Saturday, July 26, 2014

Israel Just Announced They Killed The Top Hamas Commander

Big News Out Coming From Israel Tonight

From INN and FoxNews:

Israel Defense Forces announced Friday that they have successfully eliminated a vital threat from Hamas, killing many Hamas commanders and one top military leader in ground clashes today.

Israeli ground troops fought Hamas terrorists, hitting a Hamas military command post, as Gaza continued to fire rockets at Israel.

Israel National News gave the names of the terrorists killed:

Salah Abu Hassanein – top military leader and propaganda minister for Islamic Jihad;

Hafez Mohammad Hamad – top terror commander for Islamic Jihad in the Beit Hanoun (northern Gaza) area who is directly responsible for the rocket fire on Sderot during escalation leading up to Operation Protective Edge;

Hussein Abd al-Qader Muheisin – top terror commander for Islamic Jihad in Sheijaya;

Akram Sha’ar – top terror commander for Islamic Jihad in Khan Younis, who is directly responsible for both rocket fire and terror attacks in Israel;

Mahmoud Ziada – top terror commander for Islamic Jihad in Jabaliya, responsible for upgrading Islamic Jihad’s arsenal and directing fighting against Israel during Operation Protective Edge;

Osama al-Haya – terror leader for Hamas in Sheijaya, whose son is in Hamas’s ‘political wing’;
Muhammad Shaaban – a senior commander of Hamas’s naval forces;

Ahmad Sahmoud – Hamas commander in Khan Younis;

Abdallah Alah’ras – commander in the Hamas’s “military wing,” the Al-Qassam Brigades.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Michigan's 4th Congressional District: Candidate Mitchell Is Missing

John Moolenaar       Paul Mitchell       Peter Konetchy

Three Republicans are seeking to represent the 4th district in the U.S. House — Peter Konetchy, John Moolenaar, and Paul Mitchell.  So far there have been five public forums between the candidates — but Mitchell has skipped every one.

July 8th, Clinton, Shiawassee, and Gratiot County GOP Debate.  All candidates confirmed attendance.  A week before the event a Mitchell staffer reported informally that Mitchell would not be in attendance because “he was up in the polls, and the first rule of politics is never debate if you’re ahead.” The report was dismissed by the event organizers, but the night before the debate Mitchell canceled because of a “family health” situation.  Konetchy and Moolenaar attended.

July 17th, VFW debate in Montcalm County,
July 19th, Mecosta County GOP Picnic,
July 22nd, Midland “We the People” Tea Party,
July 17th, Skidway Lake, Ogemaw County.

Is it just me, or do others notice a pattern?

It seems odd that Mitchell refuses to interact with the people he wishes to represent.  Early in the campaign, Mitchell did expose himself to questions from various groups, and he apparently didn't like the interaction.  Voters, potential constituents, asked “inconvenient” questions about his donations to Stabenow, his receipt of stimulus money, his residency, or simply questions about how he would actually address the problems facing the nation.

Mitchell now refuses to attend events where people can question him where his answers can be posted throughout the public record.  Instead he is trying to literally “buy” the election by using an obscene amount of his own money to saturate the district with market-tested, focus-group, platitudes.  He seems to be single handedly supporting the post office and local media by sending what seems like daily flyers to virtually every voter in the district and by running unending attack ads, which may or may not have any semblance to reality.

If you have the stomach for it, read his brochures and listen to his ads.  They simply state platitudes such as “take on career politicians and bureaucrats”, “reduce the scope and size of government”, “eliminate reckless regulations”, blah, blah, blah.  He offers no substance or means of accomplishing these platitudes, but allows the reader to relate their frustration to his poll-tested words.

If Mitchell refuses to honestly answer “inconvenient” questions before the election, what makes us think he’ll do a 180 degree turn after the election, acquire an honorable character, and suddenly start to interact with the people?  This election is critical to the survival of this nation.  Please choose constitutional principles over money.

