Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Under New Leadership With Ronna McDaniel Republican Party Sets New Record

The Republican National Committee (RNC) filed a $19.8 million
Ronna McDaniel with Donald Trump
January FEC report for its fundraising activities, the committee announced Monday.

The RNC stated in January had its best post-presidential election month in the party's history!

“I am encouraged by the historic support shown by Americans across this country as our Party unites under President Trump,” RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said. 

“It is clear our message of bringing change to all people is resonating, and I am committed to harnessing this momentum as we continue to build on the successes we earned in 2016."
McDaniel said in the statement the RNC has "never been better equipped to champion the Republican agenda and use these resources to grow our majorities in 2018."

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Clearing the Air on "Conservative" Slander Against My Character and Record

By: Kenneth Lloyd
My race for Outreach Vice Chair was an incredibly exhiliarating experience. It was exciting to get out there and meet so many conservatives from around the state. I gained so much confidence and it has really inspired me to lead and continue my activism in the Michigan Republican Party for many years to come.

However, my experience was unfortunately tainted by dirty
Malissa Bossardet,  Shane Trejo, Michael Stroud, Nick Shaheen,
lead the way in support of Kenneth Lloyd
tricks that shocked and repulsed me. While I knew politics was a nasty business going in, I figured that my presence could unite people and give people an escape from a lot of the ugliness that continually stains our party and holds us back. I thought wrong, and most disconcertingly, the betrayal came from the people who I felt to be my brothers: the so-called conservative patriots. 

It first started when the Michigan Conservative Union Founder, Norm Hughes, backer of my opponent Thomas Norton, tried to convince me to drop out to support his candidate. Having respect for Norm because of his history in the conservative movement, I listened to his point of view and seriously considered the points that he made. Ultimately, I declined his offer and stayed in the race. I expected Norm to give me the same respect that I showed him. It was never returned.

Kenneth Lloyd with
Michigan Lt Gov Brian Calley
It soon became apparent that Norm was not my ally in any sense of the word. From sending me rude, discouraging messages to gossiping about me on social media, Norm's entire attitude flipped after it became clear I wouldn't bend to his will. Later on, "Trucker" Randy Bishop told me that I hadn't "paid my dues to the conservative cause" and pleaded with me to quit right as the campaign was heating up. From there, the rumor mill began to spin. A rumor began circulating that I was a supporter of the gas tax. Although we don't know exactly who started this underhanded whisper campaign against me, all signs point right back to Norm Hughes and Tom Norton.

Norm Hughes' newsletter floated a rumor that I was planning to drop out and support Tom Norton days before the State GOP Convention.

As Norm backstabbed me, he would smile to my face and condescendingly tell me how much he loved me and cared for me. In the very next moment, he would go back to his vicious smear campaign. After the initial vote was tallied, the run-off election was between my two opponents. Norton and Hughes actually had the audacity to expect me to support them after their sabotage efforts against me. I was expected
Kenneth Lloyd with Ronald Dwyer
to "do the right thing" (in their eyes) for the conservative cause, and put my support behind the folks who unfairly denied me equal opportunity to get elected (on the basis of my merit, not on the the basis of lies) to lead within the Michigan Republican Party.

On the other hand, I had never received any pressure from the Soltis campaign nor observed any funny business being conducted by them. They just put forward a positive message and presented why their candidate was the right man for the job. Although I thought my political views to be more similar to Norton's when I entered the campaign, Soltis' honorable nature caused me and my campaign to throw our full weight behind them during the run-off election. In fact, I was impressed by the graciousness of the many moderates who supported my efforts alongside the liberty warriors who got my campaign off the ground. I am very stunned and encouraged by the coalition forming around me.

After the campaign, the lies and the smears about me continued from these supposed patriots. Trucker Randy posted a Facebook message indicating that I was somehow a turncoat for the conservative cause because I didn't back Norton in the run-off election. It was capstoned by a message from Norton himself containing distortions, regarding our correspondence between each other:

This was Tom Norton's post-election smear attempt to defame me amongst conservatives.

Apparently Norton and Hughes thought I could be bullied, manipulated and used as a pawn by them in their deceitful bid for power. They were incorrect. Honor and integrity matters too much for me to reward these efforts with any kind of support. Nevertheless, I am grateful for this eye-opener about the nature of politics and why it is so necessary for me to become a leader in the Michigan conservative movement in the first place. There is a lot of lost ground to make up.

