Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Woman Chooses Catholic Hospital For Birth Control - Puts Self At Risk

Jessica Mann and her husband
A pregnant Genesee County Michigan woman is speaking out after her hospital refused to tie her tubes because of religious convictions.

She argues it's medically needed because she has brain tumor.   What would having your tubes tied have to do with a brain tumor?

"At this point in my pregnancy I really should be able to focus on getting ready for my baby, just getting prepared to have her in my arms," said Jessica Mann.

"Many patients at Genesys do not know that it's a Catholic healthcare system, and do not know that religious rules are going to govern their care instead of medical standards," said Brooke Tucker.

Well Brooke, people should be researching where they get their healthcare?

Jessica Mann has a brain tumor, and her doctors have told her not to have any more children.

When she does give birth this time she will be completely out, under anesthesia.

So she planned to have her tubes tied so she wouldn't have to "go under the knife" twice.

But her hospital is denying the procedure based on religious beliefs.

Jessica has enlisted the help of the ACLU. It's given the hospital until Friday to reverse its decision or face legal action.

First of all it is a Catholic hospital.  Doctors and staff specifically chose to work at this hospital to follow their beliefs.  To do anything other would be a violation of their rights and faith.

Second and most important, why would you want a doctor and hospital on that matter performing a surgery that they have ZERO experience on? Seems to the prudent thing to do would be to find a hospital that has the experience just for safety reasons alone.  

Jessica though would rather play activist and put her health at risk to get her 15 minutes of fame rather than do the prudent thing and find a doctor and hospital with experience on the surgery she is requesting. 

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