A rambling audio file was released by State Representative
Todd Courser in the wee hours Monday morning. In that rambling 27 minute file , State Rep.
Todd Courser invokes Christ numerous times, acts like a pastor that has sinned, calls himself a broken messenger and asks for forgiveness He implies, but does not specifically state that he had a sexual affair with Cindy Gamrat. He also says he's been working with his wife for months on marital issues and that he alone orchestrated the email issue. He also asks forgiveness of Cindy Gamrat's husband and family, as well as of his supporters. Courser then goes on and names longtime allies Josh Cline, Ben Graham and Keith Allard, as the ones releasing personal information and blaming them for the release of false flag email and affair scandal involving him and State Representative Cindy Gamrat.
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Todd Courser - Cindy Gamrat |
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Joshua Cline Center Left with Former Congressman Pete Hoekstra to the right 8th District Congressman Mike Bishop far right and Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette far left |
Courser states that they have been spying on him since the day he took office back on January 1st of this year. Many that I have spoken with over the past few months have questioned why Todd Courser had these three on his staff as they are political operatives and have ties to the establishment. It seemed like an odd fit, they said. Courser in his audio file states though that he has known Josh Cline and his family form many years and that their families did things together as the reason Josh was on his team.
Courser did go onto to insult his former staffers by saying
"They had no administrative ability" and "They didn't have the 9-5 mentality. Sometimes they showed up late and sometimes not at all."
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Keith Allard (Rainbow Facebook Photo Signifying Support For Gay Marriage) |
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Ben Graham -left |
Courser accused the political establishment of blackmailing him to get him to do what they want. Now there could very well be some truth to this, but Todd Courser should have known what he was getting himself into when he became State Representative. Todd was and still is a lightning rod, as his methods are brash and combative against the current regime that runs Lansing. Because Todd put himself out there as one that is a man of God and that he believed God was guiding him, and that he was going to shake things up and clean up Lansing, that put a bullseye on
his back.
Courser also said that he does not plan to resign. In the audio file he says "I could have resigned but that would have let my personal issues rule the day and would have been submitting to the establishment machine."
Our opinion from our Friday August 7th article though has not changed and we believe based on the actions of Todd Courser that he should resign not only for the honor of the position but for the betterment of his constituents.
There is also now breaking word that the red flag involved in this scandal may not have been Todd Courser's first attempt at a red flag to confuse "the herd" (as he likes to call his constituents in the recording held by the Detroit News) . The story that is now breaking is that Todd Courser may have also created a red flag days before his primary in July of 2014. In a post dated July 30th 2014, Course states that flyers accusing him of being a child molester are floating around town. This flyer did give him the sympathy vote and he won his primary election by 300 votes. Here is what he said on his facebook post that day:
What happened last night was disturbing to say the least.I have committed to running a campaign on the issues that matter for the people of Lapeer County and to move our state forward. I know everyone gets a little out of sorts coming down to the end of a campaign and there are clear campaign issues that need to be fleshed out and worked thru; then there is negative campaigning or character assassination. For the last two weeks Lapeer County voters have been subject to the baseless lies and outright deception from my opponent and her liberal billionaire backers. Mail piece after mail piece, 8 of them in fact, have been sent to smear my name and my business, but what happened last night is one of the most despicable things I have ever seen or heard in politics.The pictured flyer (which implies that I am some sort of sexual offender) was found behind the Lapeer County GOP headquarters, Rogers Pharmacy, and a few streets throughout downtown Lapeer. I was made aware of this and the person that notified my filed a police report on the matter. This is really regretful that this campaign has descended into clear character assassination. I, sincerely would hope and pray that none of my opponents or any of their supporters where behind this despicable activity. It just does not fit into civil society.Look, I am not sure how to deal with all of this anymore? These personal attacks have reached a point where they are nothing but hurtful to me and my family. They are shameful and have no place in political discourse or any other for that matter. I am a political candidate, but am I first and foremost an imperfect follower of Christ, a husband of 17 years, and a father of four. I have been in business in this community since the mid 1990’s and I honestly I am at a loss for words at the actions of those who want to smear my name. Folks, the best thing you can do is don’t vote for those who want to sling mud and drag people down in the public square.Like · Comment · Share · July 30, 2014 · Edited
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