Thursday, March 31, 2016

Opportunity Lost: Ted Cruz Whines About Trumps Free Publicity, The Same Publicity He Turned Down

Ted Cruz is whining about alll the free media that Donald Trump is getting.  Each week Cruz keeps increasing Donald's totals.  First it was $1 Billion, then $1.5 Billion then $1.8 Billion and now it is up to $2Billion.

Randy Schaffer of America 101 Project had this to say:

Randy Schaffer
I have been listening to Ted Cruz and others say that the reason Donald Trump is so far ahead is because he is getting all this free media. A week ago, Cruz said it was worth $1.5 billion. A few days ago, he said it was worth $1.8 billion and last night he said that it wasn’t fair that Donald Trump had received $2 billion in free media.

Well, the truth has finally come out. When he said that last night to Anderson Cooper, who has the highest rated show on CNN, Cooper said to him, I have invited you on my show every day of this campaign and every day you have declined. Bill Hemmer on Americas Newsroom on Fox News this morning said that he has also invited Cruz to do his show every day and Cruz has declined every day and the last time Cruz appeared on that show was on December 9, 2015. Today, on Happening Now on Fox News, they said that Cruz has a standing invitation to appear on that show anytime he wants, and so far he hasn’t appeared on their show even one time. He also refuses to appear on Bill O'Reilly as well. Ted, you can’t keep turning down all this free media and then complain about not getting any free media. Or does that make too much sense. You are much too good a politician and much too good a candidate to keep playing the victim.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

This is an Assault? Trumps Campaign Manager Arrested (with video)

This is an assault? Donald Trump's campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski was pulling a rogue reporter out of Donald...
Posted by Ron Dwyer on Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Was Marco Rubio Behind The Ted Cruz Sex Scandal?

Ted Cruz needs to apologize to Donald Trump.

It appears that Donald Trump isn’t behind the Ted Cruz “sex scandal” story leak to the National Enquirer after all.

The Daily Beast reported that , “for months and months, anti-Cruz operatives have pitched a variety of #CruzSexScandal stories to a host of prominent national publications.”

They reported that  Breitbart News was one outlet that  was shown “a compilation video of Cruz and a woman other than his wife coming out of the Capitol Grille restaurant and a hotel on Tuesdays and Thursdays,” a source inside the publication told The Daily Beast.

The Breitbart source confirmed to the Daily Beast that they’d received the video from “a Rubio ally,” but they decided against running the story because, “There was no way to verify the claims.”

The establishment would love nothing more than for Ted Cruz and Donald Trump to cancel themselves out.  Then at a contested Republican Convention the establishment could nominate their choice.  

Friday, March 25, 2016

Did Ted Cruz Cheat On His Wife? Was This The Cause Of Heidi's Depression?

A new report suggests Texas Senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz has had several mistresses over the years.

As the GOP presidential race between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump got personal this week, Ted Cruz wagged his finger at television cameras Thursday, warning Trump to leave his wife, Heidi, out of the fray.

That was after Trump posted an unflattering photo of Heidi Cruz on his Twitter page.

But Cruz' wife isn't his problem now. The National Enquirer story  says private investigators have revealed at least five mistresses the sanctimonious senator has been hiding.

The affairs include a political consultant, a D.C.-based attorney and an escort.

Could this be why Heidi Cruz had a bout of depression in 2005 and where her depression caused the police to be involved?

Ted Cruz has slammed Donald Trump saying that he was responsible for this fabricated story.  Donald Trump has stated he had nothing to do with this National Enquirer story.

Donald Trump is likely telling the truth as one of those implicated in the Ted Cruz sex sting is Donald Trump's National Spokesperson Katrina Pierson.  It is unlikely he would harm his National Spokesperson.

Marco Rubio
Breitbart News revealed on Friday that a 'Marco Rubio ally' has been peddling a story about Cruz's sex scandal for approximately six months, according to the Daily Beast

The National Enquirer responded to Ted Cruz's accusations that Donald Trump was involved in the story by sending out  a statement that read that nobody influences their stories. 

Katrina Pierson issued the following statement on the Ted Cruz National Enquirer story:

Donald Trump issued the following statement on the National Enquirer Story.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Government Official Prays For Belgium Is Visciously Attacked By Liberals

Richard Stathakis

Rick Stathakis is a Township Supervisor in Shelby Township Michigan.  After the March 22nd terror attack, he put up a prayer on his Township Supvisor page that he created and maintains.  