St. Johns debate, July 8, 2014. Konetchy and Mooleaar attended -- Mitchell was a no-show

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Obama Requesting $4 Billion Not To Seal Border But To Relocate Illegals Into Small Towns Across America

Ed Coet
Guest Commentator
Every American needs to understand that Barack Obama does not want his requested $4 billion to secure our border and return the flood of illegal aliens back to the countries
from where they came. He wants this money primarily to “resettle” these illegals in your towns, especially if you live in red states. You will pay for this in your own community with local and state taxes (mostly local taxes) – without federal reimbursement. 

Not only will you not be asked for permission, your mayors and governors won't even be informed of when and where it is happening. This is already standard operating procedures by the Obama administration.

Your schools will be overrun with illegals who can’t speak English and many, if not most, can’t even read or write in their own language. Most are completely illiterate. Many have expensive special education needs. Your property taxes that fund your schools will have to go up to pay for this.

Many of these illegal teens and young men are members of gangs; particularly the brutal and murderous MS-13 gang, and they too will be located in your neighborhoods without your knowledge or permission. Many of the illegals have all manner of communicable diseases that will put you and your children at great health risks. All will require free health care, free accommodations, and free food.

We must be compassionate to the young children who were sent or brought here through no fault of their own. That is what good and compassionate people do. But we must also send them back. We are a sovereign country not an international orphanage.

This is no longer presumptuous. Rather, it is born out in facts as evidenced by the map below, a map that grows in number of locations daily. Texas is being particularly targeted for these “resettlement camps.” Virtually none of the requested money is earmarked to return these illegals to their home country or to secure our borders.

We desperately need an effective plan to stop this resettlement bulldozer right in its tracks. AMERICA IS AT A CROSSROADS. IF WE LET THIS HAPPEN TO US, OUR SOVEREIGNTY IS AT GRAVE RISK.

If there ever was a Trojan Horse, what Obama is now doing is it. Here is what we urgently need to do right now before it is to late:

• Organize and/or participate in "peaceful protests" as the Obama administration tries to set up refugee camps across the nation. Trust me -- these protests will grow and grow. If each of us assumes a personal responsibility to participate, take others with us, and put the word out whenever and wherever such a protest is planned, it will work even better. This kind of organizing is difficult but it absolutely needs to be done. Be a leader in your community and get it started. Without out you it won’t work.

• Start burning up the phone lines to Congress, demanding that Congress earmark the requested funds to expedite removals -- not to "refugee" camps or resettlement efforts but rather to secure our borders, return the illegals from whence they came, and to reimburse border sates and their governors who put their own states National Guard on their sate border since Obama flatly refuses to do it himself. This has already proven to work. Many cities have been safeguarded because Congressmen took action.

• Get angry. Get real “loud and angry.” DO NOT BE SILENT. Angry citizens around the nation need to do this. If they do they will be heard.

• Share this map below to focus national attention on the cities that will be affected if Obama gets his way and remind everyone that this map is growing exponentially on an almost daily basis.

I hope you will share this post as quickly and as widely as you possibly can. Share it in groups and in emails. Ask others to do likewise. However, please member if you only hit the share button, then only the map will be shared. You also may need to copy and past the written part of this post to your share the narrative.
If you agree, please like and share this post.

Major (US Army – Retired)
Founder, The Facebook Tea Party

Monday, July 14, 2014

Is Israel Really The Aggressor??

Israel has had rocket after rocket fired into it's cities. Over 7000
rockets since 2006 and no retaliation from Israel. Can you imagine if Mexico fired into the U.S.? Only now when the rockets became more sophisticated and the attacks to Israeli cities became more prevalent did Israel retaliate. If they were truly targeting civilians more would have been killed. Hamas has decided to put attack centers in schools, hospitals and places or worship.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting today:

"Israel is conducting a vigorous military campaign against Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. Hamas has chosen to attack our cities with massive and indiscriminate rocket fire. I said from the outset that we would respond in strength against this criminal firing at our citizens and this is what we are doing.

