Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Catholic Pastor: Get Your Concealed Weapons Permit

Exodus 22:2-3New International Version (NIV)

2 “If a thief is caught breaking in at night and is struck a fatal blow, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed; 3 but if it
Father Edward Fride
happens after sunrise, the defender is guilty of bloodshed.

Father Edward Fride, a Catholic priest, cited recent crime in the area in a letter to parishioners at Christ the King in Ann Arbor Michigan. During Mass last month, Father Fride announced a concealed pistol license class at the church.

The letter was titled "We're not in Mayberry Anymore, Toto," references to "The Andy Griffith Show" and the dog from "The Wizard of Oz." He wrote: "How to balance faith, reality, prudence, and trust is one of those critical questions that we struggle with all our lives."

Monday, April 20, 2015

State Legislators Debate A State Registry For Kids

A Michigan State Representative Stephanie Chang, a Detroit
Rep Stephanie Chang (D)
Democrat, proposed legislation Friday to create a state registry of homes chooled students following the deaths of two Detroit children who were found in a freezer.

The law would require visits with children at least twice per year by someone such as a licensed social worker or law enforcement officer.

 The bill would also require that parents who want to homeschool their children provide their names and ages, along with the name and address of a parent or guardian, to the superintendent of the school district in which they reside.

Chang used the  case of Stoni Ann Blair and Stephen Gage Berry as a reason for planning the legislation. Investigators believe Stephen was 9 when he died in August 2012 and that Stoni was 13 when she died the following May. Their mother, who is accused of torturing and killing them and then stuffing their bodies in the freezer, had said she homeschooled them.

Senator Phil Pavlov (R)
“We all failed Stoni and Stephen because Michigan does not maintain a list of homeschooled children and so we have no way to identify and then protect any child who could be at risk for abuse,” Chang said. “Most homeschool parents have their child’s best interest in mind, and many do a fine job homeschooling, but with Stephen and Stoni, that wasn’t the case.”

She said the state must ensure that every child is accounted for.

Gov. Rick Snyder did not embrace the concept of a homeschool registry.

Today Senator Phil Pavlov, (R) St. Clair County,  made it clear that her bill would never leave committee as he wrote a letter to Michigan home school parents and posted it on his legislative web page. 

Dear Parents,
 Stoni Ann Blair and Stephen Gage Berry were precious children with limitless potential, and their senseless deaths at the hands of their mother have shocked and saddened the entire state of Michigan.
 Mitchelle Blair, the Detroit woman accused of killing Stoni and Stephen and then hiding their bodies, is a murderer who deserves, at best, to spend the rest of her life in prison.
 This tragic situation is not, and never was, however, a homeschooling problem.
 That’s why I am so dismayed by the introduction of a new bill in the state House of Representatives to exploit Stoni and Stephen’s tragic deaths as an excuse to impose new regulations on loving, committed, and law-abiding Michigan families.
 Let’s be clear-this legislation would not have stopped Ms. Blair from killing her children. Blair was willing to break every law on the books, and routinely and effectively lied for years to hide her crimes.
 Instead, the new bill is a transparent attempt by some in Lansing to bully, threaten, and intimidate parents who choose not to send their children to traditional public schools. The legislation would force every homeschooling family to register with local officials and to open their homes twice yearly for police inspections, to prove that they have not murdered their own children.
 Parents have rights. Parents deserve choices. And parents deserve so much better from Lansing.
 As the Chairman of the Senate Education Committee I wanted to write you today to assure you that this anti-parent legislation will not see the light of day in my Committee.
 Parents who choose homeschooling as the best education option for their children lovingly pour themselves into their kids, and they get great results. Homeschooled children are among the most successful in the state, go on to attend colleges and universities, get and keep great jobs, and help lead our communities.
 Every child learns differently, and no one understands the needs of a child like his or her parents. That’s why when it comes to making education decisions for their children, or for choosing the kind of education that will work best, Lansing should trust parents, not bully them.
 Senator Phil Pavlov
Chairman, Senate Education Committee

Phil Pavlov has announced that he will be running for Candice Miller's Congressional Seat in the 10th District. 