Liberals then attacked him with some vicious  comments and attacking his Christian faith.

Here is a copy of his facebook post on his page. . 

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the Earth give way...

Posted by Rick Stathakis - Shelby Township Supervisor on Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A New Delegate Scandal? Opposing Candidate Delegates Vying For Trump And Cruz Spots

Tonight across Michigan delegates are being chosen to go to the State Convention in April.  There these delegates will vote amongst themselves to send delegates to the National Convention in Cleveland.

We received word of perhaps some dirty tricks that may be played with these National Delegate slots. 

The apportionment of delegates based on voter results seems fair and that is not our dispute.  However how those delegate slots are filled could be a problem.

Graphic courtesy of
Kevin Rex Heine
read his article here

The information we have received is that there are some that were for Kasich and Rubio  as well as other candidates -that campaigned hard against Donald Trump and Ted Cruz- are trying to fill those delegate slots.  This will be a major problem should Trump or Cruz not get the necessary 1237 delegates needed for nomination.   The only two candidates left with a mathematical chance to get the 1237 delegates needed for nomination are Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

These delegates who were for the other candidates will likely not vote for Trump or Cruz in Cleveland.  This will allow power brokers to nominate from the floor and Kaisch could get the nomination or so could those out of the race, such as Jeb Bush or those than were never on the primary ballot such as Mitt Romney.

It is very important that delegates tonight be vigilant and that only those delegates that were for a particular candidate be appointed.  It is also up to the Michigan Republican Party to make sure that the At-Large Delegates be represented appropriately as well.  

I would strongly recommend that the Donald Trump and Ted Cruz delegates work together tonight to make sure their candidates are not represented by someone that doesn't have their candidates best interest at heart. 

Keep in mind the Washington Establishment doesn't want to give up power and they are hoping for chaos in State Conventions.  

Michigan Lt Gov Urges Delegates At State Convention To Go John Kasich

Even though he's won only one state, his state of Ohio and
Michigan Lt. Gov Brian Calley
probably due to a new confusing ballot for first-time voters,  some still think John Kasich is the only one that can beat Hillary.  If you can't win in the primaries, how are you going to win in the general?

John Kasich is losing because most realize that he is a fraud.  He is for common-core, he buddied up with President Bill Clinton while a congressman for gun control and he says that he's the only adult in the room; well check out the video at the bottom of this blog and watch how he treats law enforcement.

Michigan's Lt Governor Brian Calley also thinks Kasich is the right one and thinks that a 3rd place finish behind Ted Cruz is a strong finish.  Here is Calley's remarks in his e-mail:

Today is a very important day for Republicans in Michigan. In each county across the state, Republicans will be convening to elect delegates and alternates to the state Republican convention to be held April 8-9 at the Lansing Center. The county conventions will all be held at 7pm at a location that can be found by following this link and looking for your county.

The state convention will elect delegates and alternates to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this July. This will be the first national convention since 1948 in which no candidate is expected to have amassed a majority of delegates and be nominated on the first ballot. Michigan delegates and alternates to the national convention are bound to support the candidate they are pledged to on the first ballot only. It is critical that John Kasich supporters be elected to fill the 17 delegate and 15 alternate national convention positions won by Gov. Kasich by his strong finish in the March 8 Michigan Presidential Primary.

Poll after poll shows that Gov. Kasich is the only candidate who defeats Hillary Clinton, and consistently defeats her in key swing states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire. I endorsed Gov. Kasich before the Michigan primary, and I continue to support his candidacy, because I believe it is important to nominate the most conservative candidate who will win in November.

Whichever candidate you support, you should insist that the process be fair. That’s why it is so important that you attend your county convention today, and hopefully be elected as a delegate or alternate to the state convention in April.

If you are an executive committee member or a precinct delegate, you are eligible to vote at your county convention. If you are not a precinct delegate, please contact your county chair and determine if there are vacancies in your precinct and ask to be elected as a delegate by the county convention. Ask to be a delegate or alternate to the state convention in April. At your county convention any precinct delegate seeking to be a state convention delegate or alternate must be given preference for those positions over any person who is a GOP activist but not a precinct delegate.

Contact any precinct delegates you know and urge them to attend the county convention today.

