressman Mike Bishop endorsed Jeb Bush for the Republican presidential nomination.

Mike Bishop,  who is a a first-term Congressman resides in Rochester joins first time Congressman  Dave Trott who is from Birmingham, in endorsing Jeb Bush. Both of these Congressman represent the majority of Oakland County.

Mike Bishop may have a tough race ahead as former Hollywood socialite and actress Melissa Gilbert (D) of Howell Michigan has announced her run for Michigan's 8th Congressional District.  

Melissa Gilbert though has had a bumpy start as it was discovered she owes over $400,000 in back taxes and her husband has been donating to her campaign rather than paying off her tax debt. 

One has to wonder though, if an establishment endorsement will have an effect on Bishop's re-election race.

Joining Bishop and Trott in their support for Jeb Bush is Congressman Fred Upton.

The remaining Republican Congressmen have either endorsed other candidates or have yet to endorse a candidate.

Congressman John Moolenaar who resides in Midland has endorsed U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida in September.

Congresswoman and rumored Gubernatorial candidate Candice Miller,  who resides in Harrison Township has endorsed former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiornia during  mid-September Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference .

Congressman Justin Amash, who is from Cascade Township,  was the first to endorse when he announced in May of this year that he was endorsing libertarian-leaning U.S. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. 

Congressman  Dan Benishek of Crystal Falls,  Tim Walberg of Tipton and Bill Huizenga of Zeeland have yet to endorse a presidential candidate. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Smug Obama Walks In Late To G20 Summit After Moment Of Silence For Paris

In complete disrespect, Obama arrived late to a 'moment of silence' in Belek, Turkey on Sunday as the rest of the world's most powerful leaders stood for a somber observance to honor Friday's terror-attack victims in France.

The G20 leaders 'gathered around a large round table for their first working session,' a White House
Obama late to the meeting with a smug smile on his face
Secretary of State also smiles with glee
pool reporter wrote from the scene.

'President Erdoan began the session with a one-minute moment of silence. The leaders stood to observe the moment. President Obama had not yet arrived and walked in at 4:34pm, after the moment of silence had begun.'

The when Obama spoke he blamed the economy on terrorism, not religious ideological fanaticism, which is the real cause. 'There is a strong link between economy and security,' he told the other members of the G20 summit

And referring to the refugee crisis spreading from Syria to Europe and beyond, he said that 'society has not passed this exam with good grades.'

Obama has continued to insist on accepting 10,000 Syrian refugees into the United States by year's end, despite warnings that ISIS could embed terrorists 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Congressional Candidate For Northern Michigan And Upper Penninsula Holding Fundraiser in Detroit?

Lon Johnson the former State Party Chairman for the Michigan Democrat Party is running for U.S. Congress in Michigan's 1st District which encompasses the northern part of Michigan's lower peninsula and the entire Michigan upper  penninsula.  

Mr. Johnson must be having trouble finding funding sources
Lon Johnson
in his district as he is holding a huge fundraiser in Detroit with Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan and former U.S. Senator Democrat Carl Levin on November 23rd at the David Klein Gallery.  

Ticket prices are only $250 for general admission and $1,000 for VIP admission.  Remember the Democrat party states they are the party for the little guy.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Ben Carson Was Right West Point Advertised - FULL GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP

On Friday Washington political news tabloid, Politico, published  a story on Ben Carson that was quickly passed on by not only the liberal left but the RINO establishment that still is working to get bottom feeder Jeb Bush the nomination. 

They partially retracted after it became apparent it was a fabrication. They did maintain though that Ben Carson was in error when he referred to being offered a Full Scholarship they went so far as to say such a thing didn't exist. 

So where is the truth?

Here is a copy of the material West Point used to recruit African American high school kids.

Surprise, Surprise it has. "Full Government Scholarship" printed on the front page.

Do you think Politico and the liberal media that wrongly attacked Ben Carson will retract their story and apologize?

I highly doubt it.

Highlighted in yellow "Full Government Scholarship"

Friday, November 6, 2015

Secret Sister Scam - Now On Facebook

You have probably seen a post or two in your news Facebook News Feed about the "secret sister gift exchange"  If you are a woman perhaps you have received an invite. 

Search on Facebook for “secret sister gift exchange” and you’ll find people posting and re-posting the same message over and over again. The message claims you can buy a gift for $10 or more, add your name to a list and then receive a bounty of 36 gifts.  A lot of people are thinking of doing it, or at least posting about it.  It really isn’t a good idea.