Pelosi On Hillary: Qualifications Don't Matter, Vote For Her Because She Is A Woman

If you were to ask any voter what they wanted in a president, most would say experience, leadership skills, and a proven
Nancy Pelosi Embraces Hillary Clinton
track record would undoubtedly be among the answers. But if you were to ask House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, her answer would be a simple one: the next president should be a woman.

In a press conference last week, Pelosi was asked if Hillary Clinton’s vote for the Iraq War should disqualify her from the White House, seeing as how Pelosi had characterized that war as a “grotesque mistake.”

“I don’t think a vote on a war 13 years ago…I mean this was wrong all around,” Pelosi said after stuttering around in an attempt to avoid the question. “That was then, this is now. We go forward. And I do not think that Hillary Clinton took on that, nor did I think the vote John Kerry took on it disqualifies him for being president.”

Pelosi could have left it at that and been content to wallow in her usual stench of hypocrisy. But no, she is apparently a banner member of the Clinton campaign, and she felt it was her duty to start stumping for Hillary. And since there is very little to say about Clinton in terms of her accomplishments, Pelosi turned to the only trait she has that seems to matter.

“What’s important is what it would mean to elect a woman president of the United States,” she said

What about these women Nancy as they at least have accomplishments and leadership experience?  Condoleeza Rice, Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Carly Fiorina...

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Lincoln's Funeral 150 Years Ago Today

This past Wednesday marked the 150th year of Abraham Lincoln's death.  Today marks the 150th year since Lincoln's death.  Below are actual photos from Lincoln's funeral 

Look at the picture of Abraham Lincoln's funeral march in NYC. In a window on the 2nd floor, there are two boys. One was Theodore Roosevelt who would later become the president of the United States. The other was his younger brother Elliot Roosevelt whose daughter Eleanor would become the wife of Franklin Roosevelt and first lady of the united states. Elliot and Franklin were distant cousins therefore Franklin is a distant cousin of his wife.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Did A Facebook Post Remove Rep Gamrat From Republican Caucus Or Is It Because She Leads In Poll For Next RNC Committee Woman?

Rep Cindy Gamrat (R)

A benign Facebook post has cause Speaker of the House Keven Cotter (R) to remove freshman Republican Representative Cindy Gamrat from the Republican Caucus.  

Could this move actually be in retaliation by establishment Republican's that are trying to remove the majority conservative base from the party?  There is a movement to weed out pro-traditional marriage and anti-abortion members from the party.   In addition the party establishment is working to make the party more secular.  For it is money rather than morals that a group in the establishment faction is more concerned about. 

Could this also be retaliation as Cindy Gamrat currently leads in polls to be the next Michigan Republican National Committeewoman?

Rocky Razckowski
Former Majority House Leader Rocky Raczkowski came out strongly in Representative Cindy Gamrat's defense "As a former Majority Leader in the House, I do NOT understand how this post has terminated State Rep Cindy A. Gamrat membership in the republican Caucus. Speaker Cotter should reinstate Gamrat now, unless we are missing some huge violation!"

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Candid Story and Thoughts on Racism and Cops

By now the entire nation has seen the video of Walter Scott
Will Stack
Will Stack
being wrongfully shot and killed by Officer Michael Slager. Officer Slager made a series of bad choices that killed Walter Scott.

Now the question is, if Scott simply followed directions and didn’t run away would he probably be alive right now?

A video of a young black man recounting his experience with a white police officer during a traffic stop is going viral on social media in the wake of more outrage over the shooting of an unarmed black man in South Carolina.

Army National Guardsman Will Stack, 22, said Wednesday that there were “no problems” being pulled over for “improper use of the median” when he turned left out of the Lexington County Courthouse in South Carolina.