I hope that you will attend your county convention today, the state convention in April, and that you will join me in supporting the candidate with the best chance to defeat Hillary Clinton in November - Governor John Kasich of Ohio.
Brian Calley

Lt. Governor of Michigan

John Kasich portrays himself as the "adult" in the Republican party. Does this look like an adult to you?This video...
Posted by Ron Dwyer on Thursday, March 17, 2016

Friday, March 18, 2016

Donald Trump's Take On The Bureau Of Land Management

 Would the protests over the Bureau of Land Management 
Cliven Bundy
occurred at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada or Burns Oregon, if Donald Trump had been President?  Would Cliven Bundy and his son be sitting in jail right now under trumped up charges, if Donald Trump was President.  Would Lavoy Finicium still be alive today, if Donald Trump was President?

Here is wrote Donald Trump said in the Reno Gazette Journal.

From the RENO GAZETTE-JOURNAL | by Donald J. Trump |

The United States of America is a land of laws, and Americans value the rule of law above all. Why, then, has our Congress allowed the president and the executive branch to take on near-dictatorial power? How is it that we have a president who will not enforce some laws and who encourages faceless, nameless bureaucrats to manage public lands as if the millions of acres were owned by agencies such as the Bureau of Land Management and the Department of Energy? In Nevada, the lack of enforcement of immigration laws and the draconian rule of the BLM are damaging the economy, lowering the standard of living and inhibiting natural economic growth. The only way to change these circumstances is to bring to Washington a president who will rein in the federal government and get Congress to do its job. It’s not that we don’t have talented people in D.C. It’s that we have no leadership there.
Federal Law Enforcement Sniper Takes Aim At Bundy Ranch Protestors 

The BLM controls over 85 percent of the land in Nevada. In the rural areas, those who for decades have had access to public lands for ranching, mining, logging and energy development are forced to deal with arbitrary and capricious rules that are influenced by special interests that profit from the D.C. rule-making and who fill the campaign coffers of Washington politicians. Far removed from the beautiful wide open spaces of Nevada, bureaucrats bend to the influence that is closest to them. Honest, hardworking citizens who seek freedom and economic independence must beg for deference from a federal government that is more intent on power and control than it is in serving the citizens of the nation. In and around Clark County, the situation is even worse.

Because the BLM is so reluctant to release land to local disposition in Nevada, the cost of land has skyrocketed and the cost of living has become an impediment to growth. Where are the city and county to get the land for schools, roads, parks and other public use areas if they have to beg Washington for the land and then pay a premium price for it? How are people who see a future in Nevada to find housing and employment if the federal government is inhibiting economic development? How are businesses to find the employees to fill the jobs that could be created if there were better leadership in Washington? Unfortunately, many of the jobs are filled by those who came to this country illegally.
Lavoy Finicum
Illegal immigration costs the people of Nevada over $1.2 billion a year. That is nearly $6,000 for every man, woman and child in the state. Those are tax dollars that could go to build those schools, roads, sewers, water treatment plants and all the other services needed for a growing economy. Illegal immigrants absorb tax dollars from public schools, public health and public safety. Illegal immigration suppresses wages and undermines the ability of workers to organize and seek better working conditions. Illegal immigration is an affront to the very rule of law valued by all Americans and most assuredly by all Nevadans.

What is needed in Washington is a president who will rein in the executive branch and work with Congress to make sure the legislative branch does its job. What is needed in Washington is a president who has the will, strength and courage to lead. What is needed in Washington is a president who is not beholden to special interests and who is only interested in putting America and Americans first.

When I am elected president, I will bring the executive branch back inside the Constitution and will work with Congress to put America first. I will lead the effort to gain meaningful tax reform, trade reform and education reform. I will lead the effort to protect your right to worship as you see fit and your right to protect your family and property with the right to keep and bear arms. Together, we will make America great again.

Donald J. Trump, a Republican, is a businessman and a candidate for president of the United States.

Ted Cruz's Canadian Problem - Eligibility A Real Question And Concern

The Establishment knows that Ted Cruz's eligibility is in question.  They also know he is the only one that can stop Donald Trump at this point.  Is the Establishment using Ted Cruz to take the nomination, only then to state he is not qualified and head into a contested convention?

Via Family Security Matters:
Exactly how and when did Ted Cruz obtain U.S. citizenship?
The fact that it is still an open question at this stage of the Presidential campaign is a testament either to the galactic ignorance of our political-media elite or their willingness to place political expediency ahead of the Constitution and the law.

