Friday, August 14, 2015

Christian Baker Defiantly Tells Court I Will Not Bake Gay Wedding Cakes. I nor My 88 Year Old Mother Will Go to Re-education

Appeals court rules that Jack Phillips, a Christian Colorado baker must make wedding cakes for gay couples and he as well as his staff, including his 88 year old mother must take re-education courses. Re-education courses??? What country are we living in?

Jack Phillips a devout Christian who honors God through his baking,
had argued that he could not participate in same-sex ceremonies because it would violate his religious beliefs. The appeals court ruled otherwise.

“By selling a wedding cake to a same-sex couple, Masterpiece does not necessarily lead an observer to conclude that the bakery supports its customer’s conduct,” the court wrote in its ruling.

Alliance Defending Freedom, a law firm that specializes in religious liberty cases, represented Phillips. They argue that the court is denying their client his fundamental freedoms.

“Jack simply exercised the long-cherished American freedom to decline to use his artistic talents to promote a message with which he disagrees,” ADF attorney Jeremy Tedesco said. “Government has a duty to protect people’s freedom to follow their beliefs personally and professionally rather than force them to adopt the government’s views.”

I spoke to Jack on Thursday just moments after the court ruling was handed down. He remains steadfast in his Christian faith.

“The court’s ruling is not fair,” he said. “It shows that some people have more equal rights than others. When you’re not in line with the same-sex agenda, you don’t have as much equal rights.”

As it stands – Jack will be required by the government to make wedding cakes for same-sex couples. If he denies anyone service, he will be required to explain why. He is also expected to retrain his staff in the state’s anti-discrimination policies – including his 88-year-old mother.

It sounds like the government wants to round up Phillips and his staff and haul them to a reeducation camp – where they can be purged of the religious beliefs that offend the LGBT community.

“My mom is on my staff and she said she will not be retrained,” he defiantly said. “And I’m not going to make same-sex wedding cakes.”


  1. Stand fast and I pray he wins. This abuse of Christians has got to stop. There is no reason for a homosexual couple to demand a certain baker make them a cake. Go somewhere else - and quit acting like Nazis.

    1. They do it to be able to sue them, not because they want them to make them a cake.

    2. Yeshua is sovereign. Stay strong in Jesus.

    3. Agreed. Every establishment has the right to refuse service with prejudice if it in any way discredits their reputation. As a Christian, if he were to participate in bringing together a same sex couple, he stands to explain himself to his congregation for giving his stamp of approval on something he stands diametrically apposed to.This is bad for business one could argue.

    4. Agree! They can go get their cake somewhere else. Defiance for the right reasons take courage. I applaud him for this!

    5. Lord give him your strength. Make a way where there seems to be no way. In Jesus name.



    1. Judge's need to list party affiliation on ballets at election time so the public has an idea what they are voting for.
      Daddy Bigfoot

  3. Why would it matter what "an observer" would think? The baker is the one who has a religious objection to it and that's the important part.

  4. Give the court the fine in 1 dollar a week payments in pennies and ya'll go to the idiot classes but SLEEP or text or watch a video during the whole thing never joining in their "discussions" or even write on any paper they hand you to fill out except the enrollment papers, and when they ask for their payment for those classes as you know will happen, bake them a cake!
    Judges are nothing but bottom feeder lawyers somehow promoted from pond suckers to actual respected humans? Go figure.

  5. What exactly is a re-education course? Do they waterboard the participants? Do they ask you to renounce your beliefs? I've never been too clear on that.

  6. Sure, I'll make that rainbow cake for you Mr and Mr Sissy Pants, BUT, I want payment up front, it's a specialty cake that takes a lot of time to bake, our contract is binding, you cannot cancel and the price is $5000. Still want that cake?

    1. Make that 500,000.00. It would be easy for the fairies to come up with 5k.

    2. I would tell them upfront that the only because said I have to make the cake. My religion doesn't support same sex marriages. The cake,would not be a master piece cake. It will look like home made with layer upon layers. It looks like a disaster!

  7. I don't live in Colorado, but if I did, I'd be marching in the streets to support this brother in Christ! It's time to rise up Saints!

