Friday, July 31, 2015

Remember Obama's trophy dead turtle or the time he ate dog meat....

Obama and his mama
For all of those people in an outrage of a lion being killed, remember when Obama took that picture with his mom and there was a dead turtle on the wall or how about that time he documented in his book about the time he ate dog meat?

The account comes from Obama’s autobiography, Dreams from My Father, which includes an account of his interactions with animals shortly after moving to Indonesia. Obama lived there between 1967 and 1971 -- when he was 6  to 10 years old -- during his mother’s marriage to Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian-born student she had met at the University of Hawaii.

Here's Obama's account of the foods they ate:

It had taken me less than six months to learn Indonesia’s language, its customs, and its legends. I had survived chicken pox, measles and the sting of my teachers’ bamboo switches. The children of farmers, servants and low-level bureaucrats had become my best friends, and together we ran the streets morning and night, hustling odd jobs, catching crickets, battling swift kites with razor-sharp lines -- the loser watched his kite soar off with the wind, and knew that somewhere other children had formed a long, wobbly train, their heads toward the sky, waiting for their prize to land. With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chili peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy). Like many Indonesians, Lolo followed a brand of Islam that could make room for the more ancient animist and Hindu faiths. He explained that a man took on the powers of whatever he ate: One day soon, he promised, he would bring home a piece of tiger meat for us to share. That’s how things were, one long adventure, the bounty of a young boy’s life. ...

Jeb Bush Philanthropist Gave Millions To Planned Parenthood

Did you know that up until  his presidential
Jeb Bush
campaign, Jeb Bush was director of a philanthropy that gave tens of millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood and financed its advocacy of "unrestricted access to abortion" around the world? The charity also approved money to global abortion providers while he sat on its board.

In 2010, Jeb was named one of the founding directors of the Bloomberg Family Foundation, established as a tax-exempt foundation to advance the vision of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. He resigned from the board at the end of 2014 to prepare his presidential campaign.

In March of 2014, the Bloomberg Philanthropies announced a $50 million undertaking to expand "reproductive health," including lobbying foreign nations to loosen restrictions on abortion.

This could very well explain why the the Senate headed by Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Republican Speaker Of The House John Boehner have not done a thing to defund Planned Parenthood. 

Illegal Alien Guns Down Crow Nation Family On Side Of The Road As They Try To Help

An illegal alien, Jesus Deniz,  who was stopped along a road on Montana's Crow Indian Reservation gunned down a family who tried to help him Wednesday, killing the couple and wounding their daughter.

Tana Shane, 50, and her husband Jason, 52, who have seven children, were killed and daughter Jorah, 24, was shot in the head and back, after they assisted 18-year-old illegal alien suspect Jesus Deniz Mendoza in Pryor, Montana. 

Jorah survived and managed to run to a local school to get help before returning to the scene. She was then taken to hospital and was 'incoherent' before being taken into surgery.
The family are reportedly part of the Whistling Water tribe, the Crow Nation's largest clan. 

Mrs. Shane drove past Deniz, who lives in the Wyoming town of Worland, and returned home to pick up her spouse and daughter so they could help him.

About 12,000 tribal members live on the Crow reservation. Tribal law enforcement officials referred questions to the Bureau of Indian Affairs' Office of Justice Services, which declined to comment.

Last month, Presidential Candidate Donald Trump --at a political press stop, stated that illegal aliens are bringing crime such as murder into our Country.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Donald Trump: Trey Gowdy Would Be My Attorney General In My Presidential Administration

Donald Trump is wasting no time in backing up his claim that he wants to make America Great again.  He is already looking at filling his Cabinet should he become president. 

A couple of names that he's already picked are Sarah Palin and Trey Gowdy.  He has stated that he wants Gowdy to be his Attorney General.

Trey Gowdy is currently heading the Benghazi hearings and has been hammering Hillary Clinton on her missing e-mails that she deleted.   

$50 Wal-Mart Gift Cards Being Handed Out On TaxPayer Expense To Join Obamacare

Is your state handing out $50 Wal-Mart Gift cards so that people join Obamacare?