 Exactly how and when did Ted Cruz obtain U.S. citizenship?

The fact that it is still an open question at this stage of the Presidential campaign is a testament either to the galactic ignorance of our political-media elite or their willingness to place political expediency ahead of the Constitution and the law.

 There is no third alternative.

 Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada on December 22, 1970 and remained a Canadian citizen until he officially renounced it on May 14, 2014, eighteen months after taking the oath of office as a U.S. Senator. At the time of his birth, Cruz’s father was a citizen of Canada and his mother was a U.S. citizen.

Legally, Cruz could have obtained US citizenship through his mother consistent with Public Law 414, June 27, 1952, An Act: To revise the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality and for other purposes [H.R. 5678], Title III Nationality and Naturalization, Chapter 1 – Nationality at Birth and by Collective naturalization; Nationals and citizens of the United States at birth; the relevant section being 301 (a) (7):
“a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than ten years, at least five of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years: Provided That any periods of honorable service in the Armed Forces of the United States by such citizen parent may be included in computing the physical presence requirements of this paragraph.”
In that case, Cruz’s mother should have filed a Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America (CRBA) with the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate after the birth to document that the child was a U.S. citizen.

  According to Cruz spokeswoman Catherine FrazierCruz’s mother did register his birth with the U.S. consulate and Cruz received a U.S. passport in 1986 ahead of a high school trip to England.

There are two apparent contradictions regarding how and when Ted Cruz obtained US citizenship.

 First, according to the Canadian Citizenship Act of 1946, also referred to as the “Act of 1947,”Canada did not allow dual citizenship in 1970. The parents would have had to choose at that time between U.S. and Canadian citizenship. Ted Cruz did not renounce his Canadian citizenship until 2014. Was that the choice originally made?
Second, no CRBA has been released that would verify that Ted Cruz was registered as a U.S. citizen at birth.

It has been reported that the then nearly four-year-old Ted Cruz flew to the U.S. from Calgary, Alberta, Canada in 1974.

Ted Cruz could not have entered the U.S. legally without a CRBA or a U.S. passport, the latter of which was not obtained until 1986.

 If Ted Cruz was registered as a U.S. citizen at birth, as his spokeswoman claims, then the CRBA must be released. Otherwise, one could conclude that Cruz came to the U.S. as a Canadian citizen, perhaps on a tourist visa or, possibly, remained in the U.S. as an illegal immigrant.

It is the responsibility of the candidate for the Presidency, not citizens, to prove that he or she is eligible for the highest office in the land. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Was the Ohio Primary Rigged For Kasich?

Did the Ohio Republican Party rig the primary for John Kasich?  Tom Zawistowski, President of We the People Convention believes so. Here is his press release:

Akron, OH - Tom Zawistowski, President of the We the People Convention, announced tonight that Ohio Governor John Kasich and the Ohio Republican Party (ORP) have succeeded in their goal of denying as many as one million Ohio Republican Voters their right to vote for the Republican Presidential Nominee of their choice in this year’s Republican Primary.  Zawistowski confirmed that both the Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio campaigns have essentially “conceded” Ohio due to the rules passed by the ORP and the Ohio House last year, making Ohio a “winner-take-all” state. Neither campaign is spending money in Ohio and neither candidate has even visited Ohio. Republican frontrunner Donald Trump has visited the State twice and is leading in the polls, but is also not spending significant money on the race due to the unfair advantage given to Kasich by the ORP and the House.

Zawistowski explained, “Have you noticed all those TV ads in Ohio for Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio? Have you seen all their signs all over the state?  Been getting their mailings? The answer is that you have not, because they do not exist. The deck is so stacked against them by the ORP and John Kasich that they all have no practical choice but to concede the state and dissapoint their voters.  All those Cruz voters and Rubio voters who are so excited about their candidates, thanks to John Kasich and the Ohio Republican Party, their votes just don’t count this election. Both candidates are way behind in the polls because they decided as early as last June not to campaign in Ohio. Fortunately, according to our own polls and other national polls, Trump is leading Kasich by 6% at this point, so voters have one alternative to Kasich, although that lead may evaporate as virtually all the money donated to the Ohio Republican Party is going to support Kasich’s campaign.”

