Was Cindy Gamrat Wrongfully Removed From The Republican Caucus?
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Cindy Gamrat came out swinging today on her Facebook page on what she feels is unjust treatment because she will not play ball as usual in Lansing. She speaks out on her removal from the Republican Caucus for representing the voters. Here is her post, what are your thoughts?
Good morning!
I am writing this letter because I believe my constituents
and the people of Michigan deserve to know the truth about what is going on in
Lansing. I came to Lansing to bring transparency and authenticity to the office
and to be a strong voice for the people in my district and Michigan. After over
two weeks of being held out of caucus, I was finally given the opportunity to
meet with Speaker Cotter this past Thursday.
Regarding the multiple breaches of confidentiality that were
reported in the paper and used to question my credibility and integrity, the
Speaker said that his words were misrepresented and there was not a list of
breaches of confidentiality. Instead, he shared with me a short list of
complaints regarding courtesy faux pas' that I have made, such as not always
letting leadership know ahead of time when I was going to vote "No"
on a bill, or not always calling ahead when speaking outside of my district to
the representative of that district. This is standard operating procedure in Lansing
and Washington and it is clear I have not complied to their satisfaction and
have stepped on a few toes.
Had I known the charges, I would have been able to share the
innocuous reasons for my imperfect compliance to their standards. For instance
regarding letting leadership know ahead of time when I will be voting
"No", while I am on the floor or in committee, my first and foremost
focus is to make sure I understand the bills to the best of my ability and vote
the right way for the people of my district. This means many times right up
until the vote I am hearing testimony on a bill, reading fiscal analysis,
talking with the sponsor of the bill or looking up further information on it. I
cast a "No" vote when I believe the legislation will grow government,
cost the taxpayers more money, impede on our freedoms, or is being pushed
through rapidly without the time to conduct the research I feel is required for
the bill.
And as far as traveling, I have been speaking around the
state on a regular basis for the past few years and am now also campaigning for
Republican National Committee Woman. Many times my speaking engagements are
scheduled with short notice, sometimes I do not know where and when I will be
speaking until I look at my schedule the day or two before, and I am also not
in the habit of calling ahead for approval before each event.
The other infractions shared with me on Thursday included:
asking for a different seat in the beginning of the term, my Facebook posts
(these were not discussed in any detail), and requesting the swing of my office
door be corrected.
I am truly disappointed that these issues were not brought
to my attention along the way and cleared up long ago, especially given that
this has been dragging out all the while I am in a campaign for Republican
National Committee Woman and during the omnibus and education budget votes.
These minor infractions could have been quickly and easily resolved, yet I was
tried, convicted, and sentenced by leadership without even given the
opportunity to know the charges or defend myself.
Even so, the Lord gives me strength to press on and to
continue fighting to pass the torch of liberty and prosperity on to our children
and grandchildren. I will continue to stand for limited government so that our
future generations can experience opportunity and pursue their dreams without
being held back by an overburdensome government. The larger government gets,
the less freedom we have and I will continue to be a strong voice for taxpayers
in saying the government should live within it's budget and not take more and
more money from our families or interfere in the markets by picking winners and
I think there were many other ways to go about this;
however, it is up to leadership to decide the type of leaders they will be, how
they will lead, and what that will look like in instituting and enforcing
compliance of the members. As of this time, I have still not heard back from
leadership as to if I am allowed back into caucus.
I am new and maybe I am wrong, but to me the infractions
I've made simply don't merit the punishment that I have received. I'm not sure
if this happened because they're not sure what to do with a confident
nurse/homeschool/soccer mom with a strong voice, or if it's because some are
afraid of having a conservative grassroots voice as the next Republican
National Committee Woman. Or maybe it is just typical Lansing insider politics.
But regardless of the reason, I came to Lansing to bring transparency and shed
light and I will not be dissuaded in my responsibility to do that.
So for my constituents, I can assure you that I am doing
everything I can to bring a strong voice of transparency, limited government,
life, lower taxes, free markets, and individual liberty to continue to earn the
trust that you placed in me in my position. I will not turn my back on you but
will continue to fight for you. I do not work for Lansing, I work for you, who
sent me to Lansing to do the job I said I would do.
And for my fellow Republicans, my belief in American
exceptionalism and the values of our Republican platform have not wavered. We
have some major battles ahead in this upcoming presidential race and we will
need strong and steadfast leadership at the top representing Michigan, and if
elected as your next Republican National Committee Woman, I am committed to
doing just that.
And to my fellow Representatives, now that you have finally
heard the charges against me, you will have to decide in your heart how to
respond and what all this means. I did everything in my power to try and
resolve this privately, but cannot stand silently by while false accusations
are perpetuated against me, and as an extension of that, my district I
represent. I will continue to serve with passion and integrity and work with
anyone interested in making Michigan stronger, where our children can prosper
and raise their families. I appreciate the different voices and thoughts we
each bring to the table and believe that only makes us stronger as we consider
our steps from various angles. We were each duly elected by the people of our
districts and I would hope each be given a voice in the discussion. I look
forward in continuing to work with each of you and the debate and discussions
we will have in finding solutions to the issues that face our state.
These last few weeks have been trying to be sure, but the
hardships I have endured and the arrows I have taken are small in comparison to
the men and women who have paid a much higher cost for our freedom, from the
Founding Fathers to the men and women who serve in our armed forces. I alone
can only do so much, but am still responsible to do what I can to and be
obedient where God is calling me. But if we stand together, with God's
providence, I believe we can lead the way as a nation of freedom and break the
chains of tyranny around the world.
I appreciate your prayers in all of this! May God give us
the courage in all circumstances to stand for what is right, and may we be a
light to a world with so much darkness!
With Firm Reliance on Divine Providence,
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