"Did you know that the State of Michigan is providing $50 Wal-Mart Gift Cards to our 600,000 Medicaid Expansion
Senator Patrick Colbeck
enrollees as an "incentive" to complete their mandatory "healthcare paperwork"? In other words, we are incentivizing "dependence" upon the tune of $30M taxpayer dollars. This may yield additional insights into why I am such an outspoken opponent to Obamacare and Medicaid Expansion (Section 2001 of Obamacare)."  Michigan State Senator - Patrick Colbeck

In the meantime the State of Michigan Senate passed a resolution calling for a 15 Cent increase per gallon of gas at the pump as we do not have money for our roads.

Donald Trump Takes Biggest Lead Yet At 31% In New Poll

BOSTON /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — One week out from
the first GOP debate, Donald Trump leads the Republican field with 31% of the vote, followed by Gov. Jeb Bush at 15% and Gov. Scott Walker in third at 13%. The survey was conducted July 26 to July 28, with 481 likely GOP voters at a 4.4% margin of error.

Forty percent (40%) of respondents viewed Trump’s comments regarding Senator John McCain’s War record as unimportant to their vote. Interestingly, 11% percent said they were more likely to vote for Trump because of his commentary on McCain. 

 Rounding out the top 10 Republicans in this poll were Sen. Ted Cruz at 8%, Gov. Mike Huckabee at 6%, followed by Dr. Ben Carson at 5%, Sen. Rand Paul at 4% and Sen. Marco Rubio at 4%. Carly Fiorina was in 9th place at 3% and Gov. John Kasich was tied with Gov. Chris Christie with 2% of the vote. All other candidates received under 1% of the vote; 7% of Republican Primary voters were undecided.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Push To Legalize Marijuana In Michigan

Debates are raging across the States in the United States as to whether or not marijuana should be legalized. Currently legal in Washington, Oregon, Colorado and Alaska, these states are now starting to discover growing pains when it comes to marijuana. Colorado for example has found that marijuana-impaired drivers have made up about 12.5 percent of all citations for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

A health study by Northwestern University and Harvard medical schools found that young adults who used marijuana only recreationally showed significant abnormalities in two key brain regions that are important in emotion and motivation, scientists report.

This is the first study to show casual use of marijuana is related to major brain changes. It showed the degree of brain abnormalities in these regions is directly related to the number of joints a person smoked per week. The more joints a person smoked, the more abnormal the shape, volume and density of the brain regions.

“This study raises a strong challenge to the idea that casual marijuana use isn’t associated with bad consequences,” said corresponding and co-senior study author Hans Breiter, M.D. He is a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and a psychiatrist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

“Some of these people only used marijuana to get high once or twice a week,” Breiter said. “People think a little recreational use shouldn’t cause a problem, if someone is doing OK with work or school. Our data directly says this is not the case.”

The study was published April 16, 2014 in the Journal of Neuroscience.

Paul Welday
In Michigan Oakland County Republican political operatives Suzie Mitchell, a Republican political fundraiser, and GOP consultant Paul Welday are behind a new advocacy group that is exploring a 2016 ballot initiative legalizing marijuana use

In the video below Matt Mardsen of the Michigan Cannabis Coalition could not defend, the fact that former Michigan State Representative Rocky Raczkowski brought up about marijuana flooding the black market and getting into the hands of those under age. He also could not defend the risk to the general public should
Rocky Raczkowski

a surgeon or pilot be high on marijuana for example.

Mardsen says that Marijuana isn't addictive but he is wrong. Marijuana is as addictive as alcohol. 

Approximately 10% of people who smoke marijuana will get addicted to it. That means 90% of people can use it recreationally. But for the other 10%, marijuana is not a harmless herb. They will have difficulty controlling their use, and they will continue to use even though it has negative consequences to their life. Every day people enter rehab programs or go to a 12 step group to deal with their marijuana addiction.

One study looked at 2,446 young adults between the ages of 14-24, and followed them for a period of 4 years. Approximately 10% met the criteria for marijuana addiction. 17% experienced withdrawal when they stopped using, 14% had difficulty controlling their use, and 13% continued to use even though they had health problems due to their marijuana use.