Zawistowski continued, “In the ultimate irony, Kasich and the Republican Establishment, by using a “contrived” win by Kasich in Ohio and “ideally” another winner-take-all win by Rubio in Florida to force a “brokered convention”, will have a second opportunity to invalidate tens of millions of votes by Trump, Cruz and Rubio supporters by picking another candidate as their Presidential Nominee at the Convention! This type of manipulation of the electoral process is why 75% of Republican voters on Super Tuesday said in exit polls that the Republican Leadership had betrayed them. In order to avoid this double jeopordy at the hands of John Kasich and the Ohio Republican Party, we urge Ohio voters to do two things in this primary. First, voters should not vote for John Kasich who did this to them, but instead vote for Trump, Cruz, and Rubio to prevent Kasich from winning the Primary. Second, go to and locate the endorsed Ohio Republican State Central Committee member in your Senate District and vote for them, so that citizens can replace the corrupt leadership in the Ohio Republican Party who implemented this plan that denied you your opportunity to vote in this primary. That is how we restore OUR Ohio Republican Party, hold those who did this heinous act accountable, and make sure this never happens again.”

Last April 22, 2015, at Kasich’s and the ORP’s request, the Ohio House voted 23-10 to change the Ohio Primary from proportional to “winner-take-all”. This year, whichever candidate gets the most total votes wins all of Ohio’s 66 Republican Convention Delegates. This scheme intentionally made the idea of competing in Ohio financially unjustifiable for every other candidate except Kasich and therefore no other candidate is running to win in Ohio, with the exception of Donald Trump. The We the People Convention had spoken out about this move denying voters their primary vote in a Press Release last April, in which Zawistowski implored the Ohio House to vote down the measure.

CONTACT: Tom Zawistowski, 330-592-1848,

Kasich Can't Run From His Past

With ties to NAFTA , Wall Street And George Soros tomorrow
should be the end of Kasich's campaign when he loses the primary. John Kasich is not as loved in his state as he has portrayed in the debates. Scandals have dogged his tenure as Governor as well.

Throughout his tenure as a member of Congress, as a Wall Street banker, and as Ohio’s governor, Kasich has proven time and time again that he will always put the desires of wealthy special interests before the needs of the middle class.

While in Congress, Kasich was one the architects of the original government shutdown in the mid-1990s, calling it “one of the greatest moments of my career.” He said the Clinton budget of 1993 that created 20 million new jobs would "put the economy in the gutter." He was dead wrong then and he still doesn't understand how to grow the economy now.

After proving himself to the millionaires and billionaires in Washington, Kasich went on to be a managing director for one of the investment banks that was integral to the 2008 crash and the economic crisis that eventually put nearly 9 million Americans out of work, including 400,000 Ohioans.

When asked if Kasich had any regrets about his time at Lehman Brothers during the financial crisis, he replied, “Are you kidding? Regrets? I thought it was a fantastic time…It was great.” Just days later, Kasich doubled down on his comments saying he “just loved” working for one of the architects of the 2008 crash. He couldn’t be more out of touch with the millions of Americans who struggled to make ends meet after the financial meltdown.

John Kasich blames Washington for Ohio's troubles, but is the real problem closer to home?

The Federal Bureau of Investigation put Kasich under the radar for allegations that he accepted bribes and used political appointments to reward or punish those that helped or hurt his allies. Kasich has never been thought of as particularly ethical, but these allegations are beyond what we've seen in the past:

The FBI has been investigating claims that Governor John Kasich made promises of political influence and threatened the jobs of those who would not help him replace those in power with his cronies.

Portage County Republican Party Chairman Andrew Manning asked the FBI to investigate the situation after he was offered influence in state government appointments in exchange for stepping down and allowing one of Kasich’s operatives to take his position. Manning’s attorney, David R. Langdon, announced that the FBI is indeed investigating the claims. In a statement Langdon said,

“FBI agents interviewed Andrew Manning . He answered questions about the statements in his affidavit, which he sent to the Justice Department in March of this year, that top allies of Gov. John Kasich offered him special influence over gubernatorial appointments if he agreed not to run for the state GOP central committee.”

He will have no further comment until the investigation has concluded.

According to PlunderBund, this complaint led to several other Ohio GOP figures making similar claims:

Manning’s request to the FBI and local law enforcement was the first in a series of complaints claiming Kasich and his allies used intimidation, threats and promises of influence in order to get their own people on the State Central Committee to vote out former Committee Chairman Kevin DeWine.