Lt Gov Brian Calley, Hank Fuhs (back) Kenneth Lloyd (front), Lena Epstien
and State Representative Shane Hernandez 
I congratulate Mr. Soltis for running his campaign with honor and integrity unlike Thomas Norton’s campaign. I was happy to get behind him in the run-off election, and would be happy to help him with his outreach efforts moving forward if he is so obliged. Additionally, I appreciate Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley and State Rep. Shane Hernandez for giving my nomination speeches in a great display of party unity. Thanks to Michael Stroud for being so kind and devoting so much of his time and energy to my campaign. Thanks as well to Lt Governor Brian Calley, Shane Hernandez, Malissa Bossardet, Eric Bond, Shane Trejo, Nick Shaheen, Tami Carlone, Carlo Malaie, Shelly Gregoire, Dennis Marburger, Lena Epstein, Ron Dwyer and many others for fighting so hard beside me to make my dreams come true. You haven't heard the last from me.

*The views expressed in this editorial may or may not reflect the views and opinions of  Ron Dwyer or that of Setting The Record Straight.  Opposing views are welcomed.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

House Intelligence Committee Chair: Leakers of Lt Flynn Call ‘Belong in Jail

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) said Tuesday that those who leaked the contents of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s phone calls “belong in jail.”

The House Intelligence Committee chairman said there are only two ways that intelligence agencies can listen in on an American’s phone call — after obtaining a warrant, or inadvertently, such as in the case of Flynn speaking with a foreign official being spied on, which the report suggests was the case.

Nunes said “it’s pretty clear” that there was no warrant.

“It’s pretty clear that’s not the case,” he said. “I’m pretty sure the FBI didn’t have a warrant on Michael Flynn … To listen to an American’s phone call you would have to go to a court, there’d be all that paperwork there. So I’m guessing that doesn’t exist.”

Rep. Peter King (R-NY) said on "The First 100 Days" on Fox News that authorities should investigate who leaked a wiretapped conversation between former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Flynn, a retired general, resigned Monday after it was reported that he did not tell the full truth about the conversation to Vice President Mike Pence, who in turn appeared on news programs and repeated the flawed information to the public.

If Flynn violated the Logan Act, why shouldn't Dennis Rodman and Sean Penn guilty of the same thing when they went and talked to Kim Jong Un and Hugo Chavez respectively?

Monday, February 13, 2017

Michigan Republican Leaders Passing Petitions For A Far Left Democrat?

It is hard to believe but true that there are Republican leaders that have been campaigning for a Democrat, West Bloomfield, Michigan City Clerk, Cathy Shaunessy. 

The petition was circulated by Janine Kateef of the 14th Congressional District.

What is  also disturbing is the President of The West
Bloomfield Republican Club and newly elected 14th District Executive Committee member, Ben Ohly is one of the signers on the petition as is newly elected 11th Congressional District  Republican Committee At-Large Member Lauren Burris. Both Ohly and Burris are vocal voices that side with  Michigan Conservative Coalition. 

Just last week Ohly went after other Republican's  questioning their conservative credentials including the author of this blog and another prominent Republican, Barbara Harrell.  Harrell is the co-founder and former President of the Troy Clawson Republican Forum.  

Ohly questioned this author's conservative credentials as he was not happy about the article written and the challenge that this author wrote challenging the legitimacy of Maddock's actions as chair of the Oakland County portion of the 11th Congressional District Convention. 

Who is Cathy Shaunessy?  Well she has been described as a Far-Left Lunatic (that) Apparently Committed Bankruptcy Fraud  by fellow blogger Debbie Schlussel.  Here are a few excerpts of Schlussel's blog:

The story of Cathy Shaughnessy is important on many fronts. This far-left Democratic candidate for office demonstrates why blogs are important because some of them–like this one–actually do the investigative journalism the mainstream media won’t. Shaughnessy is also Exhibit A of the kind of lowlife the mortgage bailout bill will help via your hard-earned tax money. And how far left liberals can often get away with murder. Or, at least, apparent bankruptcy fraud and/or campaign finance fraud.
Catherine Caya Shaughnessy is an unbalanced, liberal, part-time yoga teacher and Democratic Party candidate for Township Clerk in swanky, upscale Detroit suburb of West Bloomfield Township.