Marijuana users are 4 times more likely to develop depression. One study looked at 1,920 people, and followed them for 16 years. It discovered that people who smoked marijuana were 4 times more likely to develop depression.

Another study looked at 1601 students aged 14-15 and followed them for seven years. Approximately 60% of the students had used marijuana by the age of 20, and 7% had become daily users. The young women of the group who were daily users had a five time greater chance of developing depression.

Marijuana almost triples the chance of developing psychotic symptoms. A 3-year study followed 4,045 psychosis-free people. It came to the conclusion that marijuana smokers are three times more likely to develop psychotic symptoms (including manic-depression) than non-smokers.

Marsden, Welday and Mitchell are all longtime members of Michigan's Republican establishment. Marsden worked for former Gov. John Engler before serving as the chief spokesman for then-Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop and his successor, Sen. Randy Richardville. Welday is a fixture in Republican circles who served as former U.S. Rep. Joe Knollenburg's chief of staff before becoming chairman of the Oakland County Republican Party. Mitchell, wife of Republican pollster Steve Mitchell, is a fund-raiser with deep experience in southeast Michigan's GOP money belt.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Rep. Mark Meadows files this Motion to Vacate the Chair, meaning to oust John Boehner as speaker

"FreedomWorks announced its support today for House Resolution 385 submitted by Congressman Mark Meadows calling for the removal of John Boehner as Speaker of the House. FreedomWorks CEO Adam Brandon commented:

“Every time defenders of freedom need a leader, John Boehner has failed us. It’s time to remove Boehner from the speakership before it’s too late to pass bold reforms. Under his speakership, the Republican-controlled House has allowed taxes and spending to increase and their agenda revolves more about pleasing lobbyists than standing on principle. It’s time to end the Boehner Blunder.”

Brandon continued, “We are proud to stand with Congressman Meadows in support of this resolution to remove Speaker Boehner. His courage and willingness to risk everything from committee placements to fundraising in order to do what’s right is an inspiration to us all. We will be there, alongside our millions of activists across the country, to support this effort.”

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Can We Call Bruce Jenner A Drag Queen?

So can we or can’t we refer to a man dressing as a woman as a “drag queen?  The New York Times did and if Bruce Jenner is dressing like a woman, wouldn't that make him a drag queen?

Because the New York Daily News doesn’t seem to know.  In their daily email blast, the two articles they were featured were of one headline reading “’Manhattan Medium’ Thomas John has celeb clientele — and shady past as scammer and drag queen” and the other “Caitlyn Jenner receives standing ovation during surprise appearance at Boy George concert.”

Trump Surges New Poll Says Veterans Prefer Trump to McCain

A YouGov poll conducted through Wednesday not only shows that Donald Trump’s support has surged among Republicans in the wake of the liberal media’s and establishment Republicans backlash against comments the billionaire businessman made about Senator Sen. John McCain’s war record, veterans currently serving in the military view Trump more favorably than McCain.

“There is clearly a core group of registered voters who identify as Republicans that has coalesced around Trump’s tough talk and proposals. He is even more clearly in first place than he was two weeks ago when Republicans are asked to choose among the current candidates.”

Congress Passes Two Very Bad Food Bills And Puts Public In Danger Of Death

Two extremely dumb and dangerous bills were passed by
Congress over the last month and there is enough blame to go around to both parties that voted for them.  The two bills are  The Country of Origin Labeling Amendments Act of 2015 and  The Safe & Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015 also known as the Dark Act.
The Country of Origin Labeling Amendments Act of 2015

The House of Representatives has voted to repeal Country of Origin labeling (COOL) for beef, pork, and chicken.

What is  COOL?  Country Of Origin Labeling (COOL) (or mCOOL [m for mandatory]) is a requirement signed into American law under Title X of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (known as the 2002 Farm Bill, codified at 7 U.S.C. § 1638a) It required all food to be labeled as to what country it originated from.

Texas Republican Rep. Michael Conaway’s Country of Origin Labeling Amendments Act of 2015 passed late in the evening under the cover of Darkness on June 10th of this year by a 300-131 vote.

