Michigan Republican Party Executive Committee had its meeting. I was there as a proxy voter. The meeting ran smoothly and two individuals were elected unanimously without challengers to fill two vacant seats. It ran smoothly even with White Lake State Representative Jim Tedder speaking about the revenue shuffle and tax increases for our roads. I too joined the chorus of boos when Tedder spoke of why he voterd for the tax.
After Tedder spoke, fellow Executive Member Tom Llewellyn was given the floor, as per the agenda, to speak on energy issues. This was the last item on the agenda and all other items on the agenda were complete. Lewellyn began to speak and discovered, some changes occurring in Lansing as he found out from calling out to Waterford State Representative, Jim Runstead (who should be applauded for his no vote on the road tax increase) who was also in attendance. Lewellyn then tried to refer his time to another Executive Committee member Eric Bond of Ferndale. This was not part of the agenda and since Llewellyn gave up his time, the Chair Theresa Mungioli used privileged adjournment to close the meeting. It was as simple as that.
After the meeting it was discovered that Bond wanted discuss the Oakland County Republican Party's e-mails in which the Oakland County Republican Party listed local candidates that were seeking help looking for walkers for their campaigns. Bond felt that this was a violation of the Oakland County Republican By-Laws. This was the provision in the bylaws that question:
Section 10.4: Exceptions In the exceptional circumstance where an endorsement will significantly benefit the Republican Party in Oakland County, the Executive Committee may endorse, support or disavow an individual candidate in a contested Republican or non-partisan special election, Republican or non-partisan primary election, a non-partisan general election, or in a judicial election provided that a motion to endorse or disavow a particular candidate be adopted by two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive Committee present and voting, and provided further that notice of consideration of the motion is given as provided in Article 11. Section 11.3, with the consent of the candidate whose endorsement is proposed.
Bond's concern was that the Oakland County Republican Party was endorsing or supporting certain Republican candidates over other Republican candidates in non-partisan races.
This was NOT the case with the Oakland Republican Party. The Oakland County Republican Party merely listed the contact information for those asking for assistance walking their campaigns. The Oakland Party obliged by listing their information.
Any Republican candidate had the same opportunity to have their information e-mail blasted out. In no way did the Oakland County Republican Party endorse or give special favor to any of those candidates. Using the City of Troy for example all 3 candidates received the same treatment and there was no endorsement.
Would it be a violation of Oakland County Republican Party by-laws to have signs dropped off at their location? There are numerous signs from additional candidates that did not ask for walk help but asked that their signs be dropped off at the Oakland County Republican Headquarters. Using the same logic that if sending an e-mail out for help candidates is a by-law violation, wouldn't it be the same as a candidate asking for help having their signs stored and picked up by campaign volunteers at Oakland County Republican Headquarters?
Now over something as small as a simple e-mail that contained no endorsements and intent of favoritism over one candidate versus another, we now have a nasty political blog written by an another Oakland County Executive Board Member filled with inaccuracies with a headline saying the chair had a "bizarre meltdown" which was not that case, again I was there. The blogger also uses his blog to try to bully the chair but using an extra large photo of her with the text "Unfit to Lead, Unfit to Serve".
If perhaps Llewellyn and Bond approached the situation differently in a more calm matter and addressed the chair at the appropriate time of the agenda rather than do a bate and switch we wouldn't have all this turmoil and all these inaccuracies especially from that blogger.
The Oakland County Chairwoman Theresa Mungioli will allow all sides to have their say but at the right time and right manner. She is no different that most any other chair who would do the same.
As I have stated before, I was not sure about Theresa when she first became Chairwoman in the 9th District during the 2011-2013 term, of which I was a committee member. However she did prove herself to be fair. Did we agree on everything? No. Was every battle won? No. But she gave everyone equal opportunity.
Most thought that Theresa Mungioli proved herself she met with Bob and Regina Brim to work out the resolution regarding "Civil Asset Forfeiture" . There was a lot of distrust in the beginning because the resolution did not make the agenda at first. It wasn't because the resolution was bad, it was the wording that was. Mungioli met with the Brims in her office to work out the resolution so it would pass the Oakland County Republican Party Issues Committee and make it to the agenda, which it did and passed.
It is a shame that we have this turmoil again over someone's twisting of an e-mail.
One of the main purposes of the Oakland Country Republican Party is to help with candidate recruitment. These include candidates for local office. Should the Oakland County Republican Party no longer offer advice to new candidates running for what is called non-partisan (but really isn't) political offices such as school board and/or city council? Watch how fast all the cities in Oakland County become 100% Democrat controlled when that happens.
The party office is there to offer intellectual knowledge support to any Republican candidate. Offering to share knowledge equally among all candidates that ask is not an endorsement or being supportive of one candidate.