Sunday, May 14, 2017

Homage to Mother

By Susan Tabar
(C)  May 9 2010
Mothers’ are a gift from God
They nurture you like a pea in a pod

They pick you up when you are feeling down
Making sure to prevent a momentary frown

Even when mistakes are made
They protect you like a “band-aid”

Exuding unconditional love and caring
With no limitations and no sparing

Of total commitment from the heart - with no bounds
And an intuition beating continuously, sometimes with no sounds

There is nothing that can replace a mother who embraces attentive affection, deep understanding and moral dignity
As she will be there to help and guide you through eternity…

Susan with her mother Dorothy
Susan was a gifted writer, radio host, tv reporter and political strategist.  She joined her mother in eternity in heaven on 4-22-15 after a lengthy painful battle with a rare disease known as amyloidosis.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Liberal ABC TV Cancels Conservative Sitcom "Last Man Standing"

Tim Allen, known to be a rare Hollywood Conservative had his show "Last Man Standing Cancelled by ABC after a successful six year run.  The sitcom focused on a conservative business owner  in a post-modern world, as he contends with new-age liberalism, politically correct politics, and the universal nature of being middle-aged as the whole wide world moves away from everything you thought to be true.
Reportedly hitting a ratings high in its sixth season (perhaps in correlation to the rise of President Donald Trump and it's extensive poking of fun at Hillary Clinton) it’s odd such a successful and timely show would find itself cancelled. The show averages between 5-6 million viewers an episode, which is about the same viewership as  “Law and Order: SVU,” the current season of “Modern Family,” a little under “Game of Thrones,” and six times higher than Lena Dunham’s recently ended ‘Girls’. 

Could this be revenge for what Tim Allen said on Jimmy Kimmel earlier this year?

On Kimmel, he shared his experience about going to Donald Trump’s inauguration and how being a conservative in Hollywood is like living in 1930s Germany.

“I was invited, we did a VIP thing for the vets, and went to a veterans ball, so I went to go see Democrats and Republicans,” the Last Man Standing actor said. “Yeah I went to the inauguration.”

“I’m not attacking you,” laughed Jimmy Kimmel, after Allen turned defensive.

“You’ve gotta be real careful around here,” Allen replied. “You get beat up if don’t believe what everybody believes. This is like ’30s Germany. I don’t know what happened. If you’re not part of the group, ‘You know what we believe is right,’ I go, ‘Well, I might have a problem with that.’ I’m a comedian, I like going on both sides.”

Allen, who’s previously spoken out about Hollywood being “hypocritical,” told Megyn Kelly on Fox News last year that he finds it “odd” that Hollywood didn’t like Trump because he was a bully. “But if you had any kind of inkling that you were for Trump, you got bullied,” he explained.

If you want to complain to ABC about the cancellation of the show, here's how:
Call ABC and tell them NOT to cancel "Last Man Standing"!!!

Call; 818-460-7477. Then push 1, then 2, then 2, then 527 and leave a message (up to :30 seconds);

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Rand Paul: Comey Firing Was Right, Congressman Justin Amash: Comey Firing Was Wrong

Rand Paul and Justin Amash

Two Libertarian Republicans' differing views are sure to have Libertarian's scratching their heads.   Rand Paul and Justin Amash have been the favorite sons of the Libertarians who have been trying but failing miserably to get Libertarian candidates in national office. Both though have different views on the firing of former FBI director James Comey.

Senator Rand Paul

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told FOX & Friends Wednesday morning that he lost confidence in fired FBI Director James Comey a long time ago. He said any accusation of Russian collusion in the election is a "huge myth" and a product of sour grapes.

"It's sour grapes over the election," Paul said. "The whole Russian thing has been propagated by people who are upset that they lost the election. They've sunk their teeth into something, they think they'll eventually find something. But everything is sort built upon a huge myth as far as I'm concerned. I don't think there has been any facts presented that anybody broke the low and yet this goes on and on."

Paul said Comey's firing couldn't have happened soon enough:

SEN. PAUL: I think it couldn't have happened soon enough. I lost confidence in Comey a long time ago. In fact, I never even voted for his confirmation because I doubted his ability to run the FBI. But I would say that most of America thought that he botched the Clinton email scandal. All the Democrats thought he said too much and all the Republicans thought he didn't do enough. So he had all the confidence of almost no one. Chuck Schumer said six months ago that he lost confidence in him. 