Conaway introduced the bill on May 18 — the same day the World Trade Organization rejected a U.S. appeal of its decision that COOL unfairly discriminates against meat imports and gives the advantage to domestic meat products.

COOL, which went into effect for meat in 2013, require that packaging indicate the country, or countries, where animals were born, raised and slaughtered.

Supporters of repeal don’t want the U.S. subjected to the $3.6 billion in potential retaliatory tariffs sought by Canada and Mexico. They also argue that the rule has already burdened the U.S. meat industry.

“The program has not worked, and it is time to put this failed experiment behind us once and for all,” Conaway said during the floor debate.

He and Reps. Dan Benishek (R-MI), Jim Costa (D-CA), David Rouzer (R-NC), David Scott (D-GA) and Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) asserted that COOL has no impact on food safety.

“Mandatory food labeling is not about food safety,” Benishek said. “No matter where our food comes from, regulations remain in place to ensure safety and traceability regardless of origin.

The Dark Act

There are two names for H.R. 1599, the controversial
Republican-backed bill concerning GMO labeling that is currently moving through the House of Representatives.
The first is its official name: The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015. The second is the nickname given by its opponents for what it really is: Deny Americans the Right to Know (DARK) Act. 

Critics of GMOs have a long list of concerns. Take Monsanto’s notorious “Roundup Ready” seeds. They have been bred to resist an herbicide recently deemed a “probable carcinogen” by the World Health Organization; they have led to a rise in monoculture crop production; and they have been linked to the decline of the Monarch butterfly. Critics also worry about genetic contamination and a lack of research into the long-term health effects of the crops.

For these reasons and more, two economists recently called GMOs “perhaps the greatest case of human hubris ever” in a New York Times editorial, saying agriculture industry has created a system “too big to fail,” much like the banking industry in 2008.

Meanwhile, GMO supporters argue that the world is facing a global hunger crisis, and foods genetically modified to have more nutrients could be potential lifesavers.

But H.R. 1599 is not about the existence of GMOs, which are entrenched in American agriculture (GMO crops account for around 90 percent of corn and soy grown in the country). It’s about whether the genetically modified foods you buy should be labeled as such. And because independent poll after poll shows that the majority of Americans support GMO labeling, the bill’s opponents see the bill as nothing more than the agrochemical industry flexing its lobbying muscles.

The Dark Act passed through the Congressional House on Friday where it heads for the U.S. Senate and then to Obama to sign for passage.

275 Congressman Voted for Dark Act

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Establishment Republicans Want Bush Walker and Rubio To Boycott Debate Since Trump Invited

The first GOP presidential debate is about two weeks away,
candidates are preparing responses for tough questions about their policy proposals as well as attacks from other candidates up on stage with them.  Over the past month, Donald Trump has practically provided certain candidates with advice on what they need to do to win the debate.  Donald Trump has shown the intellect, competency, and overall potential to serve as president of several fellow GOP candidates.   The only other candidate that has been on the same intellect level has been Ted Cruz

Now Establishment Republicans are  requesting that Trump tone it down a few notches or exit the race. Their most recent attempt to get Trump to drop out may have gone too far, however. According to a report by The New York Times, large donors and officials at the Republican Governors Association have proposed for leading candidates such as Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, and Marco Rubio to boycott any debates that Trump is permitted to attend.

Per the report, "the thinking, according to a Republican involved in the conversations, was that the lesser-funded prospects who have been eclipsed by Mr. Trump would follow suit, and the TV networks airing the debates would be forced to bar Mr. Trump in order to have a full complement of candidates."

Many believe that having Trump will actually force candidates to be on their toes with regard to policy, as Trump's willingness to say nearly whatever he wants whenever he wants would lead to a more polarized debate between the candidates.  This debate may also cause Trump to expose some of the candidate for who they really are, Democrats in Republican clothing.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Donald Trump Outsmarts The Liberal Media and Politicians Again

Donald Trump outsmarts the Establishment Republicans, liberals and media again.

Trump is establishing a hotline and email address for veterans to share their stories on how the Veterans Administration should be reformed. He pledges that if elected president he will take care of the veteran complaints “very quickly and efficiently like a world-class businessman can do, but a politician has no clue.”

