Tennessee Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn is hot after hearing about what is going on in
Tennessee schools and quite possibly schools in your own neighborhood.
She said, "There is a big difference between education and
indoctrination. It is reprehensible that our school system has exhibited this
double-standard, more concerned with teaching the practices of Islam than the
history of Christianity. Tennessee parents have a right to be outraged and I
stand by them in this fight."
It was discovered by a parent that last week students in a Spring Hill Tennessee 7th grade class were learning about the pillars of Islam under the guise of history studies.
Maury County Director of Schools Chris Marczak has asked
parents concerned about a seventh grade social studies class on the history of
Islam to discuss their questions in a Sept. 17 meeting with district teachers
and administrators.
"If we are truly going to Grow Maury County together,
then we need to openly talk and discuss about what we want to emphasize in our
county," Marczak said in a noon Thursday statement to district parents.
"I encourage you to talk with your children, talk with
your teachers, and talk with your principals. We are here to help your children
be prepared for Life."
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Marsha Blackburn |
The issue arose over new common core state-mandated
standards on middle school social studies about early American history. The
standards were developed two years ago and implemented in the 2014-2015 school
A Spring Hill Middle School parent complained after seeing a
school project her daughter had created featuring the Shahada, or Five Pillars
of Faith in Islam: prayer, almsgiving, fasting, pilgrimage and creed.
The creed pillar is known in Arabic as "Shahada,"
and in transcribing it students were instructed to write, "Allah is the
only God," said parent Brandee Porterfield.
"These [papers] belong to my daughter in seventh grade
at Spring Hill Middle. They have studied Islam for three weeks, but skipped the
whole chapter on Christianity because it's not in the state standards."
Porterfield said her daughter's teacher "was not happy
about it," but told the parent she must teach to the standards.
"She said this will be on TCAPs. Both her teacher and
Principal Shanda Sparrow said students would not have to write the Shahada
"The teacher approached my daughter before class and
very understanding. My daughter told her she would not recite or write the
Shahada or anything saying 'Allah is the only God.' The teacher said she
wouldn't have to."
During class time on Tuesday, Porterfield said the teacher
verbally asked students about the five pillars, "And the students were
reciting the Shahada."
Marczak said Thursday the section covers early American
History, world history early civilizations to the Roman Empire, Middle Ages
through exploration of the Americas, and colonization to reconstruction of the
"Our teachers work together to make sure that our
students are learning what is expected through the Tennessee academic
standards. For this last section on the Islamic World this past week, our
educators had students complete an assignment that had an emphasis on Islamic
Faith. The assignment covered some sensitive topics that are of importance to
Islamic religion and caused some confusion around whether we are asking
students to believe in or simply understand the religion.
"It is our job as a public school system to educate our
students on world history in order to be ready to compete in a global society,
not to endorse one religion over another or indoctrinate."
Marczak said he has discussed the parental reaction with
Maury County Commissioner Donna Cook and District 64 State Rep. Sheila Butt
about the state standards for the curriculum.
Cook said she has asked the matter be placed on the Board of
Education's Sept. 10 meeting so citizens can relate their concerns.
Marczak said the Tennessee State Standards on World History
in 7th grade require students be taught "historical facts and our students
are required to write as part of learning (being able to cite evidence from
text). Teachers don't encourage belief in any certain religion over another. We
have students of all faiths in our classrooms and all students cover each world
"My child was required to write 'Allah is the only
God'," parent Joy Ellis said. "This is a seventh grade state
standard, and will be on the TCAP. Christianity was completely skipped and is
not a standard. I didn't have a problem with the history of Islam being taught,
but to go so far as to make my child write the Shahada, is unacceptable."
Here is the complete statement issued at by Marczak:
Message from Director Dr. Marczak: By now, many of you have
heard what is taking place with concerns to the teaching section of middle
school social studies. The standards that we have in place from the State of
Tennessee are newer standards that were developed in 2013 and implemented last
year, 2014-15 school year. In middle school, the standards have us address
early American History, world history early civilizations to the Roman Empire,
middle ages through exploration of the Americas, and colonization to
reconstruction of the Americas. Our teachers work together to make sure that
our students are learning what is expected through the Tennessee academic
standards. For this last section on the Islamic World this past week, our
educators had students complete an assignment that had an emphasis on Islamic
Faith. The assignment covered some sensitive topics that are of importance to
Islamic religion and caused some confusion around whether we are asking
students to believe in or simply understand the religion. It is our job as a
public school system to educate our students on world history in order to be
ready to compete in a global society, not to endorse one religion over another
or indoctrinate.
I encourage all Maury County parents to be their child's
first and main teacher. It is our job as parents of our own children to instill
in them the beliefs of our individual households. It's important that we
establish a good working relationship with our children's teachers and schools
so that when there are questions or concerns, teachers and principals are the
first line of asking. If we are truly going to Grow Maury County together, then
we need to openly talk and discuss about what we want to emphasize in our
county. I encourage you to talk with your children, talk with your teachers,
and talk with your principals. We are here to help your children be prepared
for Life.
Totally FAKE NEWS!! How is it possible that Politicians fall for superstitious opinions without facts.