Tuesday, September 30, 2014

First U.S. Case Of Ebola Confirmed

Has the Obama Administration already
set up quarantine centers?
The first Ebola case has been diagnosed in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just announced.  The patient is located in Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas.

Thanks to Barack "Insane Hussein" Obama, more American's maybe contracting this life threatening disease.  Over 3,000 of our brave men and women have been assigned to put their "boots on the ground" in the Ebola hot zones to keep order.  How many of them will bring this disease back to our nation when they return?

With the open border with Mexico, how soon till more infected with Ebola cross into our country?  

Already many of our children are hospitalized and some paralyzed and on life support with the E86 Virus that has spread across our nation.  This virus is common among the Latin American countries south of our border.

Although American Ebola patients have been treated in the United States prior to this diagnosis, they all contracted Ebola in West Africa. Ebola has killed 2,917 people and infected 3,346 others since the outbreak began in March.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

ISIS Crushing Publically Crushing Babies

They claim to be the religion of peace. They are called the "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria".

Barack Hussien Obama claims they aren't Islamic.

They are Islamic. They are barbarians. They do want to take over the world.

In a three photo slide show, an ISIS cleric kills a baby belonging to a Christian family who refused to convert to Islam. ISIS thugs are spreading across the Middle East and are calling on their affiliates in the United States to begin doing the same. After last week's beheading in Oklahoma, Americans need to both be on guard and be angry.

The "religion of peace" has started another Crusade, and most Americans are blissfully unaware.

If there's ever a time to realize that the enemy is here and they must be defeated, it is now.

Former Guantanamo Bay Enemy Combatants Released By Obama, Now Part Of ISIS

Remember The "Taliban 5" who were transferred from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to custody in Doha, Qatar,  who
were Mohammad Fazl, Khairullah Khairkhwa, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Norullah Noori, and Mohammad Nabi Omari in exchange for one U.S. traitorous / deserter soldier who wanted to join the Taliban?  Well this “Taliban 5”  have largely disappeared from view since they were dropped off in Doha, but eyewitnesses place Fazi, Wasiq, and Noori in Iraq and Syria fighting with ISIS.

One Constitutional expert believes that this is a clear and historical example of presidential treason.

"Article 2 of the Constitution clearly states that treason is the act of giving aid or comfort to the enemy - or that of waging war against the United States," says Constitutional Law professor Ron Bear. "It is clear that Barack Obama broke the law - even his own Government Accountability Office says that the law was broken in regards to the (Bergdahl) swap. Now you have the best radical Islamic generals returning to the battlefield to wage war against the United States. American blood is definitely on the hands of this president, and it probably rises to the Constitutional challenge of treason - or at least high crimes."

Will we see impeachment proceedings against Barack Obama? At the moment it is highly unlikely.

The End Of NBC's Saturday Night Live?

Sad as to what has happened to the once great Saturday Night Live.  On its 40th season premier the show sputtered from the start.   The
writing was weak throughout. The show opened with Kennan Thompson and Jay Pharoah  who took on the personas of Ray Lewis and Shannon Sharpe, respectively, attempting to respond to recent scandals involving Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson.  The sketch wasn’t the least bit funny and if it's any indication for this upcoming people are  likely to ignore upcoming episodes as much as they  have been the previous ones.  

Christ Pratt was the host and in his monologue he sang about hot sex with his wife Anna Faris, who appeared quite uncomfortable when the camera zoomed in on her in the audience.  

After the monologue, the first skit was about a kid celebrating his birthday and making a wish that his toys would become real when he blew out his birthday candles. Next thing you know Chris Pratt and musical guest Ariana Grande appeared in a raunchy skit dressed as He-Man and She-Ra  and then all of a sudden they were all simulating masturbation.

Midway through the show came the classic Weekend update.  After loosing Seth Meyers and replacing him with Cecily Strong last season, her short tenure as weekend update anchor was over with the season premier.  Last season’s mid-season co-anchor addition,   Colin Jost,  took over the main anchor role and Saturday Night Live writer/onetime Daily Show correspondent Michael Che this week made his debut as co-anchor.  The start of Weekend Update looked totally unprofessional as Michael Che choked on his first lines then the primary new story skit was about  a guy, played by Stand-up comedian Pete Davidson,  a 20-year-old son of a New York City firefighter who was killed on 9/11, made his debut this weekend on saying how he would gladly give another guy a blow job for little money. 