While Manning’s complaint focused on Governor’s office employees Ben Kaiser and David Luketic, as well as Alex Arshinkoff (Summit County GOP Chairman) and Bryan Williams (Ohio Board of Education), other complaints have since surfaced against the Governor’s closest allies Doug Preisse and Jai Chabria as well as Mary Taylor and her chief of staff.

This mounting evidence suggests that, since his first days in power, the Governor’s main goal has been to oust Kevin DeWine and replace him with someone more willing to do the Kasich Kowtow. When Dewine refused, Kasich used his pull to get his candidates into power. After getting enough power in the committee, he effectively forced DeWine to step down. The new committee then elected Bob Bennett, former state GOP chairman for 20 years prior to DeWine, to finish out the term.

Kasich campaign records also show that he has collected more than $200,000 from a Soros Management Fund.

Kasich Can't Dodge His Past
With ties to NAFTA , Wall Street And George Soros tomorrow should be the end of Kasich's campaign when he looses the primary. John Kasich is not as loved in his state as he has portrayed in the debates. Scandals have dogged his tenure as Governor as well.Throughout his tenure as a member of Congress, as a Wall Street banker, and as Ohio’s governor, Kasich has proven time and time again that he will always put the desires of wealthy special interests before the needs of the middle class.While in Congress, Kasich was one the architects of the original government shutdown in the mid-1990s, calling it “one of the greatest moments of my career.” He said the Clinton budget of 1993 that created 20 million new jobs would "put the economy in the gutter." He was dead wrong then and he still doesn't understand how to grow the economy now. After proving himself to the millionaires and billionaires in Washington, Kasich went on to be a managing director for one of the investment banks that was integral to the 2008 crash and the economic crisis that eventually put nearly 9 million Americans out of work, including 400,000 Ohioans. When asked if Kasich had any regrets about his time at Lehman Brothers during the financial crisis, he replied, “Are you kidding? Regrets? I thought it was a fantastic time…It was great.” Just days later, Kasich doubled down on his comments saying he “just loved” working for one of the architects of the 2008 crash. He couldn’t be more out of touch with the millions of Americans who struggled to make ends meet after the financial meltdown.John Kasich blames Washington for Ohio's troubles, but is the real problem closer to home?The Federal Bureau of Investigation put Kasich under the radar for allegations that he accepted bribes and used political appointments to reward or punish those that helped or hurt his allies. Kasich has never been thought of as particularly ethical, but these allegations are beyond what we've seen in the past:The FBI has been investigating claims that Governor John Kasich made promises of political influence and threatened the jobs of those who would not help him replace those in power with his cronies.Portage County Republican Party Chairman Andrew Manning asked the FBI to investigate the situation after he was offered influence in state government appointments in exchange for stepping down and allowing one of Kasich’s operatives to take his position. Manning’s attorney, David R. Langdon, announced that the FBI is indeed investigating the claims. In a statement Langdon said,“FBI agents interviewed Andrew Manning . He answered questions about the statements in his affidavit, which he sent to the Justice Department in March of this year, that top allies of Gov. John Kasich offered him special influence over gubernatorial appointments if he agreed not to run for the state GOP central committee.”He will have no further comment until the investigation has concluded.According to PlunderBund, this complaint led to several other Ohio GOP figures making similar claims:Manning’s request to the FBI and local law enforcement was the first in a series of complaints claiming Kasich and his allies used intimidation, threats and promises of influence in order to get their own people on the State Central Committee to vote out former Committee Chairman Kevin DeWine.While Manning’s complaint focused on Governor’s office employees Ben Kaiser and David Luketic, as well as Alex Arshinkoff (Summit County GOP Chairman) and Bryan Williams (Ohio Board of Education), other complaints have since surfaced against the Governor’s closest allies Doug Preisse and Jai Chabria as well as Mary Taylor and her chief of staff.This mounting evidence suggests that, since his first days in power, the Governor’s main goal has been to oust Kevin DeWine and replace him with someone more willing to do the Kasich Kowtow. When Dewine refused, Kasich used his pull to get his candidates into power. After getting enough power in the committee, he effectively forced DeWine to step down. The new committee then elected Bob Bennett, former state GOP chairman for 20 years prior to DeWine, to finish out the term.Kasich campaign records also show that he has collected more than $200,000 from a Soros Management Fund.
Posted by Ron Dwyer on Monday, March 14, 2016

Not Prouder with Steven Crowder

Many now have heard of Steven Crowder and his Louder with Crowder Facebook page, especially in conservative circles.  However did, Fox News Contributor Steven Crowder intentionally stir the pot making the protesters more volitile  during the Right to Work Protests in Lansing Michigan back in December of 2012 to make a name for himself?