“This disgraceful omission is unacceptable and yet another example of our incompetent politicians. It is a simple yet meaningful and important gesture that signifies our respect and recognition for these great soldiers who lost their lives. We must do better for all Americans, especially our military. We must Make America Great Again!” –Donald Trump

The hotline is 855-VETS-352 and email is

Obama Lowers American Flags Today, But Not For The Reason You Think

There has been a huge outcry for the Obama administration to lower the American Flag at the White
House and all military to half staff in honor of the 5 marines gunned down last week at a recruiting center in Chattanooga Tennessee by an ISIS sympathiser.  

Today the flag was lowered giving me the satisfaction of thinking that the Flag was lowered because of public pressure.  Turns out that was not the case.

Thanks to a Renee Laine from Michigan, a reader of this page she found the real reason why the flag was lowered.  It was NOT for the marines in Chattanooga.  

Here is what she found out and stated, " The flag being lowered was not because of public pressure but of politics. From his Dossier today: 11:20 am || Delivers remarks at the 116th National Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars; David Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh"

Attack on Trump, Censorship and Made Up Republican Party Position? Paul Welday on WXYZ TV In Detroit

Ok this is a rhetorical question; can someone tell me what an Oakland County Republican Committee Chairman is?  We will get to that in a minute.

L-R Clockwise -  Stephen Clark, Joann Purtan,
 Rocky Raczkowski, Paul Welday
Let us first lay the ground work, yesterday on WXYZ.TV ABC 7 4p.m News in Detroit former Michigan State Representative  and 9th District Republican Candidate for Congress, Rocky Raczkowski and long time  Michigan Republican Party operative  Paul Welday, who himself ran for Congress in 2010 and lost to fellow Republican Rocky Raczkowski, were on air discussing Donald Trump and the Republican Party.  

Both agreed that Trump's rhetoric needed to be toned down, but Rocky said Trump should stay in the race, he is a viable candidate but probably will not win it.  

Now here is where it gets interesting,  Paul Welday basically (which you will see from the video below) wants to silence Trump totally.  Welday who was chastising Trump for  insulting John McCain by saying  McCain was not a war hero ( a future story we are working on will let you determine if McCain was a war hero or zero), then himself insulted Trump by calling him a clown.  Welday also said Trump brought nothing to the table.  Welday who is from Oakland County then went on to dictate on live television that the Genessee County Chairman  Michael Moon should disinvite Trump and put in another Republican Presidential Candidate.  Welday would probably pick one of his "preferred" candidates.

If all this wasn't enough, during the introductions of Raczkowski and Welday something caught my attention.  WXYZ Senior Anchor Stephen Clark introduced Paul Welday as Oakland County Republican Committee Chairman.  Now what position is that?  There is the Oakland County Republican Party with Theresa Mungioli as Chairman.  Then there are multiple congressional boards in Oakland County as the county is divided amongst 4 congressional districts which are the 8th Congressional District with former  Michigan State Rep Tom McMillin as Chairman, the 9th Congressional District with Pamela Williams as Chairman, the 11th Congressional District with Mike Mitchell as Chairman, finally the 14th Congressional District with Janine Kateff as Chairman.

What is Paul Welday currently Chairman of??  Now at one time many years ago Paul Welday was Oakland County Republican Party Chairman, but not now.  He was also the Chairman of the 14th Congressional District, but was voted out and replaced with Janine Kateff in 2015.

Making up a title or position is disrespectful to those that rightfully were elected to their respective positions. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Donald Trump Takes Commanding Double Digit Lead In New Poll

The Establishment branch of the Republican Party is in desperation mode right now and is beginning to realize that Jeb is doing it for them. Jeb has moved into 3rd place behind 2nd place Scott Walker. 

Donald Trump has taken his biggest lead to date and many are agreeing with the Donald that John McCain is now a war hero but someone who should have been court martialed for aiding the enemy during the Vietnam War.   

In a new nationwide poll done by the Washington Post and ABC News, Donald Trump is soaring over his GOP rivals.  The poll was conducted amid his “media manipulated” controversial comments about Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) “war hero” status.

