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This Tweet Comes Out From The Colorado GOP Right After Cruz Is Awarded All Delegates |
Robert Zubrin from Colorado Republicans for Liberty wrote about the anti-Trump resolution for American Thinker back on March 22, 2016:
"In the caucuses March 1, I was elected an alternate delegate to the Colorado State GOP convention, which on April 9 will select and instruct our delegates to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this summer.
Accordingly, I have drawn up a resolution that is now being circulated that will forbid Colorado delegates to the national convention from voting for Donald Trump for president or vice president on any ballot. Such a resolution is necessary, because Trump has publicly stated that his methods of operation include buying or renting the services of politicians for cash.
As the text of the resolution provides a succinct and forceful summary of the reasons why Donald Trump is unacceptable as a Republican candidate for president, I thought I would share it with the readers of American Thinker", he said.
Here is his resolution:
Here is his resolution:
Resolution to Forbid Colorado Delegates from Voting for Donald Trump
Whereas Donald Trump is not a Republican; and
Whereas Donald Trump is a demagogue who is using fear, hate, and lies to assemble a mob in support of an agenda of socialist policy, unlimited government, and strongman rule; and
Whereas Donald Trump would destroy the Western alliance which is the basis of American security; and
Whereas Donald Trump would destroy the system of international trade which is the basis of American prosperity; and
Whereas Donald Trump would destroy the freedom of the press that is the basis of American liberty; and
Whereas Donald Trump would destroy the rule of law which is the basis of American civil society; and
Whereas Donald Trump has mocked those who risked their lives to fight for America when he avoided doing so; and
Whereas Donald Trump has acted as an apologist for America’s enemy Vladimir Putin and other brutal anti-American foreign tyrants; and
Whereas Donald Trump has set himself forth as an open exponent of lust, greed, and other vices antithetical to Judeo-Christian ethics and the moral fiber necessary to sustain a republic; and
Whereas Donald Trump has demonstrated that he has no respect for the truth, and
Whereas Donald Trump has defrauded thousands of ordinary Americans of their life savings; and
Whereas Donald Trump has, in the course of the present campaign, committed acts potential prosecutable as incitement to riot, a federal crime punishable by up to five years in prison; and
Whereas Donald Trump has knowingly acted to degrade the Republican presidential nominating process to a vile level that can only serve to drive people of talent and integrity out of the party and assist in the election of the party’s opponents; and
Whereas the nomination of Donald Trump for president would insure a landslide defeat for the Republican Party nationwide in the fall, and deeply damage the Republican Party and the conservative movement for years, and possibly decades to come; and
Whereas a vote for Donald Trump by any member of the Colorado delegation to the Republican National Convention would dishonor and disgrace the Colorado Republican Party;
Therefore, be it resolved that:
The Colorado Republican Party forbids any of its delegates to the Republican National Convention to vote for Donald Trump for president or vice president on the first ballot or any other ballot, and
The Colorado Republican Party asks its delegates to national convention to pledge on their honor to do everything in their power to help secure the presidential nomination for someone other than Donald Trump.
Donald Trump has threatened the Republican Party with mob violence. Let’s tell him where to go!
Colorado Republicans for Liberty
The anti-Trump officials handed out this same resolution at the state convention on Saturday.
Here’s the resolution passed around at the convention that instructed Colorado Republicans to not vote for Trump.
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