Problem is, in addition to her mental instability, it appears that Cathy Shaughnessy committed bankruptcy fraud in U.S. Bankruptcy Court.
Shaughnessy and her husband Tom filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy last year in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Michigan–Case No, 07-57455–and their bankruptcy continues. The case is not yet closed.

She and her husband claimed they couldn’t pay their bills, including the $450,474 they owe to AMC Mortgage Services, while at the same time Shaughnessy donated over $16,000 to her campaign for office, money which she apparently concealed and secreted from her bankruptcy filing. Court filings don’t show any report by Shaughnessy to the Bankruptcy Trustee of the possession and/or receipt of these funds.

The Oakland Press also followed Shaughnessy as she used public funds which many felt were used to promote her political aspirations.  Here is an excerpt of the Oakland Press article:

A mailing sent out by Township Clerk Cathy Shaughnessy with a $7,100 price tag has some West Bloomfield trustees fuming.

Supervisor Michele Economou Ureste said the “glossy, oversized postcard with (several) references to (Shaughnessy’s) name and her email address ... was mailed to every home in the Township without board approval.”

The postcard alerts residents to the upcoming May 5 special election.

Shaughnessy said she didn’t need board approval.
Ureste said the cost should be paid by Shaughnessy from her campaign funds.

Treasurer Teri Weingarden agreed.

“It was unethical for Clerk Shaughnessy to spend over $7,000 of taxpayer-money clearly for self promotion and without township board approval. This is not the first time Clerk Shaughnessy has used township funds for self-serving mailings, nor is it the first time she has spent township funds on unapproved items without township board approval.”

Now the question that needs to be asked is why these Republicans supported Cathy Shaunessy?  

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Video of 11th District Caucus and Official Announcement From The Oakland County Chair

Theresa Mungioli
Oakland County Chair
The official response from the Oakland County Chair, Theresa Mungioli regarding the 11th District Convention portion held in Oakland County follows below the video.

The video shows the warning given to all the delegates in the Oakland County portion of the 11th District.  It also clearly shows the vote in favor of keeping the Michigan Republican Party Rules and breaking into sub-caucuses.  You will also hear loud and clear the call for division, which was ignored.

In the response from Theresa Mungioli, you will also find the direct link to the Michigan Republican Party Credentials Committee Report which unanimously accepted the "apportionment caucus" delegate and alternate lists.

Dear Oakland County Precinct Delegates,

The turmoil about the 11th District caucus at the Oakland County Convention continues. And many of you are unfortunate victim of this controversy. As I explained in an email a few weeks ago, Eric Bond and Matt Maddock ignored the State Party Convention Rules in order to benefit Maddock’s campaign for 11th District Chairman. And when they were confronted with the facts, they still persisted in lying to you, the grassroots activists. They knew the truth and still won’t admit their mistake.

It is not a surprise that some activists appealed to the State Party Credentials Committee. They were told that if the Maddock rules passed that the entire District Caucus list could be thrown out. Their complaints listed the lies  that Maddock and Bond spread as truth and showed the many rules violations they committed. The Credentials Committee unanimously voted to remove Maddock’s list and wrote a scathing 1500 word response outlining the violations of the rules.

Rather than take my word, please read the entire Credentials Committee report posted on the OCRP website. http://www.oaklandgop.net/docs/2017-Congressional-District-Challenge-Response.pdf. It details the systematic violation of the rules by Matt Maddock and Eric Bond. Despite the skewed rhetoric claiming victim-hood, the facts are simple – they blatantly violated the rules.

We are a nation of laws and a party of rules. We can’t let Maddock and Bond ignore the rules whenever they want to manipulate the situation. As a result of Maddock’s and Bond’s behavior, the Credentials Committee approved the list of Delegates and Alternates listed on the OCRP website. Please review it to find your name and make travel arrangements accordingly.

Now Maddock and his organization say they may sue the Republican Party because they didn’t get their way. And use you for a fundraiser. Their lawsuit will cost thousands of dollars we could use against Democrats. Like many of you, I am tired of the destructive tactics of this group, who are more interested in fighting fellow Republicans than defeating Democrats.