But I thought it was especially telling in the letter that the [Deputy] Attorney General sent, he said Eric Holder said that Comey had violated long-standing Department of Justice procedures. And I think without question that's true. And I think he politicized something by making way too many statements to the press. So I think it is time for new leadership at the FBI.

Republican Rep. Justin Amash (Mich.) has signed onto legislation from Democrats to create an independent commission to investigate Russian election interference, becoming the second GOP lawmaker to do so.

Amash became a cosponsor of the Protecting Our Democracy Act this week after President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, his spokeswoman confirmed Thursday following a BuzzFeed report.

Amash had indicated on Tuesday in the hours after Comey’s bombshell firing that he was inclined to back the legislation.

“My staff and I are reviewing legislation to establish an independent commission on Russia. The second paragraph of this letter is bizarre,” Amash tweeted, referring to the paragraph in Trump’s letter to Comey that states “I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation.”

The bill, authored by Reps. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) and Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), has been endorsed by all 193 House Democrats, along with four delegates who caucus with them.

Before Amash, Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.) was the only Republican co-sponsor.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Yes Christians Have The Right To Judge As Jesus States In Scripture

By Jim Wright

 I often hear or read of people saying we are not to judge. Really? We need to understand when we are to judge. 

Question: "What does the Bible mean that we are not to judge others?"

Answer: Jesus’ command not to judge others could be the most widely quoted of His sayings, even though it is almost invariably quoted in complete disregard of its context. Here is Jesus’ statement: “Do not judge, or you too will be judged” (Matthew 7:1). Many people use this verse in an attempt to silence their critics, interpreting Jesus’ meaning as “You don’t have the right to tell me I’m wrong.” Taken in isolation, Jesus’ command “Do not judge” does indeed seem to preclude all negative assessments. However, there is much more to the passage than those three words.

The Bible’s command that we not judge others does not mean we cannot show discernment. Immediately after Jesus says, “Do not judge,” He says, “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs” (Matthew 7:6). A little later in the same sermon, He says, “Watch out for false prophets. . . . By their fruit you will recognize them” (verses 15–16). How are we to discern who are the “dogs” and “pigs” and “false prophets” unless we have the ability to make a judgment call on doctrines and deeds? Jesus is giving us permission to tell right from wrong.

Also, the Bible’s command that we not judge others does not mean all actions are equally moral or that truth is relative. The Bible clearly teaches that truth is objective, eternal, and inseparable from God’s character. Anything that contradicts the truth is a lie—but, of course, to call something a “lie” is to pass judgment. To call adultery or murder a sin is likewise to pass judgment—but it’s also to agree with God. When Jesus said not to judge others, He did not mean that no one can identify sin for what it is, based on God’s definition of sin.

And the Bible’s command that we not judge others does not mean there should be no mechanism for dealing with sin. The Bible has a whole book entitled Judges. The judges in the Old Testament were raised up by God Himself (Judges 2:18). The modern judicial system, including its judges, is a necessary part of society. In saying, “Do not judge,” Jesus was not saying, “Anything goes.”
Elsewhere, Jesus gives a direct command to judge: “Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly” (John 7:24). Here we have a clue as to the right type of judgment versus the wrong type. Taking this verse and some others, we can put together a description of the sinful type of judgment:

Superficial judgment is wrong. Passing judgment on someone based solely on appearances is sinful (John 7:24). It is foolish to jump to conclusions before investigating the facts (Proverbs 18:13). Simon the Pharisee passed judgment on a woman based on her appearance and reputation, but he could not see that the woman had been forgiven; Simon thus drew Jesus’ rebuke for his unrighteous judgment (Luke 7:36–50).

Hypocritical judgment is wrong. Jesus’ command not to judge others in Matthew 7:1 is preceded by comparisons to hypocrites (Matthew 6:2, 5, 16) and followed by a warning against hypocrisy (Matthew 7:3–5). When we point out the sin of others while we ourselves commit the same sin, we condemn ourselves (Romans 2:1).

Harsh, unforgiving judgment is wrong. We are “always to be gentle toward everyone” (Titus 3:2). It is the merciful who will be shown mercy (Matthew 5:7), and, as Jesus warned, “In the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (Matthew 7:2).

