Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Reporter Rude To Trump Masquerading As A Journalist

Last night leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump held a press conference in
Ramos Heckling Trump
Dubuque, Iowa.  During the press conference Trump was heckled and interrupted by Univision reporter, Jorge Ramos

Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell and MRC Latino Director Ken Oliver-Mendez issued the following statements this afternoon in the wake of Univision/Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos’ crass abandonment last night of professional journalism standards and protocol.

In Dubuque, Iowa, Ramos attended a Donald Trump press conference and launched into a statement-filled (rather than question-filled) diatribe without first waiting to be recognized for a question by the candidate. After Trump refused to address him, Ramos yelled, "I'm a reporter, an immigrant, a senior citizen. I have the right to ask a question."

Tangled Web
Jorge Ramos, Hillary Clinton, Paola Ramos
Jorge Ramos is well known for using his platform at Univision and Fusion to advance a liberal policy agenda. Univision and Ramos, whose daughter, Paola Ramos, works for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, have very close ties to Clinton as well as the Obama administration.

MRC President Brent Bozell reacts:
Jorge Ramos is a pro-amnesty activist masquerading as a journalist. The stunt he pulled at Donald Trump’s press conference reflects poorly on Univision -- again. Ramos is not a 'reporter' nor does he therefore have the 'right to ask questions.' Ramos embarrassed both himself and his profession by becoming the story with his unseemly antics. Those who expect a fair and honest debate on the policy issues impacting the U.S. Latino community should ignore Jorge
Selfie Time
Ramos  & Clinton

MRC Latino Director Ken Oliver-Mendez reacts:

At that press conference, Jorge Ramos clearly crossed the line between reporting and editorializing. His behavior was more akin to that of the transgender amnesty activist who recently interrupted President Obama at the White House, rather than that of a professional reporter. He should know that to the extent he continues to ramp up his advocacy approach to the journalistic profession, he is operating outside the confines of honest journalism and his credibility will deservedly suffer as a result


  1. He and Jeraldo Rivera have the same amount of couth

  2. Mr Ramos and Jeraldo River are two frijoles in a pod