Secret sister  sounds a whole lot like a pyramid scam.  The premise is you only spend $10, get one gift for someone else. Everybody else sends you one.  How does this make any sense?

The biggest problem with the post is it’s illegal. United States Post Office regulations are very clear about pyramid schemes, and these gifts are being sent through the mail.

It’s also problematic because your personal information is posted on Facebook. “It’s against Facebook’s terms of agreement. So there’s the potential that Facebook, if they got wind of this, could block your account.”

There's at least one problem with chain letters. They're illegal if they request money or other items of value and promise a substantial return to the participants. Chain letters are a form of gambling, and sending them through the mail (or delivering them in person or by computer, but mailing money to participate) violates Title 18, United States Code, Section 1302, the Postal Lottery Statute. (Chain letters that ask for items of minor value, like picture postcards or recipes, may be mailed, since such items are not things of value within the meaning of the law.)

But it’s so enticing, especially when you see your friends doing it, and inviting you to join in. The chances of you getting 36 gifts are very slim. And what are you going to get? A bunch of junk that you probably don’t want anyway.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Lone Democrat Vote On Road Tax Increase On Trial For Attempted Murder

Way before the Todd Courser - Cindy Gamrat scandal broke in August of this year,
the top news story was that of Democrat Senator Virgil Smith.  

On May 10th of this year Virgil Smith got into a heated argument  with his ex-wife and shot at her.  

Virgil was arrested and is on trial for attempted murder, yet he still sits as a Senator in Lansing collecting a taxpayer paycheck.  

The shooting case does not look good for Virgil Smith as it appears undeniable that he shot at his ex-wife.  The case seems so open and shut, that according to news reports, Virgil Smith may claim insanity.

So we have either a Senator that tried to kill his wife as a sane person or as an insane person.  If he is insane does his votes hold legal merit?

What is even stranger is that his state office website has also been down since the shooting took place in early May but he is somehow still voting on key issues such as the road tax. 

The funny thing is Virgil Smith has been voting straight along with the Republicans, who hold the majority in the Senate.  Why hasn't Republican Senate Majority Leader Arlene Meekhof moved to expel Democrat Virgil Smith?  Has some sort of back scratching deals been put into place?  The votes seem to make it look so.

Rumor was Virgil Smith would get special treatment and perhaps he is.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Transgenderism Is A Mental Disorder

It is time to stand up against this lunacy!  The U.S. government on Monday found that a Chicago
suburban high school district discriminated against a transgender student and gave the school a month to provide full access to girls' locker rooms or lose federal funding.  Forget the federal funding!

The student, who has not been named and should be, and the American Civil Liberties Union, which brought a complaint on his ( a man is a man and a woman is a woman)  behalf, applauded the findings, while the school district called them "serious overreach."

After an investigation stemming from a 2013 complaint by the ACLU, and months of negotiations, the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights found Township High School District 211 was violating federal non-discrimination rules.  What about the girls who do not want to see a naked boy with his penis in their showers?  Are we not discriminating against their rights for privacy?

The district has offered a more than reasonable solution and  says transgender students may use their gender-identified locker room if they change and shower privately. The government said a separate changing place was discriminatory because it subjected the student to stigma and different treatment.  Well the student is different.  The student is a boy pretending to be a girl and wanting to shower with girls.  Does nobody see the problem with this?  Have we all gone mad?

In mid-October the school district, with five high schools and two alternative high schools west of Chicago, defied the government, continuing to deny full locker-room access for the transgendered student.

Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.

Dr. McHugh, the author of six books and at least 125 peer-reviewed medical articles, made his remarks in a recent commentary in the Wall Street Journal, where he explained that transgender surgery is not the solution for people who suffer a “disorder of ‘assumption’” – the notion that their maleness or femaleness is different than what nature assigned to them biologically.

He also reported on a new study showing that the suicide rate among transgendered people who had reassignment surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among non-transgender people. Dr. McHugh further noted studies from Vanderbilt University and London’s Portman Clinic of children who had expressed transgender feelings but for whom, over time, 70%-80% “spontaneously lost those feelings.”

It is time that we stop accepting transgender as the norm, when it truly is a mental illness. We as society are doing both more harm to the individual who is ill as well as to society as whole by accepting this.    We are opening the door to attacks to our mothers, wives, daughters and girl friends by allowing men the opportunity to be unaccompanied into places were our women are exposed.  Bruce Jenner, who now calls himself transgender has publicly stated that he is still interested in women.  He himself also still has his man parts.  This is something to truly think about.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Hold That Endorsement - State Rep Says He's Has Not Endorsed In The 80th District

Many of you have probably seen the flyer for Bill Sage, candidate for State House Representative in Michigan's 80th District with a series of endorsements.  However one listed endorser who is a State Representative says not so fast, I didn't endorse.