Jennifer Kuznicki a political activist and blogger, who is frequently mention on the Mark Levin show believes so as she witnessed what transpired.  Here is what she posted on her facebook page:

"When Michigan voted for Right to Work, the protests on the capitol lawn were heated. I was there with a handful of friends. They yelled at us in the Americans for Prosperity tents, used intimidation tactics, pressed in, and finally collapsed the tent. They were paid protesters, the Left has organization of these protesters the world over.
 But the only incident of assault was when Steven Crowder intentionally stuck his chin out and riled one of the hot heads who then punched him in the face. Crowder got it on tape to show the world, he was so proud. I wasn't so proud.
 Crowder went there with the intention of stoking one of these guys to violence, and it worked. The blogosphere had a viral video of how union thugs attacked a peaceable man.

 I recall that incident now, because of the sucker punch by the DT (sic Donald Trump) fan the other day. The protesters are always looking to provoke violence, it's their ticket to wider protest, their red meat. That sucker punch was motivational crack cocaine for protests against DT, and DT certainly bears some responsibility after giving his audiences permission to be violent numerous times."

Monday, March 14, 2016

John Kasich Took Over $200,000 From Soros

According to John Kasich's own financial reporting it shows that he took in $202,700 from Soros Fund Management.  Could this be why he is blaming Donald Trump as the reason for the riot in Chicago last week?   

 George Soros gave $15 million to to stop Trump and did take credit for stopping the Chicago rally in conjunction with #BlackLivesMatter.

The proof is there, see for yourself,

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Ted Cruz Loses Big Endorsement Over Comments On Donald Trump And Chicago Riots

Ted Cruz lost a major endorsement today over his comments on the riots in Chicago that cancelled Donald Trump's rally in that city.   Cruz,  John Kasich and Marco Rubio all blamed Trump for the violence in Chicago.

Today conservative leader, speaker and 2nd amendment advocate, Jan Morgan pulled her endorsement of Ted Cruz and basically call him a con-artist when she said that she was angry at herself for falling for his act.

Here is her official statement:

 I have officially withdrawn my endorsement and support for Ted Cruz.
 His decision to blame Trump for the actions of liberal lunatic protestors in Chicago is unconscionable. He should have used this opportunity to take a stand for free speech.

Instead, he sides with the protestors and lies about Trump saying he encourages violence. (never mind the fact that his own right hand campaign buddy, Glenn Beck was investigated by Secret Service for joking on air about repeatedly stabbing Trump) (thats different of course) This is the most outrageous and desperate thing I have seen a candidate do in this race. I have made a grave mistake by misreading this man and his character. This was the final straw in a week of issues I have had with Cruz and his decisions. Donald Trump will win this nomination in spite of the establishment GOP, in spite of their new boy, Cruz, their old boy, Romney... And, I predict if the GOP establishment tries to jack with the people's choice, Trump will pull out, run 3rd party, and will still win the general election. Call me enraged tonight.

I can not believe I fell for this act.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Michigan GOP Chair And Mitt Romney Niece "I Can Support Trump"

Mitt Romney and his niece Ronna Romney McDaniel

Ronna Romney McDaniel who is the Republican party Chair in Michigan and is the niece of  2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney says it would have been nice if her  Uncle Mitt was in the White House, but  she says that  she'll support Donald Trump,  who was brutally attacked by her uncle Mitt Romney last week in an attempt to take down the Republican front runner.

McDaniel who was interviewed  by MSNBC's Chris Matthews in Detroit, Michigan on Tuesday night, where  Donald Trump easily won the state's primary. McDaniel said she believes the real estate billionaire is "committed to staying in the Republican party."

McDaniel said  that even though those that have voted for Trump and attended his rallies in Michigan are  "not a traditional Republican crowd," but she said because of his following at those rallies that she was "not surprised" he won the state so easily.

"If he's our nominee, I'm going to support him," McDaniel said

She also said that she believes her uncle is not an option for Republcian presidential nominee this summer, should there be a contested or commonly referred to by the media brokered convention.

