Sunday, May 15, 2016

Obama Sent His Letter Threatening Schools, Now It's Time To Send Ours

On Friday Obama issued an edict outside his realm of authority in the Executive Branch demanding that all public schools, from preschool through high school, allow males into female bathrooms in public schools across our nation. The executive branch does NOT have the authority to make law.

Here is our letter to all the public school districts and yes you have permission to copy and share.  In fact we want you to do so.

To the Superintendent of schools, school Principals, teachers and associated staff:

 The recent "guidance" sent to your schools by the Obama Administration regarding the accommodations you are to make for transgendered students is an unacceptable usurpation of State, Local and most importantly, parental authority and must not be implemented.

 The implementation of this "guidance" is nothing short of criminal facilitation of indecent exposure at the least, and potentially sexual assault.

 If members of my family are subjected to the exposure of genitalia of the opposite sex while under your supervision, I will see charges of criminal facilitation levied against the school district, board, superintendent, principal, teachers and associated staff.

 I will also pursue civil action against all the above, both institutionally and personally.

 I would like to know the intentions of the (Your City) Public Schools regarding this "guidance," and your specific plans regarding the issue.


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