Monday, May 11, 2015

Girl Scouts: Being A Girl Optional, God Is Optional, Our Flag Is Optional

Being a girl is about to become optional for future Girl Scouts. The organization will now accept boys if who consider themselves a girl, bringing the transgender debate into the forefront.

Speaking with my brother-in-law yesterday at church, he is trying desperately to keep this nonsense away from his younger girls. 

They are starting to ask questions from things they see on TV.  Such as why and how a man, Bruce Jenner, is becoming a woman.

Curriculum that the Girl Scouts teach is also concerning. 

The Girl Scouts USA curriculum now reads, "Girl Scouts of the USA makes no attempt to define or interpret the word "God" in the Girl Scout Promise.  It looks to individual members to establish for themselves the nature of their spiritual beliefs.  When making the Girl Scout promise, individuals may substitute wording appropriate to their own beliefs for the word "God."

While many will argue that Girl Scouts is simply respecting the beliefs or non-beliefs of its members, who come from varied backgrounds, this "tolerant" oath denies the One True God, allowing a girl to swear her oath to a tree or an animal or anything else she chooses to substitute for the word "God." 

What is also disturbing is  the treatment of our nation's flag at the 2008 Girl Scout National Council Session and Convention.  The traditional flag ceremony was trashed, as was the playing of our National Anthem.  Flags of all nations were brought in bunched together to Chicago and Earth, Wind and Fire tunes.  That just doesn't' sit well with this Army wife.

My greatest concern lies with the Girl Scouts curriculum called "Journeys."  This new program steadily leads the girls down a path of moral relativism toward the New Age.  (An excellent review of "Journeys" can be read here.)  Having read through the highlights on the Girl Scouts website, I'm left with the distinct impression I've just joined a Zen-yoga, environmental, defeat global warming, free choice, girl-power, modern feminist think-tank.  There's lots of talk about "women's issues", environmental issues, empowerment, and the new "globalism", but no mention of God and very little of country.

By the time the girls reach grades nine and ten, they are introduced to "Girltopia."  This book emphasizes the disparity between the sexes, particularly when it comes to jobs and wages, and asks, "How could everyone create a Girltopia?"  The text then praises three different books on the subject of utopias, including, "The Gate to Women's Country," by feminist author Sheri S. Tepper, who also happens to be the Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood.

In grades 11 and 12, the curriculum is called "Your Voice, Your World: The Power of Advocacy."  The most disturbing part is that at the bottom of each page is a "Voice for Good"  featuring women meant to be role models for the girls to follow.  More than 50 women are named, and only 3 are women of faith, including Mother Teresa.

Mainly, these "role models" are feminists, lesbians, existentialists, communists, and Marxists.  Here are just a few examples:

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn:  labor leader, activist, feminist, founding member of the ACLU and chairwoman of the American Communist Party.

Simone de Beauvoir: existentialist, French author of feminist books including The Second Sex, key player in France's women's liberation movement.

Billie Jean King: retired tennis champion, sued for palimony by lesbian girlfriend while she was still married, first prominent professional athlete to come out as homosexual.

Most disturbing of all is Girl Scouts associations with Planned Parenthood.  In 2004, CEO Kathy Cloninger admitted that they partner with PP to bring sex-education programs to troops all over the country.  Planned Parenthood has no interest in abstinence.  It doesn't benefit their bottom line for teenagers to wait for marriage to have sex.  They are financially invested in promiscuity and all the destructive consequences it brings, especially abortion.  And now it seems Girl Scouts' vision of sexual health and freedom mirrors Planned Parenthood's.  Is that your vision for your daughter?

If you want your daughter to learn the skills of a Girl Scout while keeping her love of herself, God and Country, I would suggest American Heritage Girls. 


  1. My girls are both Girl Scouts. My wife is a Girl Scout leader. I am proud of them all.

    You say that "Planned Parenthood has no interest in abstinence. It doesn't benefit their bottom line for teenagers to wait for marriage to have sex." Then why does the Planned Parenthood website champion abstinence as 100% effective at preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases with no side effects?

  2. Also, it's funny that Ron uses "feminist" as a pejorative. My dictionary defines "feminism" as "the principle that woman should have political, economic, and social rights equal to those of men." I certainly believe that, which is why I am happy to call myself a feminist.