Monday, March 7, 2016

If you want to see a true reflection of a man, look at his children

DonaldTrump's high school friend comes to his defense and recalls how he remembered Donald Trump. 
VOTE AS YOU WISH, AND LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT TRUMP - - A personal note from Peter Ticktin who knows the guy from high school:

 As a law firm, we at The Ticktin Law Group do not like to get involved in politics. As soon as we endorse one side, we risk alienating everyone on the other side. Also, our lawyers and staff are, themselves, on both sides. Politics is not our game. However, Justice is!

 If you saw a guy get publicly smeared, and you knew him well from the days you were friends and seniors together in high school, if you knew him to be a decent and honest man, would you want to say something? This is why I need to share what I know. I was aghast at watching last night's debate. It was a set-up. The moderators, Cruz, and Rubio were all like little alligators trying to take a bite out of Trump. Yes, Donald Trump has had some failures, but he has been exceedingly successful. None of this came out. Instead, there was a general attack. Rubio simply makes up lies. He pretends that Trump has small hands and makes fun of him for something which isn't even real. He pretends that Donald wets his pants, and makes fun of him, as though it was true, and then he calls Donald Trump a "Bully." 

I am not suggesting that you should vote or not vote for anyone. I just need to defend a former friend who is being smeared.

 Like Donald Trump, I attended New York Military Academy ("NYMA") for high school. In fact, in our senior year, together, Donald was my captain, and I was his 1st Platoon Sergeant. I sometimes joke that I ran his first company for him, Company "A."

 People don't really change much from the ages of 17 and 18, and I know this guy. I know him to be a good decent guy. We lived and breathed an Honor Code in those years. It wasn't just a rule. It was our way of life. Neither Donald, nor any other cadet who graduated with us would ever lie, cheat, or steal from a fellow cadet. These values became irreversibly intertwined in the fabric of our personalities, of who we are.

 Of the 99 guys (no girls in those days) in our class, there is not one who I know who has a bad word to say about Donald Trump. Think of it. With all the jealousies which arise in high school and thereafter, with all the potential envy, not one of us has anything other than positive memories of this man. How could we? He was an "A" student, a top athlete, and as a leader, he was highly respected. We never feared him, yet we never wanted to disappoint him. He had our respect. He was never a bigot in any way, shape or form. He only hates those who hate. Of course he denounces the KKK. 

As to the discussion with the New York Times, it is his choice to release the 'off the record' remarks. However, if he does, it opens the door for all political opposition to make that demand for everyone, and that means that our press will never get those 'off the record' remarks which help them to understand the realities of the campaign. Moreover, the idea that Donald Trump confessed some alternate theory of his position is preposterous. Can anyone believe that all those NY Times reporters are walking around knowing some deep dark nasty secret about a guy who is seeking an endorsement? 

The Republican establishment is afraid of Donald Trump. Why? They are afraid that he will lose to Hillary. They don't hate Donald. They hate her. They are so fearful that they fail to see that by expanding the base of voters for Trump, he is more likely to win. Watching the chorus of whiners, decriers, denigrators, and self-righteous put-down experts from so many directions, from Mit Romney, to Megyn Kelly, Little Mario, it has to make you wonder. Why? Why are so many people so angry with Donald Trump, that they are lying, name calling, ridiculing, and demeaning him as they do. Either they are afraid, or they know him to be evil.

 This is why I feel the need to speak out at this time. I know this man. He is a lot of things, but he is not evil. He is a decent honest guy who loves this country, and who is willing to sacrifice so much of what is left of his life, because he knows that this country needs to be fixed, and that it is going to require someone who can do the job. He just doesn't see anything around him other than political hacks, so he is willing to take this huge responsibility.

 I'm not saying that he is the only one who can do the job. My point is simply as to his motivation and his goodness. 

This next decade is going to be one of major changes. We all see the climate changing, and the world food supply is getting lower. Our fish stock around the world is running low. Oil prices will cause countries to fail. The Middle East is beyond repair, and we have become weak and ineffective around the world. Donald Trump sees the issues and knows that he can assemble leaders who would have the best chance of fixing things. This is why he is running. He does not need it for his own aggrandizement. He doesn't need another big jet or to take up residence in the White House. He just wants things to be fixed, and he knows that the politicians won't fix anything. 

I knew Donald Trump and was close to him in our senior year in high school. I just want you to know that there is nothing to fear from him. His character is as good as it gets. He is a patriot, taking on a heroic task, and being thanked by massive abuse. 

If you want to see a true reflection of a man, look at his children. Need I say more?