According to the just-released poll, Trump — with 24 percent support among likely Republican voters — holds a comfortable, double-digit lead over nearest competitor Scott Walker, who captures 13 percent support.

Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, and Sen. Marco Rubio round up the top 5 with 12, 8, and 7 percentage points of support, respectively. Sen. Rand Paul, meanwhile, sits in sixth place with 5 percentage points.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Vietnam Vet: McCain No War Hero - What about the 56,000 That Died?

One Vietnam Veteran does not believe John McCain to be a war hero.  In fact, Larry Harty - an active grassroots politico, states on Facebook
 (excuse the language his verbiage, not mine)


TODAY John McCain is no more than a political hack who like the rest of the gop establishment candidates is for sale to the highest bidder!
I am a vietnam vet, as a door gunner in vietnam i flew more missions than mccain! I have the medals to prove it , but i am no hero , being in the wrong place at the wrong time does not make you hero! We should all thank him for his service but he in fact is not a hero, anymore than any other of 56,000 men who died in vietnam & were never called hero's!"

Trump Responds: John McCain has done little for our Veterans

 Donald Trump issued a statement tonight regarding what he said about John McCain.  He is not apologizing and doubling down.
"I am not a fan of John McCain because he has done so little for our Veterans and he should know better than anybody what the Veterans need, especially in regards to the VA. He is yet another all talk, no action politician who spends too much time on television and not enough time doing his job and helping the Vets. He is also allowing our military to decrease substantially in size and strength, something which should never be allowed to happen.
 Furthermore, he was extremely disrespectful to the thousands upon thousands of people, many of whom happen to be his constituents, that came to listen to me speak about illegal immigration in Phoenix last week by calling them "crazies".
 These were not "crazies"---these were great American citizens.
 I have great respect for all those who serve in our military including those that weren't captured and are also heroes.
 I want to strengthen our military and take care of our Veterans. I want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN especially for those that serve to protect our freedom. I am fighting for our Veterans!"

Below is the full video of Trump's statement yesterday on John McCain being a war hero.   John McCain who has a history of calling people names such as last year calling fellow U.S. Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee as well as Congressman Justin Amash "Wacko Birds", decided to call 15,000 of his constituents as well as Donald Trump "Crazies."

Munich Deal is to World War II as Iran Nuke Deal Is To World War III?

Can you truly make a deal with the devil and expect him to
keep his word?  As Obama pushes his so called "nuclear deal" with Iran.  Iran continues to chant, "Death to America."

If the nuclear agreement with Iran passes it could very well lead to World War III.  Iran gets everything and the U.S. gets nothing out of the deal.  The nuclear agreement arms up the Iranian regime, a terrorist regime that has been responsible for many of the terrorist attacks not only in the middle east but around the world.    Obama is using the excuse that Reagan and Kennedy negotiated with the Soviets but the Soviets already had nuclear weapons.  Iran does not have that capability yet but thanks to Obama and Kerry and the inept leadership that is in the Obama regime Iran will get to that capability. 

Obama’s Iran deal is not limited to sanctions enacted by the United States Congress in connection with Iran’s nuclear program. Obama’s deal extends to Iran’s ballistic missiles programs and other weapons activities – including the lifting of international arms embargoes covering, both “any material or technology that might be useful to a ballistic-missile program,” and “battle tanks, armored combat vehicles, large caliber artillery systems, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, missiles, or missile systems.”
Ayatollah Khomeini
Iran's Supreme Leader

The inspections on  Iran's nuclear facilities will be phony.  Iran has run interference time and time again under previous agreements in regards to inspections.  Why will this time be any different?

We have tried appeasement in the past. 

In 1938, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, French Premier Edouard Daladier, and British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain sign the Munich Pact, which seals the fate of Czechoslovakia, virtually handing it over to Germany in the name of peace. Upon return to Britain, Chamberlain would declare that the meeting had achieved “peace in our time.”