For those in the 8th, 9th and 14th District, it is important for you to see what is happening in the 11th District and the cost Maddock will have on our county. This will cost us Republican leadership countywide.

I look forward to working with you to grow our party and defend our conservative principles from those that would use the party for their own benefit. Don’t fall for any more of their lies.

Yours in freedom and liberty,

Theresa Mungioli
OCRP Chairman

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Matt Maddock

Oakland County Republican Delegates are quite familiar with Matt Maddock.  He previously ran against current State Senator Mike Kowall in 2012 and lost in the primary.  

Since that loss, he's been dubbed the next "Todd Courser" based on his fast political aspirations.    He has convinced and recruited a following of delegates, some that are actually Libertarians and not Republicans, to use them to take over both the Oakland County and 11th District Conventions the last few go-arounds.  This time to take over the 11th Congressional District as Chairman. 

Jeff Sakwa
However his latest takeover created the greatest controversy yet when he chose to ignore State Party rules which required sub-caucuses to elevate delegates to the State convention. 

Maddock proceeded to push through a vote for elevation of delegates through district caucus after being warned by Michigan Republican Party Vice Chair Jeff Sakwa, who specifically read the party rules to the room full of delegates and by Oakland County Republican Party senior parliamentarian, Dennis Flessland, that sub-caucuses must be the way to elevate delegates.   The majority of the Delegates took Sakwa's warning to heart and voice voted to keep State Party Rules.  It was obvious by all in the room that the vote was clearly in favor of keeping State Party Rules.   However Maddock proceed to say that State Party Rules were voted down.  Maddock also ignored numerous loud shouts of "Division", which meant the delegates wanted another vote either by hand or ballot on that vote.

Matt Maddock and his followers have viciously attacked Republican Vice Chair Jeff Sakwa, who owns a real estate company, for donating to Democrats in the course of his business operations.   Suprisingly, what has been revealed by MIRS Newswire shows that also Matt Maddock also gave to Democrats for " greasing the wheels"   

Here is what MIRS has found 

"Documents obtained by MIRS showed Maddock gave $1,000 to former Democratic Gov. Jennifer GRANHOLM in 2002 and $250 to then-former Democratic Sen. Hansen CLARKE. Maddock said he was the head of a bail-bondsman organization at the time, and was urged to make the contribution to grease the wheels for some legislation he was working. 

Also, police records from 2000 show Maddock punched a man in the face, breaking bones around his nasal cavity that later required surgery to fix. Maddock was never criminally convicted in the assault, which he said came as part of him defending a member of his family who was being attacked. 

Maddock also had a combined $12,000 in property tax liens from 2009-2013, which came from him losing his job, he said. "

"Whether Maddock will be attending this weekend's convention, he declined to say when asked by MIRS. 

However, he hinted that he was conceding defeat in his weekend Facebook post when he wrote, "Our business as precinct delegates is finished for this two-year cycle. We have until May of 2018 to recruit every more delegates so we can beat them next round."

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Trump Secretly Meets Family To Honor Fallen Navy Seal

One of the tougher duties as commander in chief, President Donald Trump made an unannounced trip Wednesday to honor the deceased U.S. Navy SEAL killed in a weekend raid in Yemen.
Chief Special Warefare Operator William "Ryan" Owens

Chief Special Warfare Operator William "Ryan" Owens was a 36-year-old from Peoria, Illinois, is the first known U.S. combat casualty since Trump took office. An 8-year-old American girl was listed of the 30 others killed in the secret operation on an al-Qaida compound, and three other U.S. service members were wounded.

Trump went to Delaware's Dover Air Base in total media blackout. The president and his daughter, Ivanka, took off from the White House in the presidential helicopter with their destination unannounced. A very small group of journalists traveled with President Trump on the condition that nature of the trip would not be announced into he arrived.

The President's Helicopter, Marine One landed at Dover shortly before the plane carrying Owens' body arrived. The president was expected to meet with Owens' family, which requested that the visit and the dignified transfer of the Navy SEAL's remains be private.

William Owens joined the Navy in 1998 and was the recipient of two Bronze stars, a Joint Service Commendation and an Afghanistan Campaign Medal, among other honors.