If this is what the once celebrated SNL has come to, this could very well be the last season of Saturday Night Live. 

Saturday, September 27, 2014

First Woman From An Arab Nation In Live Fly Mission Bombs ISIS

Major Mariam Al Mansouri is the first woman to join the Emirati Air Force—a dream she has held since she was a teenager.  She graduated from the academy in 2008 and now serves as a squadron commander, piloting F-16 fighter jets.

Al Mansouri, 35, is the first woman from an Arab nation to fly a mission-- dropping bombs on Sunni terrorists.

The United States and five Arab allies, including Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, launched a series of airstrikes against ISIS targets inside Syria

Monday, September 22, 2014

Woman Spends $20,000 For A Third Breast In Hopes Of 15 Minutes of Fame

Have we as society become so desperate for fame that we are willing to alter our bodies for it?

A young and troubled Tampa woman has become the latest viral sensation because she allegedly had plastic surgery to get a third breast. She claims her strange look has landed her appearances on “Inside Edition” and “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”

The woman, who goes by the name Jasmine Tridevil, wrote on Facebook, “So I'm flying to New York to appear on The Inside Edition show this Monday! Then going to be on the news, Jimmy Kimmel show and Vice magazine! oh and a few radio shows!”

It was not immediately clear if she had actually booked appearances on the shows.

Tridevil said in a recent radio interview that she got the surgery “a few months ago” and had a very hard time finding a doctor who would agree to her request.

“They did have an issue with it and it was really hard finding somebody that would do it too because they are breaking the code of ethics to do it,” she said. “I called 50 or 60 doctors and no one would do it.”

When she eventually found a doctor who agreed to do her surgery, she had to sign a confidentiality agreement stating she wouldn't reveal his identity. She said paid $20,000 for the strange surgery.

She stated her original reason for getting a third breast was because she wanted to be unattractive to men.  Yet all of her media appearances, posted You  Tube video of her jumping around in a skimpy bikini and the fact she is now a reality filming a series for MTV, state otherwise. 

New Jersey homeschool family ordered to follow Common Core

 After withdrawing their son from New Jersey 's Westfield Public Schools, a homeschool family was surprised when the assistant superintendent sent them a copy of the school’s homeschool policy and asked them to call him.
Scott Woodruff, senior counsel for HSLDA

Their surprise turned to shock when they saw that the policy required them to submit a letter of intent and an outline of their curriculum which (per the policy) must follow New Jersey Common Core content standards, and then wait for the superintendent to approve their curriculum and give them permission to homeschool.

The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) reported on Sept. 18, 2014, that the family was ordered to follow Common Core standards.

Scott Woodruff, senior counsel for HSLDA, responded to the district on behalf of the family. He explained that requirements in the letter sent to the family were in contradiction to current New Jersey homeschool law. Woodruff received a response from the district stating that “should be guided by the New Jersey Common Core State Standards.”

This is going to be a continual problem for New Jersey homeschool families that wish to avoid Common Core based curriculum and standards. New Jersey Law N.J.S.A. 18A:38-25 “requires that “every parent, guardian or other person having custody and control of a child between six and 16 to ensure that such child regularly attends the public schools of the district or a day school in which there is given instruction equivalent to that provided in the public schools (underlined for emphasis) for children of similar grades and attainments or to receive equivalent instruction elsewhere than at school.” New Jersey is in full implementation of Common Core. The law leaves the door open for other school districts to misinterpret the meaning of equivalent; just like the Westfield School District did.

Common Core is gradually creeping into homeschools across the country. Starting with requiring equivalent curriculum or forcing students to take PARCC exams, more states will implement rules impacting homeschoolers. New Jersey is just one state. Arkansas may soon require homeschool students to take PARCC exams instead of the current Iowa Test of Basic Skills. Without using Common Core aligned curriculum, homeschoolers will be at a disadvantage on the required tests. Homeschool parents should be aware of Common Core and PARCC and STAR testing. That is the only way to make informed decisions about your child’s education.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Elementary School Student Faces Disciplinary Actions For Shaping Blocks Into A Gun Shape

Actual Facebook Post of An Angry Parent
AUBURN HILLS, MI:  An elementary student at Avondale's Auburn Elementary could face disciplinary action after he built something that resembled a gun out of building blocks.  The Principle contacted the parent after the teacher complained and stated felt threatened over building blocks.