 Will Stack made a video to let us know that if you are polite and do not make yourself look threatening to an officer doing his job, you may very well end up having a positive outcome.

“People need to understand that not all officers are crooked,” Stack said. “Not all officers are racist bad people, and not all people who get shot or tased or arrested by officers are innocent victims.”

“Just because you’re black doesn’t mean you’re a victim. Just because you’re white doesn’t mean you’re a racist. Just because you’re a cop doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. This world really needs to stop putting labels on people and things and see them as who they are. People. Doing Jobs. Doing things. Ignorance has no color. God doesn’t see color. Why should we?” 

He nails it.

Bill limits people to bathrooms based on biological sex

Sad that a law, which common sense should cover, needs to
be passed to protect the public. 

Transgender activists and progressive groups say they're appalled with a proposed Nevada law forcing students to use bathrooms corresponding to their biological sex.

Republican Assemblywoman Vicki Dooling is sponsoring AB375, which was discussed Friday in the Assembly Judiciary Committee.

The bill would require students in public schools to use locker rooms and restrooms based on their sex at birth.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Harry Reid Lied, Eye Injury From Brother Not A Workout

Yesterday Larry Reid the prime suspect in Senator Harry Reid's eye injury was arrested after a brief
Larry Reid
Larry Reid
altercation with police.

According to The Tatler and Power Line Blog Larry Reid is prime suspect in his brother’s beating.

On Monday I got a phone call from a man named Easton Elliott. We talked briefly on Monday, and have had additional telephone conversations since then. Elliott* is a businessman who lives in the Las Vegas area, and he thinks he knows what really happened to Harry Reid. This is the story as he related it to me:

Elliott spent a portion of last New Year’s Eve at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in Henderson, Nevada. His AA group has meetings every hour on New Year’s Eve, along with a pot luck supper. There were approximately 20 people present at the meeting during the events described below.

Some time between 10:00 and 11:30 p.m., a man entered the meeting. His appearance was striking: there was blood on his clothing, beginning around his midsection. His left hand was swollen. He appeared to be somewhat intoxicated and was visibly agitated. He introduced himself as “Larry.”

In a group discussion that was heard by a number of people, Larry said that he had just had a fight with a family member. Larry said he had been at a family get-together, and he didn’t remember much about the fight because he had blacked out. When he came to, he was rolling on the ground, fighting with a family member, and his clothes were bloody. Now, he said, he was frightened that the Secret Service would come after him.

Larry Reid was arrested about 12:30 p.m. Monday on U.S. Highway 95 near the edge of Boulder City city limits. (Daily Mail)

Harry Reid’s brother was arrested this week on drunk and disorderly conduct… Oh, and he hit a cop.
The Daily Mail reported:

Senator Harry Reid’s 73-year-old brother has been arrested and charged with driving drunk and
Harry Reid
Harry Reid
hitting a police officer.

Larry Reid was arrested for DUI about 12:40 p.m. between Boulder City and Searchlight in Nevada.
Mr. Reid was also charged with battery of a police officer, driving across a median, resisting arrest, not wearing a seat belt and possession of a gun while under the influence of alcohol.

A trooper saw Larry Reid’s Lexus SUV in the dirt median with the engine still running, Patrol spokesman Trooper Loy Hixson said.

The Nevada Senator’s office released a statement confirming that Larry Reid is the Democrat’s brother, saying only that it is ‘a private matter.’

Monday, April 6, 2015

Smokescreen: While The Media Debates Who Can Get A Wedding Cake, Average Income For Black Family Drops To $11,000

The current media outrage over religious freedoms and who can get a wedding cake is really a distraction to what is happening to our economy under the Obama administration.

Median income has dropped across the board for all races, but none has been hurt more than the black families.  In 2007 the median income for a black family was $19,000 and since Obama took office the median income is now only $11,000!

While the media and gay lobby are protesting that they are being unjustly discriminated against and comparing themselves with the sufferings of the black population, nothing could be more untrue. In fact comparing average incomes, homosexuals make more than than their white counterparts. 