We are striking Hamas with increasing strength. We are hitting commanders, militants, arsenals and command centers. The IDF, ISA, security services, firefighters, the Israel Police – everyone is doing their part and doing it in the best way possible. But one must understand how our enemy operates. Who hides in mosques? Hamas. Who puts arsenals under hospitals? Hamas. Who puts command centers in residences or near kindergartens? Hamas. Hamas is using the residents of Gaza as human shields and it is bringing disaster to the civilians of Gaza; therefore, for any attack on Gaza civilians, which we regret, Hamas and its partners bear sole responsibility.

The leadership of Hamas and the other organizations has chosen – at a time when they are using the population of Gaza as human shields – to hide under ground, to flee abroad and to deliberately put civilians in the line of fire. This is the entire difference between us and Hamas – we are using defensive systems against missiles to protect the residents of Israel and they are using the residents of Gaza to protect arsenals of missiles. Nothing better underscores the difference in this campaign. Israel is a democracy that is fighting – in a legitimate and focused manner – against unbridled terrorists and no country in the world would do any less than we are doing to protect our citizens.

We will continue to act in a patient and level-headed manner, with responsibility, and vigorously in order to achieve the goal of the operation – the restoration of quiet for a long period while inflicting a significant blow on Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. The IDF is prepared for all possibilities.

Now, two other points. First, to the citizens of Israel: You are showing maturity and responsibility and I think that you are impressing the entire world. But I have one request: Do not be complacent. I know that there are people who are going out and who want to see the missiles. I ask you: Do not do this. I ask that you enter protected spaces. We are speaking here from a protected space. We ask you to be in protected spaces and to listen to instructions from IDF Home Front Command. Someone rightly said that that regarding civil defense, one needs not only an Iron Dome but iron discipline as well. You have shown this up until now. This could yet take a long time and we need both your support and your discipline.

The last point: Today in Vienna, the foreign ministers of the major powers are discussing the question of dealing with Iran's nuclear program. I would like to remind them Hamas and Islamic Jihad are being financed, armed and trained by Iran. Iran is a major power of terrorism that finances, arms and trains the terrorist organizations we are fighting against. This Iran cannot be allowed the ability to produce fissile material for nuclear weapons. If this happens, the things we are seeing around us and the things that are happening in the Middle East will be far worse. In recent years we have made various forecasts for the Middle East – me and my colleagues here around the table – and these forecasts have, to my regret, come true one by one. The prediction of Iran as a nuclear threshold state cannot be allowed to come true, it cannot. This cannot be and it will not be.

Thank you."

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Independence Day? Are we really Happy or Independent?

Happy Independence Day?  Are we really Happy or Independent?

Is it ironic that the country whose citizens enjoy more freedom than
any other in the world, evolved from one of the more tyrannic countries in history?  It is not-so-ironic that this country is targeted more than any other industrial nation in the world ... because we are a stand for FREEDOM ... throughout the world.

Those that have a need or wish to oppress others, will always try to overpower those that are free.  That is their goal.  That is their mindset.  That is their default.  That is why Freedom is never without cost, and never will be.  There will always be someone knocking on your door to take from you what you are not willing to stand-up for.  The citizens of this country did two hundred-plus years ago.  And I am grateful.

Freedom is a natural state, everywhere.  Even within the "laws" of physics, we have, both physically and spiritually, the freedom of choice.

Today, let's recognize and appreciate the power of choice, the sovereignty of independence, and celebrate our Independence Day!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

EWTN Granted Injunctive Relief in HHS Mandate Case Court of Appeals Acts Following Supreme Court Hobby Lobby Decision

Irondale, AL (EWTN) – The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta has granted the EWTN Global Catholic Network an injunction preventing the government from enforcing the HHS
contraceptive services mandate against the Network. The appeals court released its twenty-nine page order just hours after the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Hobby Lobby case. The injunction allows EWTN to continue its court challenge of the mandate without incurring the fines of $35,000 per day that would have begun on July 1.

"This has been a very good day for religious liberty in America," said EWTN Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Michael P. Warsaw. "The Supreme Court decision in the Hobby Lobby case was a great affirmation of the constitutional right to freedom of religious expression. While the Hobby Lobby decision did not directly resolve EWTN's case, this afternoon's injunction from the appellate court allows us to press forward without facing the government's crushing fines.

