Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Michigan House Votes To Raise Taxes To Fix Roads

They just don't get it do they?  After a resounding defeat of
Proposal 1 that would have raised taxes to fix Michigan Roads, the Michigan House today approved a plan to shift hundreds of millions of dollars from the state's general fund and make other changes, including raising taxes ,aimed at putting nearly $1.2 billion a year toward repairing the state's roads.

Most bills were approved primarily along party lines Wednesday in the Republican-controlled House.

Along with many other changes, the 12-bill package would earmark $442 million from the general fund for roads in the fiscal year starting Oct. 1.That number would increase to $792 million in the 2019 fiscal year.

The plan would raise the diesel tax to 19 cents from 15 cents to match the gas tax and index both taxes to inflation. Registration fees would be raised by $30 on certain hybrid vehicles and by $100 on electric vehicles

1 comment:

  1. Martin Howrylak voted YES to these tax increases. He also voted NO to eliminating the EITC. Make sure you vote him out of office at the next election since he is clearly not a Conservative..