 The following charts from Experian.com reflect these findings:

What was also a fascinating finding in a recent Princeton University Study is that a homosexual black male is more likely to be hired than a straight black male.

Why is it that homosexuals tend to make more and that the income gap is growing between blacks and whites?

One of the reasons financial experts agree on why homosexuals are currently making more is that research shows that 46% of them have a college bachelors degree or higher compared to about 33% of the heterosexuals

Residential segregation is a big reason home-ownership has created a big divide between blacks and whites, the researchers write, as it "artificially lowers demand" and therefore makes building equity tougher in a nonwhite neighborhood. And because whites tend to have more family inheritance and financial help, they also tend to buy homes earlier, giving them more time to build equity. Historic discrimination in mortgage lending added to this gap, as well as the fact that blacks have more of their wealth tied up in their homes than whites do. That means that when the housing crash came, it had a bigger impact on blacks than whites.

The intertwined racial gaps in income, employment, and education all add to this as well, making it harder to get the money with which to build wealth. Add to that the fact that blacks also tend to graduate college with more student debt than whites, and building wealth (even with a good education and a good job) gets all the harder. And as there are also employment, income, and education achievement gaps between Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites as well, the same factors might be at work in creating that wealth gap.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

SHAMEFUL! Christians And Americans Disgusted By Obama Easter Message

Christians are offended that the greeting does not have any Biblical citing for this solemn day.

American's in general are angry there is no representation of the flag.

Both Christians and Americans are upset that both the Easter Bunny and Obama have their backs turned towards the American public in the photo.  

To Christians Easter is the most important day of the year and every President up to Obama has marked the day with some sort of Christian symbolism.  

Saturday, April 4, 2015

CBS Denver Perpetuating Hate? Suggests Indiana Christian Pizza Business Shut Down By Threats Doesn't Deserve Donation

It is becoming very clear the media is perpetuating the hate and persecution of Christians in America. 

Just in the last few days  Alix Bryan, Interactive Producer for CBS affiliate WTVR-TV in Richmond, Virginia,  filed a bogus fraud complaint to GoFund me for a page that was raising funds for the Indiana Christian business Memories Pizza and then made an attack on Easter.  Now we have CBS Denver posting on their Facebook Page that the owners of Memories Pizza that was forced to shut down because of bullying incited by the media do not deserve the donations that pored into helping them restart their lives.

Forget about Islamophobia what we have is Christianophobia taking place.

CBS Reporter Alix Bryan That Filed Bogus Complaint Against Christian Business Now Slams Easter

Alix Bryan, Interactive Producer for CBS affiliate WTVR-TV in Richmond, Virginia,  who filed a bogus fraud complaint to GoFund me for a page that was raising funds for the Indiana Christian business Memories Pizza now makes a Christianaphobic statement about Easter:

CBS Reporter Files Bogus Fraud Complaint To Shut Down A GoFund Me Page For Christian Pizza Makers

Alix Bryan, Interactive Producer for CBS affiliate WTVR-TV in
Alix Bryan
Richmond, Virginia,  filed a bogus fraud complaint to GoFund me for a page that was raising funds for the Indiana business Memories Pizza.  Memories stated that they would not cater to any gay weddings.  The intolerant left threatened their lives, so they shut down.  This outraged Christians across the Country that wanted to help these fine people.

 Alix Bryan posted an explanation on her verified Twitter account Friday night about her actions filing a bogus fraud report about to GoFundMe about the Memories Pizza fundraiser. She titled it, “Thank you for your support.”

Only there are serious flaws in Ms. Bryan's "Thank You":

Let's break down those flaws:

click to enlarge

Dana Loesch, who co-founded the GoFundMe page with her Blaze TV show compatriots, was not at all satisfied, responding on Twitter to Bryan:

Friday, April 3, 2015

New Federal Regulations Will Cause Hot Water Heaters To Become More Expensive April 16

More Federal regulations, making hard of the average family
to afford, bigger much more expensive hot water heaters and you may even have to remodel to fit them in your home. Was there anything really wrong with the old models? Typical, no need to give consumers a choice, its so good the government will force you to buy it!