Another parent named Holly also stated that her kindergartner son was also suspended  for talking about a gun.

At what point did we lose common sense in our schools?

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

DemocRAT Gary Peters Thinks Michigan Voters Are Stupid

Michigan U.S. Senate candidate and current carpet bagging congressman Gary Peters must think we are stupid. It's the only explanation for this ad.
Gary Peters Pet Coke

The Democratic Senate Campaign committee is attacking  Republican Senate Candidate Terri  Lynn Land for "connections" to petcoke in Detroit.

But here's the truth: while they are making these attacks, Peters is actually profiting off of petcoke! He owns stock in a company that is one of the largest petcoke producers in the world!

When he was asked about it, he called it "just a little bit of stock."

The sheer hypocrisy of attacking an opposing candidate for allegedly being involved in something that your candidate is ACTUALLY making thousands of dollars off of boggles the mind.

What's even more outrageous is that at the exact same time that Peters is profiting off of petcoke, he is also out there on the stump making self-righteous sermons about the evils of petcoke saying it's terribly, horribly dangerous to Michigan. Meanwhile, he's lining his pocket with money from petcoke.

The Lansing State Journal dismissed Peters’ attacks.

There is no evidence Land had or has anything to do with it. There is also nothing linking her with pollution in Detroit’s 48217 ZIP code.
 Peters’ hands, however, were not nearly as clean, according to the Journal. The oil company he invested in was forced to pay nearly $9 million in fines in 2013 for polluting the environment.
 Peters’ ownership of shares in Total Petrochemicals, the French company’s U.S. subsidiary, is fair game for questions. The company owns a refinery that makes pet coke in Port Arthur, Texas — a city where several articles have been written about the effects of toxins on residents. Total paid an $8.75 million fine last year for earlier violations of pollution limits.
 He still presumably stands to profit from its products, including pet coke, a substance his allies called in a recent ad targeting Land “some of the dirtiest oil waste imaginable.” Considering the emphasis Peters has put on the piles that once abutted the Detroit River, raising questions about his shares of Total S.A. is inbounds.

So in summary:

Who claims he believes petcoke is dangerous to Michiganders' lives? Gary Peters.

Who is personally profiting from petcoke? Gary Peters.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Ex Michigan Governor Milliken Endorses Governor Snyder and Gary Peters

Earlier this week Republican ex-Gov. William Milliken endorsed the re-election of Rick Snyder for Governor and the Snyder campaign made much pomp and circumstance with this endorsement.
Ex-Cov William Milliken's Guys
Gary Peters, William Milliken, Rick Snyder 

Now Milliken is backing Democrat Gary Peters for U.S. Senate, saying the congressman has been a moderate and an independent voice in the Michigan Legislature and U.S. House.

Milliken issued endorsement statement Friday morning. Peters is running against Republican Terri Lynn Land, a former Michigan secretary of state.

Democratic U.S. Sen Carl Levin is retiring after 36 years.

The 92-year-old Milliken served as governor in 1969-1982. He's endorsed several Democrats over the years, including 2004 presidential candidate John Kerry.

Milliken told The Associated Press in a 2006 interview that the Republican Party had "temporarily left" him by moving too far to the right.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Here's The Email That Forced Hawks Owner Bruce Levenson Out Of The NBA