Monday night State Representative Jim Runestad of Michigan's 44th House District posted on twitter and on his Facebook page the following:

So the question is why is Jim Runestad's name listed as a top endorsement for Bill Sage and who made the decision to put that on the flyer?

Michigan's 80th District: Who Is Candidate Mary Whiteford?

The 80th district has been under the microscope and all candidates have been under that microscope except for one. 

 Who is candidate Mary Whiteford? 

She says she is a Christian, conservative and a patriot that honors the Republican Platform, but what we have found out puts all that into question.

We know that she has been endorsed by GLEP, the Great Lakes Education Project, which is a Devos backed "non-profit." The board consists of Jim Barrett, Betsy Devos, Greg McNeilly and former Speaker of the Michigan House, Jase Bolger.

Greg McNeilly Wedding Day
You may remember that Greg McNeilly, who has been dubbed Dick Devos' right hand man, was one of the first ones to get married in 2014 when gay marriage was legal.  

Could this be another reason, besides Common Core, why GLEP endorsed Mary Whiteford?  See Mary Whiteford has been very quiet about her daughter Alisa -- an open lesbian according to an e-mail we received with photos that indicate that fact. 

 At the 2014 League of Women Voters Candidate Forum,  Mary was the only candidate who said yes she would consider expanding special protections for sexual orientation under the Elliott Larsen Act. This expansion would include transgenders, homosexuals, bi-sexuals, and lesbians. The expansion could mean opposite sex in bathrooms and locker rooms.

 Would you want a man dressed as a women in the same bathroom or locker room with your child or daughter?  It could also force Christian businesses to hire those that go against their religious beliefs.  

Mary wrote in an email to a voter dated Monday, September 30, 2013 9:12AM: "Yes, if voters overturn the one-man one-woman law I would support marriage equally. I also wouldn't be surprised if that part of the Michigan constitution is found unconstitutional in the future." - Mary Whiteford

 In addition, on the 2-14 MLive Voter Guide when asked, "Do you support legally recognized gay marriage?", Mary skipped that question and left it blank.

Mary does not dispute that she was an active member of the American Association of University Women.  Mary stated though that had she stopped her membership when she found out it was a very pro-choice organization.  However, not only does this group promote abortion on demand, but anyone can take a quick look at the policies of the AAUW and see that they are a very liberal organization.   They stand against Hobby Lobby and support among other things: affirmative action, celebrating Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender lifestyles, global interdependence, the United Nations, international abortion programs, same sex marriage, and raising the federal minimum wage.   Who just joins an organization without knowing what they support?  

Mary is for  Common Core education.  At the 2014  AAESA Candidate Forum Mary responded that she supported the use of Common Core and Smarter Balance Testing.


This post has since been scrubbed from her facebook page.

A few days ago we received this very interesting e-mail exposes Mary Whiteford's openness to the gay community and questions her religious beliefs.  It also stated her openess to Common Core. This e-mail appears to pan out based on research. Here is how it reads:

Everything you are about to receive is 100% factual. Over the past years, Mary Whiteford has kept her daughter out of the spotlight, hidden. Why? The following clearly shows why. Mary Whitefords daughter is openly gay, shown in her profile pick with who I am assuming is her girlfriend, who works at the queer theater. Mary has kept this hidden in fear that it would cause her a loss of trust. But it doesn't end there. I will attach many pictures to this thread, proving where Mary stands. 

She has liked posts from LGBT, Atheist, and Liberal groups and organizations and has even commented in support for some of them (one from a group referring to republicans as bullshit) 
Why not be truthful with the district on where you stand... Why say one thing but demonstrate support for another? Why...

Note: this is not about the gay daughter, but the fact of where Mary stands on gay marriage. Is this why GLEP got involved with her?

Jesus, Republican's and Other BullShit's???  Mary Liked This???

The actual quote "We establish no religion in this country, we command no worship, we mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are, and must remain, separate. All are free to believe or not believe, all are free to practice a faith or not, and those who believe are free, and should be free, to speak of and act on their belief."

Mary did not sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge
issued by American's for Tax Reform.

When asked in the MLive Voter Guide, "Would you sign or have
 you during this campaign signed a pledge
 to not raise taxes? (Yes or No)",
 Mary skipped this question and left it blank.

No nobody is saying Mary shouldn't run and the people should decide, but you the people should know your background and stances.