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By Steve Lambert |
I'm discouraged by several Christian friends who are
continuing to vow tonight "Never Trump." I've
been saying now for
some months that we would ALL do well to remember the wisdom of Gamaliel.
"Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let
them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But
if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find
yourselves fighting against God.” Acts 5:38-39.
God has OFTEN used despicable men and unlikely rogues to
achieve His divine purpose. This is nothing new and it should not shock any
Christian who knows his Bible. Whether it's for blessing or for judgment we
cannot know for sure. But Trump's candidacy has had all the earmarks of divine
inertia for many months now: Everyone from career Republicans and professional
Democrats to the liberal media to the intelligentsia and academia to the most
despised world leaders such as Kim Jong Un to the elite of Hollywood have
united to oppose Trump--and yet his momentum has continued to grow
exponentially. None of those groups has a track record of opposing evil and
embracing good.
Among those who were learned in the law, Gamaliel offered
the ONLY wise counsel. Let's continue to watch this thing play out and make
SURE we don't find ourselves fighting against God in our pride and certainty
that we know what can and cannot be from the Lord.
I am genuinely concerned for Christian friends who are
unable or unwilling to allow for the possibility that God has once again chosen
an improbable and unlikeable vessel for His divine purpose. AND- I recognize
that His purpose MAY BE judgment for our nation- which may be terrible for OUR
circumstances but great for His Kingdom's explosive growth.
We know with 100% certainty what a Hillary presidency will
look like. We do not yet know what a Trump presidency will look like. I'm not
even sure Trump knows as he continues in his strutting and crowing.
All I know for certain is that I do *NOT* want to be found
fighting against God's purpose in all this chaos, and that people of faith have
had a miserable record of discerning God's strategy over the course of the last
4000 years. Time and time again, almost without exception, the Bible is filled
with stories of faith-community leaders being unable to recognize God's divine
purpose and condemning and attacking His messengers. Even the 12 disciples come
off looking like "The Three Stooges" most of the time as they
consistently jumped to wrong conclusions with fierce conviction and remained
unable to comprehend God's divine plan even at Calvary.
We are not selecting a pastor or an elder for our church. We
are selecting someone to lead this nation. And to be honest, we've elected
many, MANY solid Christian men and women over the past 20-30 years who have
been unable or unwilling to stand for even a moment against the cultural tide
that continues to undermine this nation as they have capitulated or even
cooperated with those who seek to destroy America.
Let's ALL watch and see and try to keep our spiritual pride
in check. Part of "coming as a child" means holding our strong,
prideful opinions gently and in an open-handed fashion and instead of declaring
"This CANNOT be of God- CRUCIFY HIM!" humbly saying, "I don't
understand how this can be of God but I've been wrong so often before. Have
mercy on me, Oh Lord!"
Thank you for your counsel; I feel at times betwixt and between (to coin an old adage) with the choices, but as you phrased it so well, we KNOW what a Hillary Presidency would look like. It is times like this that will either cement our stand in Christ or chase us from Him. I don't know what He has planned for this nation, but as long as the King remains on His throne in heaven, it IS well with my soul.
ReplyDeleteExcellent and undoubtedly blessed by His Spirit. Wise, words of peace. Thanks.