  8. Clearly our government is wrong. We who love our American freedoms must stand tall in the fight against the wrong.

  9. What are the names and address's of those who made the ruling? Seriously!

  10. do not back down from our communist government

  11. Folks we are way over due for a up rising and civil war where is the militia?

    1. Do not worry it is on the way

    2. Do not worry it is on the way soon

  12. I'll be praying with you. Don't take down!

  13. Dear Jack, I support you 110%. You need to understand why the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution no longer is valid as it is written, " Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; ..... First, it is important to know that the instigator of the LGBT agenda is from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights which is a part of the Organization of American States. The USA is a member state of the OAS as well as 34 other nations of North, Central, South America and Islands of the Caribbean. The agenda of this commission can be found in the Inter-America Commission Strategic Plan 2011-2015. The LGBT agenda is one of its main themes. You need to understand that the 113th Congress passed the Organization of American States Revitalization and Reform Act of 2013 which supports the "purposes and principles enshrined" in multiple OAS documents. The OAS document, The American Convention On Human Rights, is one such document. It violates our freedom of religion as it states in article 12, " Freedom to manifest one's religion and beliefs may be subject only to the limitations prescribed by law that are necessary to protect public safety, order, health, or morals, or the rights and freedoms of others." Our government has sold us out and has created an act of treason as they have not kept their "Oath of Office." I have been trying to educate others about the OAS for 5 years. Please see my website ripple for more information that I hope will help you in this worthy cause.

  14. Romans 12:9-21 "9 Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. 10 Love each other with genuine affection,[e] and take delight in honoring each other. 11 Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.[f] 12 Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. 13 When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.

    14 Bless those who persecute you. Don’t curse them; pray that God will bless them. 15 Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep. 16 Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all!

    17 Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. 18 Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.

    19 Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say,

    “I will take revenge;
    I will pay them back,”[g]
    says the Lord.

    20 Instead,

    “If your enemies are hungry, feed them.
    If they are thirsty, give them something to drink.
    In doing this, you will heap
    burning coals of shame on their heads.”[h]

    21 Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good."

    1. Name calling is not the solution - send the judge 100,000 cakes - bless his honor.

    2. Yes - good verses - we are told to obey the government and those in authority. But didn't some of the disciples go to jail for preaching when told not to. This baker is not refusing to sell cookies or plain cakes to a thin, neat, man wearing a pink shirt or anyone else. They are refusing to use their talents to BE PART OF a ceremony which goes against their religious views. But the tyranny will be imposed and THEY MUST BE MADE TO CARE.

    3. The thing we have to remember is that We Are The Government. We don't live under a 'Ruling Body', we are the ruling body. And its our sacred duty to Rule under the principles of God, who we dedicated this nation to. And nice reference HikerJohn, great informative book.

    4. I will just help the lord out he works to hard ill let him get revenge but i will pay them back myself

  15. The court ruling is wrong. Americans, we are in trouble. The Gay and liberal lobbies are winning. People that stand for the Bible and its truths just prove the Bible is accurate. If you stand for Christ. The real Christ, the Bible Christ, you will be attacked. Satan runs this world. Don't forget, Satan tried to give the kingdoms of the earth to The King of Kings and Lord of Lords and was rebuked. All we can do is stand for the Word of God and present the gospel. Don't forget, millions have been and will be put to death because of the Word of God. This cake issue is just a small part in the stand. I hope this man does not give in to the government. Just read Romans the first few chapters and it is plain and simple. God does not approve of homsexuality !!

  16. I would bake them the most beautiful (in MY eyes) wedding cake I could. THEY may not think it's beautiful, and THEY may not like the way it tastes, but they insisted on paying for MY artistic baking skills!

  17. Hang in there Government should have no control over private business. Why should anyone have more rights then another person. Thats what they are saying. Where are your rights as a American.

  18. In my opinion, it's the GOVERNMENT that needs to be re-educated

  19. God Bless Jack Phillips.
    God Help Jack Phillips.
    We should all be praying
    For Jack Phillips.

  20. The homosexuals demanding this cake are trying to take the baker's rights away and then send him for retraining about his that is really wrong........they have no right to do this...

  21. May God help you, Sir! The war against the world's view of things is only going to escalate. May Jesus give us strength to endure and to fight back!

  22. Fight how? Hoping they see the light? See, the problem with mainstream Christianity, is the alck of willingness, o go to battle. Battles in courts solve nothing. The game is rigged. We have rules, they don't. The propencity for pacifism, from most Christians, is what will destroy us. Remember, when asking yourself "WWJD?", that flipping tables and beating people with a whip, is not out of the question. Lose the mysticism folks. There IS a human element to Christianity. Faith is enough to know God exists, but faith alone will not save us from the world. Works, is what does that. Sometimes the work, in defense of our freedoms, lives, and well being, are not accepted by those who worship the one who created us. This is not part of the work of God. It is the work of secret combinations, to control us. To weaken resolve, and subjugate the citizens. Do not let your faith in this false enlightenment. Tolerance is subjugation, when it is required. Just as charity becomes theft, when it is required. I am simply sick of the standers by. REFUSE TO COMPLY!!

  23. Please point out where in the Bible it says you cannot do business with a gay person? I'll tell you where. Nowhere. This is made up. It's just pick and choose religious doctrine. Sorry, not buying it.