From left to right: Chamberlain, Daladier, Hitler, 
Mussolini, and Ciano pictured
 before signing the Munich Agreement, 
which gave the Czechoslovak border
Although the agreement was to give into Hitler’s hands only the Sudentenland, that part of Czechoslovakia where 3 million ethnic Germans lived, it also handed over to the Nazi
war machine 66 percent of Czechoslovakia’s coal, 70 percent of its iron and steel, and 70 percent of its electrical power. It also left the Czech nation open to complete domination by Germany. In short, the Munich Pact sacrificed the autonomy of Czechoslovakia on the altar of short-term peace-very short term. The terrorized Czech government was eventually forced to surrender the western provinces of Bohemia and Moravia (which became a protectorate of Germany) and finally Slovakia and the Carpathian Ukraine. In each of these partitioned regions, Germany set up puppet, pro-Nazi regimes that served the military and political ends of Adolf Hitler. By the time of the invasion of Poland in September 1939, the nation called “Czechoslovakia” no longer existed

As Iran has stated that its end goal is to wipe the state of Israel of the face of the planet, will Israel cease to exist with a nuclear Iran?

Saturday, July 18, 2015

When Will The US Respond? ISIS Now Capable Of Taking Out Naval Vessels

As the United States sits back, ISIS continues to grow and continues to get stronger. 

ISIS has claimed its first naval attack on an Egyptian frigate in the Mediterranean, according to reports Thursday from SITE Intel Group. The Sinai branch of ISIS said they destroyed the naval ship with a guided missile.
The Egyptian military said in an early statement that a navy vessel had caught fire just off the coast of Sinai following a clash with militants. In a Facebook post, military spokesman Brig. Gen. Mohammed Samir said there were no fatalities among the vessel’s crew in the shootout with “terrorists.”

However, photos posted by ISIS on Twitter appear to show the frigate being hit by a rocket.



U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, released the following statement on Friday in response to
Thursday’s act of terror in Chattanooga, Tennessee:

“Yesterday, members of our armed services in Chattanooga, Tennessee, went to work in the service of our nation. Some went to a recruiting center to assist the young people who, like so many before them, would walk through the door on any given Thursday morning and volunteer to defend the United States of America. Four brave Marines went to a Naval Reserve Center to perform their duties to the Tennessee National Guard.

“But one of the young people who visited two of those facilities was not like the others. He was there not to volunteer to serve America, but to attack America. Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez was there to carry out jihad, an act of radical Islamic terrorism. An act of war, in which those four brave Marines lost their lives, while at least two others were wounded.

“In the wake of this vicious attack on our nation we need to rid ourselves of two dangerous delusions, first and foremost that a ‘lone gunman’–as President Obama described the shooter–is somehow isolated from the larger threat of radical Islamic terrorism. In the modern world, no one acts in isolation. Through social media ISIS, al Qaida, and other groups are infiltrating our nation with impunity while our government will not even admit that radical Islamic terrorism is a problem.

“The second delusion is that this attack is somehow isolated from previous episodes, notably those in Little Rock, Arkansas and Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009—both of which were attacks on American military facilities. The Obama administration was woefully reluctant to call either an act of radical Islamic terrorism, instead suggesting ‘workplace violence’ as a justification for the killings. Finally, after years of effort, the victims of Fort Hood were properly recognized as victims of attacks by foreign terrorists when they received Purple Hearts on April 15, 2015. 

Likewise, the victim of the Little Rock attack received a Purple Heart on July 1, 2015.

“We cannot afford to wait six years to recognize what happened in Chattanooga for what it was. We need to see with clarity right now what has happened. We can immediately hold hearings in the Senate Armed Services Committee on the need for our enlisted men and women to have the right to be armed in military facilities. Congress can pass the Expatriate Terrorist Act that would allow our government to stop Americans who travel overseas to train with terrorist groups from coming back to attack us at home. We can thoroughly overhaul our broken immigration system that is allowing this type of individual to gain citizenship. And we can accept the reality that while we might wish it otherwise, the forces of radical Islam are at war with us.”