"As we have said repeatedly, contraception, abortion-inducing drugs and voluntary sterilization are not health care and the government should not force EWTN to provide them as part of our employer-sponsored health plan.

"The Hobby Lobby decision recognizes that business owners don't give up their religious freedom when they start a business," continued Warsaw. "The fact that the Supreme Court believes that the government has an obligation to use the least restrictive means of accomplishing its goals is very helpful to the EWTN case. EWTN has raised similar arguments with regard to the government's 'accommodation' scheme for faith-based organizations. We are both relieved and encouraged by the action taken by the courts today and look forward to making our case before the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in the coming months."

EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 33rd year, is available in over 230 million television households in more than 140 countries and territories. With its direct broadcast satellite television and radio services, AM & FM radio networks, worldwide short-wave radio station, Internet website, electronic and print news services, and publishing arm, EWTN is the largest religious media network in the world.

Why Would Michigan Hire The Same Company That Botched The HealthCare.Gov Site?

Michigan has just awarded computer contracts worth close to $90 million to the Canadian company that built the
botched federal government’s Affordable Care Act website and took much of the blame for its disastrous launch.

The administration of Gov. Rick Snyder (R) chose CGI Technologies and Solutions, whose parent company is headquartered in Montreal, over three U.S.-based firms.  

CGI did not submit the lowest bid. Accenture, a management consulting and technology firm headquartered in New York, offered the lowest price by nearly $5 million, but “CGI provided best value,” Kurt Weiss, a spokesman for the Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget, said Friday.

So the questions are why was CGI Technologies chosen when 1) It is not a US firm? 2)Has a record of botching up a a major website and not completing it on time 3) Was not the cheapest designer?  

State officials were “aware that there may be potential arguments that CGI is not a qualified vendor based on their recent involvement with health care at the federal level” and the website, Weiss said.

“But the feeling of all involved was that those allegations are simply false,” Weiss said. “CGI is a leader in the field, and they are recognized for excellence in … implementation, particularly in a government setting.”

Tim Greimel, House Minority Leader D-Auburn Hills, disagreed.

“It’s very unfortunate that the Snyder administration has chosen to use a foreign company, and especially a foreign company with a dismal track record of completely botching the federal government’s Obamacare website,” Greimel said Friday.

“It’s especially troubling that (they) chose to go with a higher bid from Canada, rather than a lower bid from an American company,” he said.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tom McMillin & Mike Bishop: Who is the true Conservative Candidate for Michigan's 8th District?

One can not hide from their past. Michigan's Republican's have let many of their supporters down by siding with the liberals and helping push their agenda of bigger government through higher taxes, more regulations and less freedoms.
Side By Side Comparison: Bishop Votes With Democrat Leader Whitmer

Recently,Independents for Responsible Government (I4RG)

In Michigan's 8th District, both Mike Bishop and Tom McMillin, are the two Republican candidates vying for the office of Congressman for that district.  The scorecard covers the years from 2009 to 2010 when both served in the Michigan Legislature.  Mike Bishop is accusing Tom McMillin of not being conservative and a tax and spend politician.  Well if one reviews the scorecard it is quite apparent to see why the Lansing based news service MIRS rated Mike Bishop - MOST LIBERAL (2008) and Tom McMillin - MOST CONSERVATIVE (2009).

One has to ask why Mike Bishop, who says he is conservative, has Mike Rogers campaigning for him? Mike Rogers has been for the NSA, NDAA, CIPSA, and SOPA.  All government agencies and laws that spy and restrict freedoms of the citizens of this country.   

Tom McMillin is against the NSA, NDAA, CIPSA, and SOPA.  Tom McMillin also calls for the audit of the Federal Reserve as well as reigning in the IRS.  

When one see the voting records side by side, it becomes quite apparent who the true Conservative. 

Scorecard using I4RG format
Position in 2009-2010
Senate 12
    Senate     17
Senate 12
House 63
House 87
House 72
House 45
% of votes in favor of taxpayers
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