Self-righteous judgment is wrong. We are called to humility, and “God opposes the proud” (James 4:6). The Pharisee in Jesus’ parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector was confident in his own righteousness and from that proud position judged the publican; however, God sees the heart and refused to forgive the Pharisee’s sin (Luke 18:9–14).

Untrue judgment is wrong. The Bible clearly forbids bearing false witness (Proverbs 19:5). “Slander no one” (Titus 3:2).

Christians are often accused of “judging” or intolerance when they speak out against sin. But opposing sin is not wrong. Holding aloft the standard of righteousness naturally defines unrighteousness and draws the slings and arrows of those who choose sin over godliness. John the Baptist incurred the ire of Herodias when he spoke out against her adultery with Herod (Mark 6:18–19). She eventually silenced John, but she could not silence the truth (Isaiah 40:8).

Believers are warned against judging others unfairly or unrighteously, but Jesus commends “right judgment” (John 7:24, ESV). We are to be discerning (Colossians 1:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:21). We are to preach the whole counsel of God, including the Bible’s teaching on sin (Acts 20:27; 2 Timothy 4:2). We are to gently confront erring brothers or sisters in Christ (Galatians 6:1). We are to practice church discipline (Matthew 18:15–17). We are to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).

Recommended Resources: Judging Others: The Dangers of Playing God by Ken Sande

Friday, May 5, 2017

The Truth About Obamacare's Repeal The Left Doesn't Want You To Know

By: David Trott
MI 11th Congressional District Congressman (R)
Since coming to Congress, I have supported replacing the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) with a market-based plan that reduces costs and provides better care for the American people. 

That's why, yesterday, I voted in support of the American Health Care Act-legislation that replaces Obamacare with a patient-centered system, lowers costs for families, and protects Americans with pre-existing conditions.  

While this bill is far from perfect and there is plenty that both sides are not satisfied with, I do believe it is a better approach than was taken by Obamacare.

Back in 2009, the American people were promised health premiums would decline by $2,500 per family, but the average premium has actually gone up and the average family's employer-sponsored health care plan now costs more than $18,000 a year. In Michigan, premiums for individuals are expected to climb nearly 17% in 2017. Last year alone, we saw deductibles increase an average of $492 across all plans on the Obamacare exchange.

What I have heard from many families and small businesses in Southeast Michigan is that this top-down, Washington-centered approach to health care has not worked. Citizens that I represent have told me concerns regarding increasing premiums, higher taxes, fewer choices, and less access to care. 

After carefully reviewing the American Health Care Act and the amendments made to the bill, I believe this legislation makes several key improvements, such as:  

  • Eliminates the individual and employer mandate penalties, which forced millions of workers, families, and job creators into expensive, inadequate Obamacare plans that they don't want and cannot afford.
  • Dismantles the Obamacare taxes that have hurt job creators, increased premium costs, and limited options for patients and health care providers. 
  • Guarantees coverage to Americans with pre-existing conditions and bans health insurers from charging a patient with pre-existing conditions higher premiums as long as they maintain continuous coverage, or sign up for new coverage within 63 days of exiting a previous insurance plan.
  • Helps young adults access health insurance and stabilize the marketplace by allowing dependents to continue staying on their parents' plan until they are 26.
  • Modernizes and strengthens Medicaid so states can better serve  patients most in need. 
  • Empowers individuals and families to spend their health care dollars the way they want and need by enhancing and expanding Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).
  • Help Americans access affordable, quality health care by providing a monthly tax credit-between $2,000 and $14,000 a year-for low-and middle-income individuals and families who don't receive insurance through work or a government program. 
Yesterday, I also supported the Public Health Service Act, legislation that requires Members of Congress to live under the American Health Act, ensuring there are no exemptions for Members or their staff. 

Regrettably, there has been a lot of misinformation spread about this bill, especially regarding how the bill protects people with pre-existing conditions.  Here is the truth:
Under no circumstance can people be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition. Current law prohibiting pricing customers based on health status remains in place and can only be waived by a state if that state has chosen to take care of the people through other risk-sharing or reinsurance mechanisms. Even if a state asks for, and is granted a waiver, no person may be priced based on health status if they have maintained continuous health coverage.
On November 8th, citizens voted for President Trump and Congressional Republicans on the promise to replace the Affordable Care Act with real patient-centered reforms. The American people have already rendered a verdict on Obamacare and I am committed to fighting for the kind of reforms the citizens of this country expect to see.