Bruce Levenson
This is no longer America when one can have a business they own ripped from their hands.  Just like former LA Clippers owner, Donald Sterling, NBA team owner Bruce Levenson is now being forced to sell his team the Atlanta Hawks over an e-mail that he sent.  Was this e-mail racist? Was it to make the fan base more diversified?  Was it to help save a financially struggling team?
To: Ferry, Danny
CC: Foreman, Todd (ucg.com); Peskowitz, Ed (ucg.com)
Sent: 8/25/2012 11:47:02 PM
Subject: Re: Business/Game ops
1. from day one i have been impressed with the friendliness and professionalism of the arena staff — food vendors, ushers, ticket takers, etc. in our early years when i would bring folks from dc they were blown away by the contrast between abe pollin's arena and philips. some of this is attributable to southern hospital and manners but bob and his staff do a good job of training. To this day, I can not get the ushers to call me Bruce yet they insist on me calling them by their first names.
2. the non-premium area food is better than most arenas, though that is not saying much. i think there is room for improvement and creativity. Levy is our food vendor so we don't have much control but they have been good partners. i have wished we had some inconic offereing like boog's barbeque at the baseball stadium in balt.
3. our new restaurant, red, just opened so too early for me to give you my thoughts.
4. Regarding game ops, i need to start with some background. for the first couple of years we owned the team, i didn't much focus on game ops. then one day a light bulb went off. when digging into why our season ticket base is so small, i was told it is because we can't get 35-55 white males and corporations to buy season tixs and they are the primary demo for season tickets around the league. when i pushed further, folks generally shrugged their shoulders. then i start looking around our arena during games and notice the following:
— it's 70 pct black
— the cheerleaders are black
— the music is hip hop
— at the bars it's 90 pct black
— there are few fathers and sons at the games
— we are doing after game concerts to attract more fans and the concerts are either hip hop or gospel.
Then i start looking around at other arenas. It is completely different. Even DC with its affluent black community never has more than 15 pct black audience.
Before we bought the hawks and for those couple years immediately after in an effort to make the arena look full (at the nba's urging) thousands and thousands of tickets were being giving away, predominantly in the black community, adding to the overwhelming black audience.
My theory is that the black crowd scared away the whites and there are simply not enough affluent black fans to build a signficant season ticket base. Please dont get me wrong. There was nothing threatening going on in the arean back then. i never felt uncomfortable, but i think southern whites simply were not comfortable being in an arena or at a bar where they were in the minority. On fan sites i would read comments about how dangerous it is around philips yet in our 9 years, i don't know of a mugging or even a pick pocket incident. This was just racist garbage. When I hear some people saying the arena is in the wrong place I think it is code for there are too many blacks at the games.
I have been open with our executive team about these concerns. I have told them I want some white cheerleaders and while i don't care what the color of the artist is, i want the music to be music familiar to a 40 year old white guy if that's our season tixs demo. i have also balked when every fan picked out of crowd to shoot shots in some time out contest is black. I have even bitched that the kiss cam is too black.
Gradually things have changed. My unscientific guess is that our crowd is 40 pct black now, still four to five times all other teams. And my further guess is that 40 pct still feels like 70 pet to some whites at our games. Our bars are still overwhelmingly black.
This is obviously a sensitive topic, but sadly i think it is far and way the number one reason our season ticket base is so low.
And many of our black fans don't have the spendable income which explains why our f&b and merchandise sales are so low. At all white thrasher games sales were nearly triple what they are at hawks games (the extra intermission explains some of that but not all).
Regardless of what time a game starts, we have the latest arriving crowd in the league. It often looks and sounds empty when the team takes the floor.
In the past two years, we have created a section of rowdy college students that has been a big plus. And we do a lot of very clever stuff during time outs to entertain the crowd. Our kiss cam is better done than any in the league.
We have all the same halftime acts that other arenas have but i question whether they make sense. people are on their cell phones during half time. i wonder if flashing on the scoreboard "$2 off on hot dogs during halftime tonight" just as the half ends would be a better use of our halftime dollars and make the fans happier.
We do all the usual giveways and the fans are usually their loudest when our spirit crew takes the floor to give away t-shirts. It pisses me off that they will yell louder for a t-shirt then for our players.
Our player intro is flat. We manufacture a lot of noise but because of the late arriving crowd and the fact that a lot of blacks dont seem to go as crazy cheering (another one of my theories) as whites, it is not great. Even when we have just returned from winnng four straight on the road, i am one of the few people in the arena standing and cheering when our team takes the floor. Bob has kicked around ideas like having the starters coming down aisles rather than off the bench during intros. Sounds cool but may highlight all the empty seats at the start of games.
Not enough of our fans wear hawks jerseys to games. i have just begun to push for ideas like discount food lines for folks wearing jerseys, special entrances, etc. I think we need a committed and perhaps incentivized fan club. We need to realize atl is simply different than every other city. Just adopting nba best practices is not enough. we have to create our own.
I am rambling and could probably go on forever. If you have any specific areas you would like my thoughts on, let me know.
ps — I have cc'd todd and ed so they can chime in with additional or different thoughts.
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