Norm Hughes to Republican Party Chair: Denounce Mitt Or Step Down
Norm Hughes |
Long time political activist and form Ronald Reagan aide, Norm Hughes, who ran against current Michigan Party Chairperson Ronna Romney McDaniel issued a scathing statement today. He stated that she should disavow her uncle Mitt Romney's remarks today or step down from State Party Chair.
Here is Norm Hughes' statement, "I call upon Ronna Romney
Ronna Romney |
McDaniels to disavow the reckless, divisive, hypocritical nasty remarks her uncle Mitt Romney made at University of Utah today. If she cannot or will not, she should step down as MRP Chair as she can not be effective while turning her back on such hate talk upon a lead Republican candidate, one those support Mitt sought and embraced four years ago."
The Time Mitt Romney Praised Donald Trump
Then there was this time that Mitt Romney spoke highly of Donald Trump, even calling Trump more successful than him...Donald Trump responded to Mitt Romney Today by saying "I have brought millions of people into the Republican Party, while the Dems are going down. Establishment wants to kill this movement! Failed candidate mitt Romney, who ran one of the worst races in presidential history, is working with the establishment to bury a big "R" win! "
Posted by Ron Dwyer on Thursday, March 3, 2016
Mitt Romney The Greatest Conservative?
Since the Establishment is going after Trump on positions and trying to potentially give Mitt Romney the nomination as some fear, Donald Trump put together a montage of Mitt Romney's greatest hits, really misses.
Posted by Ron Dwyer on Thursday, March 3, 2016
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