Friday, July 17, 2015

Trump Leads Nevada Poll With Overwhelming Hispanic Support

Donald Trump Has Commanding Overall Lead of 27.7% in Nevada Poll with 31.4% Support by Hispanics

Presidential Polling Results for Nevada were conducted by Gravis Marketing.   The results show that GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump has a commanding lead of 27.7%, with recently announced Presidential Candidate Scott Walker in second with 15%. In third is Ben Carson with 7.8% with Jeb Bush a point behind at 6.8%.   Marco Rubio rounds out the top five with 5.4%. Undecided voters remain high at just over 20%

With polled Hispanics, Presidential Candidate Trump received 31.4%, higher than his overall performance of 27.7%. The only other Presidential Candidate to receive double digit support by Hispanics is Scott Walker with 11.4%.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Phil Pavlov: Our conscience and our law are in agreement – human life is not for sale

Michigan State Senator Phil Pavlov, R-St. Clair, issued the following statement on Wednesday, following
revelations of Planned Parenthood affiliates selling body parts of aborted babies:

“Planned Parenthood’s practice of turning a profit by selling body parts from babies they’ve aborted is shocking and disgusting.

“The admission by a senior Planned Parenthood official that affiliates are also tailoring abortions to maximize that profit – strategically performing abortions so they can obtain babies’ hearts, lungs, livers, and the ‘lower extremities’ desired by their buyers – should shake us all to the core, and demands action, not just outrage.

“Our conscience and our law are in agreement on this one – human life is not for sale.

“Today, I am calling on the Michigan Departments of Health and Human Services and Licensing and Regulatory Affairs to launch formal investigations into Planned Parenthood affiliates across Michigan to determine whether or not any Michigan-based facilities have participated in the horrifying sale of babies’ body parts.

“We must make sure this is not happening in Michigan, and that if it has, those responsible are brought to justice.

Lauren Hill- What the Arthur Ashe EPSY Award Is Truly About

Last night while the ESPN EPSY awards were handed out,
Lauren Hill
the grand daddy award - The Arthur Ashe Award for courage- was handed out to Bruce Jenner dressed in drag.  He was given this award for dressing like a woman and mutilating his body over many others that were truly worthy including Lauren Hill, who was awarded a lesser award earlier in the night.

Lauren Hill who was from Greendale, Indiana, was a female basketball player battling brain cancer.

Hill's battle with cancer became public when the NCAA agreed to allow Mount St. Joseph to play Hiram College two weeks prior to the original game date so Hill could play. The location of the game was also originally moved from Hiram's Price Gymnasium to Mount St. Joseph's Harrington Center so that Hill would not have to travel the over 300 miles from Cincinnati to Hiram. However due to public interest in the game, it was later moved from the 2,000 seat Harrington Center to the 10,250 seat Cintas Center on the campus of Xavier University.

Over 10,000 packed the Cintas Center in November of last year to watch Lauren make her long-awaited debut on the college basketball court.

Lauren showed us through heart, determination, courage, strength and faith that, no matter what, it is possible to achieve your dreams," Lauren’s mother Lisa Hill said.

The Mt. Saint Joseph basketball player passed away in April from that rare brain tumor, but not before impacting millions around the world and raising awareness for DIPG. She led the charge for DIPG awareness raising $1.5 million for cancer research.

Why Hill showed courage that was immeasurable:

Hill's family signed her up for hospice care on December 1, 2014.

After Hill played in four games and made five layups, Mount St. Joseph basketball coach Dan Benjamin announced that she would not play in future games but would like to stay on as an honorary coach.

On January 7, 2015, Hill served as Assistant Coach for Mount St. Joseph University women's basketball team.

On February 6, 2015, Hill was given an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters degree by Mount St. Joseph University.

On March 4, 2015, she was named to the all-conference first team in the Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference. "This award is being presented to Lauren in recognition of her courage and outstanding leadership," said conference commissioner Chris Ragsdale.

On April 5, 2015, she was given the Pat Summitt Courage Award. She died on April 10, 2015 at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. A public visitation and memorial service was held on April 13, 2015 at the Cintas Center with a private funeral and burial scheduled for April 15, 2015.

In June 2015 Hill was honored with a brick in the courtyard of the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame; the brick says LAUREN HILL and below that says HERO.

Lauren Hill we honor you as a true hero and someone that showed us what courage really is.  God Bless You.