We all knew that bringing change to Washington would not be easy - there are many special interests and partisan groups who will always fight to keep the status quo. Making the kind of tough decisions that are needed to turn our country around will require real leadership and teamwork.  
Today's vote is the first step in a longer, three-phase legislative process that will move away from the big government mandates in the Affordable Care Act and instead allow people both the freedom and the ability to choose the quality health care they want. 
You can learn more about the legislation and read the text of bill by clicking here.
I believe the American people send their lawmakers to Washington to tackle big challenges - and I am committed to doing just that.

Thank you for standing with me in this fight. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Patriot falls victim to Obamacare

A hard working patriot falls victim to the death panels of Obamacare.  This patriot's story is why President Trump is trying to repeal Obamacare.  

Here is the story his friends wrote on a gofundme page they set up for him.  If you feel like contributing click here.  Any amount will do:

Michael Krausman is a fighter. He is also one of the kindest, most generous and hard-working men you will ever know. When he was just 3 yrs. old living in Chicago he was kidnapped, beaten and left for dead next to a dumpster. Soon after that, Michael and his brothers were placed in an orphanage for a couple of years then eventually taken in by foster families for the next 5 years where they were in good hands and living somewhat normal lives for the first time. While they were in foster care, Michaels mother was notified his father was killed in Viet-Nam and she fought to get them back and they moved to Michigan. Michael lived a very tough life without a father and a very young mother who was really a child herself. He was determined to be self-sufficient however, and refused to ever think of himself as a victim. 

Michael worked very hard and became a successful Realtor. He saved enough money to purchase and remodel his own home. Last year, without warning, Michael’s world was turned upside down. He began to have balance issues, memory loss and seizures that turned into multiple seizures every day, and he found himself becoming increasingly confused and disoriented. He was forced to stop working, as he was unable to focus long enough to read a single sentence. As a real estate agent he does not have the option of unemployment or Workmen's Compensation to rely on.

Michael had purchased Obamacare a couple years earlier so he was insured, however, after several tests and 7 days in the hospital, Obamacare informed the hospital that they were no longer able to cover any further testing or treatment. Michael was in jeopardy of losing his house, and for the first time in his life was finding himself in a position he never thought he would be in. He sold his house and moved to a small condo with his dog, but his condition got worse and his medical bills continued to grow. He reluctantly signed up for Medicaid, as he was told they would cover more tests than Obamacare. After blowing through all of his savings, doctors still don't know the cause of Michael's seizures and horrible constant headaches. Last month it was suggested to him that he try a hyperbaric chamber treatment as an attempt to reverse some brain damage. At a minimum, health care professionals told him the treatments might be able to help alleviate his constant headaches. After 6 long months of brutal headaches, Michael was shocked to find he was finally able to experience some relief and is beginning to able to focus on things much better. The problem is, the $200.00 a day treatments aren't covered under Medicaid. Since Michael spent all of his savings on medical bills, he began maxing out his 3 credit cards to pay for the treatments. 

Michael spends his days at home with his dog, never knowing when he’ll have his next seizure, worrying about how he's going to pay for his next hyperbaric treatment, or how he'll pay for a series of tests that he needs to diagnose and (hopefully) treat his condition. The doctors are not going to be able to properly diagnose or treat Michael if he can't afford to pay for tests that are rejected by Medicaid. 

We are asking everyone who reads this to consider helping Michael by donating to this campaign. 100% of the money we collect will go to Michael to help pay for his hyperbaric chamber treatments and any tests that Medicaid won’t cover. Any additional money will go towards helping Michael to pay off the credit cards he's used to pay his medical bills. The stress he's feeling after working so hard his entire life isn't helping his condition. 

Please help us make it so Michael doesn't have to worry about how he's going to pay off his credit cards and continue with his treatments. He would never ask for help, so we're doing it for him. You don't have to give a lot, every little bit will help. 

Anyone who knows Michael will tell you he is one of the kindest and most generous people they have ever known. He would literally give you the shirt off his back. We’d like to return the kindness Michael has shown so many of the course of his life. He didn’t have a lot, but he was always the first person to offer to help someone in need. In addition to your contribution, Michael has strong faith and would very much appreciate your prayers. With God's help, he has proven that he is capable of overcoming obstacles many of us can never imagine.

Please help us to help Michael overcome the biggest challenge he’s ever had to face. 
God bless, 
Friends of Michael Krausman
Help spread the word!