Thursday, July 23, 2015

Establishment Republicans Want Bush Walker and Rubio To Boycott Debate Since Trump Invited

The first GOP presidential debate is about two weeks away,
candidates are preparing responses for tough questions about their policy proposals as well as attacks from other candidates up on stage with them.  Over the past month, Donald Trump has practically provided certain candidates with advice on what they need to do to win the debate.  Donald Trump has shown the intellect, competency, and overall potential to serve as president of several fellow GOP candidates.   The only other candidate that has been on the same intellect level has been Ted Cruz

Now Establishment Republicans are  requesting that Trump tone it down a few notches or exit the race. Their most recent attempt to get Trump to drop out may have gone too far, however. According to a report by The New York Times, large donors and officials at the Republican Governors Association have proposed for leading candidates such as Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, and Marco Rubio to boycott any debates that Trump is permitted to attend.

Per the report, "the thinking, according to a Republican involved in the conversations, was that the lesser-funded prospects who have been eclipsed by Mr. Trump would follow suit, and the TV networks airing the debates would be forced to bar Mr. Trump in order to have a full complement of candidates."

Many believe that having Trump will actually force candidates to be on their toes with regard to policy, as Trump's willingness to say nearly whatever he wants whenever he wants would lead to a more polarized debate between the candidates.  This debate may also cause Trump to expose some of the candidate for who they really are, Democrats in Republican clothing.


  1. Good! I hope RINO Bush and RINO Rubio do stay away. And if Walker doesn't knock off this McCain/Trump crap he is not needed either.

    More room for others at the debate, like Carly Fiorina who has more class and grace in one finger than Bush and Rubio combined.

  2. Good! I hope RINO Bush and RINO Rubio do stay away. And if Walker doesn't knock off this McCain/Trump crap he is not needed either.

    More room for others at the debate, like Carly Fiorina who has more class and grace in one finger than Bush and Rubio combined.
