The lawmakers are already counting on this proposal passing, so much so that they have already unveiled an $88 million plus plan to create underground parking and an underground tunnel so they can get to their offices by perhaps avoiding their constituents on the outside?
Officials could break ground on the project as early as this
The work can be funded now thanks to a new, $3
million annual budget established this year for Capitol renovations
and upkeep.
Where did the extra $3 billion come from in this budget? Why wasn't it applied to the roads?
The lawmakers tell us that is just a 1cent sales hike in the sales tax but the truth is it is a $1.7 billion tax-hike scheme (1) that we’re supposed to believe will help fix the roads. The plan, which requires voter approval in May, includes:
- 16% increase in the state sales tax
- 23 cents-per-gallon hike in gas taxes
- $95 million more in registration taxes
- $60 million in Internet sales taxes
Also gas taxes can be increased on an annual basis now, if this proposal passes, to keep up with inflation!
In addition to a
mishmash of tax hikes, the package includes giveaways that have nothing to do
with fixing our roads–from mass transit to welfare-style government assistance
to contracting preferences for a “disadvantaged business enterprise.”
$1.2 billion gas
tax hike
Michigan drivers will
pay 23 cents-per-gallon more in
gas taxes. That would put Michigan in the top five states with the highest gas
taxes and give us the highest gasoline excise tax in the nation. Over
time, as the price of gas rises, that tax will go up automatically–without a
vote of the legislature or input from taxpayers. (3)
$1.34 billion sales
tax hike
Lawmakers voted to put
a 16% hike in the state sales tax on the Michigan ballot. If approved, the rate
would rise from 6% to 7%, including on Internet sales. (Lawmakers voted on separate bills to force Internet sales tax
collections.) (4)
$95 million
registration “fee” tax hike
Michigan drivers will
also pay $95 million more in registration “fees.” Long-term, this tax hike is
expected to total $210 million.
In order to buy enough
votes to get the proposal passed through the legislature, the package was
loaded up with giveaways that have nothing to do with roads:
$260 million
welfare-style EITC assistance
The Earned Income Tax
Credit resembles direct government assistance, such as welfare and food stamps,
more than a tax credit. Filers who pay out nothing in income taxes still get
money back from the government under this program. (5)
$300 million more
for education establishment
Over the past four
years, spending on education has increased by more than $1 billion. (6) This
“deal” guarantees even more money for the public school apparatus, even though
Michigan is one of 21 states that employs more non-teaching staff than
teachers. (7)
$130 million more
for mass transit
Instead of dedicating
all new revenue to roads, the package hands mass transit programs another $130
million, a move that was viewed as necessary to buy support from Detroit-area
politicians who favor bigger-government.
We need your help educating friends, family members and co-workers about this disastrous plan.
(1) House Fiscal
Agency, Legislative
Analysis Transportation Funding Package, Dec. 18, 2014
(2) House Fiscal
Agency, Legislative
Analysis Transportation Funding Package, Dec. 18, 2014
(3) American Petroleum
Institute, Gasoline
Tax, October 2014
(4) 2013-14 Senate
Bill 658 and Senate Bill 659
(5) Tax
or Welfare? The Administration of the Earned Income Tax Credit, UCLA Law
Review, Lawrence Zelenak, 2005
(6) MEA Economist Ignores
Billions in Education Spending, Capitol Confidential, May 13, 2014
(7) New
Study Finds 21 State Have More Non-Teaching Staff, Friedman Foundation for
Educational Choice, February 28, 2013
Now you know why I love living in the south. You need to get rid of the Governor and his cronies and elect some folks who are honest and really care about Michigan....I am a Senior Citizen/Veteran and I can't even get a break on a out of state hunting or fishing license in Michigan, yet they are very willing to take my property tax $$$ that I pay to them for a second home there.... I tell everyone to come south that livers there, we have some of the best roads in the country, lots of tax incentives for the seniors and I pay "0" yes that is zero for a hunting and fishing license............