Light bulbs, health care and now water heaters!

New federal regulations for water heaters will go into effect in a few weeks. They are designed to make them more efficient but many people are running out to buy the older remaining water heaters.

While new ones will provide savings on energy costs, consumers will have to pay much more in upfront costs.

Consumers may want to consider replacing their current water heater sooner rather than later because these tanks are going the way of the incandescent light bulb. It’s being phased out in favor of more efficient models.

The new tanks are going to get significantly larger and significantly more expensive according to many plumber we spoke too.

Effective April 16, a federal law requires all manufacturers to make most water heaters more efficient and that means a bigger tanks with more insulation – up to two inches wider and taller–which may require some remodeling if it’s in a tight space.

If it’s in cubby hall or underneath a counter top, that’s going to be a problem.

And there is another issue–the new and improved version could cost hundreds of dollars more, which has many rushing out to buy a “new” old model.

Manufactures can no longer produce them after April 16 and retailers say the remaining “old models” are going fast.

The standard life of a water heater is seven or eight years, so if you’ve reached that place you might consider replacing it.

Most Warranties expire after six years so if consumers’ are nearing that mark, it may be time to think about replacing it–before your next cold shower.

And we've heard this before with the new light bulbs we have been forced to use, while the new model will cost more up front, they will save you more on energy bills.

The U.S. Department of Energy expects the new regulations will cut carbon dioxide at levels by the equivalent of nearly 34 million cars.

For some people this may be a good time to switch from one of these water heaters that hold lots of water to one of these tankless water that supposedly give unlimited hot water without a tank to hold it.  

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Look At All The States With A Religious Freedom Restoration Act Of Their Own

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act signed into law by Indiana Governor Mike Pence last week, has all the liberal wack jobs  panties in a bunch. 

While all the liberals are saying lets boycott Indiana, the  origins of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act was brought about by ultra liberal Senator Chuck Schumer, passed near unanimously by both the House and Senate, and was signed by President Clinton in 1993.

Indiana is now the 21st state to pass a “religious freedom” bill.

With bakeries and chapels being forced to service gay couples for their "deviant" marriages with many being forced to shut down and pay fines in the tens of thousands, it is more important than ever to make sure legislation is in place that reaffirms one's 1st Amendment Right of freedom of religion.

 By the way the word deviant is the antonym of normal and all have to agree that normal marriage is between a man and a woman. 

From IJReview:
The bill guarantees individuals the right to conduct business without ‘substantially burdening their ability to exercise their religion.’

There are currently 21 states with religious freedom laws: Alabama (state constitution amendment), Arizona, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Virginia.

So why then is Indiana suddenly being dragged thru the mud?

Do liberals who completely misinterpret this law not feel the need to boycott any other state who’s feelings on the issue are nearly identical?

Nevertheless, the ‘extremely controversial’ RFRA is based on a 1993 Federal Law, which is also dubbed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. It was signed into law by ‘right-wing extremist’ president Bill Clinton.
Even blue states like Connecticut and Rhode Island have versions of the law. That is because the law is not as sweeping in its implications as activists seem to be suggesting.

In other words, not only can the Christian owners of a bakery refuse to write an inscription on the wedding cake of a gay couple, but the black owners of a T-shirt business don’t have to print the KKK’s burning crosses on shirts, and Jewish owners of a gift shop don’t have to put Nazi symbols on coffee cups.

Here’s a fantastic definiton of the RFRA by HSLDA:[The RFRA] reestablished a test by which courts must give the highest deference to a person’s religious practice (known as the compelling interest test). This test puts the burden of proof on the government to show that its regulation of a religious practice is essential to achieve a compelling governmental interest and the least restrictive means to achieve that interest.