Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Is One Man Stopping the Keystone Pipeline? Has This Man Bought Our Politicians?

The American people want Keystone XL pipeline built as shown over and over again by survey after survey.  However Obama has now said the pipeline will not start being built until after the 2014 election , if at all.    

This pipeline would transport 830,000 barrels of crude oil a day from Canada’s oils sands to the refineries in Port Arthur Texas.
stom steyer, gary peters

In addition, the undertaking would create short-term and long-term middle class jobs for both the Canadian and U.S. economies. Precisely, economic studies have found that the project would create 20,000 manufacturing and construction jobs and an additional 118,000 spin-off jobs.

The Wall Street Journal reported a week ago that Obama and Democrats are feeling pressure from liberal billionaire Tom Steyer who has recently emerged as one of the biggest opponents against Keystone XL. Through his organization, NextGen Climate Action, Steyer has vowed to raise at least $100 million to back vulnerable Democrats in November in an effort to help them keep the Senate as long as they oppose the pipeline.

In recent months, Gary Peters, a candidate to for U.S. Senate in Michigan, has been tied to the billionaire. Back in February, Steyer hosted a fundraiser for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Among the 70 guests in attendance at Steyer’s home that included Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Al Gore, was Peters. The attendees reportedly enjoyed grass-fed beef from Steyer’s ranch in addition to salmon.

Meanwhile, the administration’s latest decision comes after an exhausting five years and two investigations into the pipeline’s potential impact on the environment by the State Department which have concluded that the effects are minimal.

Peters voted against the bipartisan North Route Approval Act, H.R. 3 which passed the House 241-175 last May and would have expedited the process and declared that a presidential permit not be required for approval of the Keystone XL pipeline’s northern route. Meanwhile, Harry Reid, whose Senate Majority PAC has already spent millions backing Peters and others in hopes of maintaining a majority, has refused a vote in the Senate with the intentions of not forcing the hand of those vulnerable Democrats in states where it would be politically unpopular to vote against the pipeline.

One has to ask, whose is Peters representing us or his billionaire buddy Tom Steyer? He claims to be a champion of the middle class yet his actions are more in line with that of a career politician beholden to special interests who do not support what of both Michiganders and the American people want. A poll released recently by Rasmussen revealed that 61 percent of the American people favor building the Keystone pipeline.

1 comment:

  1. http://krisannehall.com/keystone-pipeline-bill-hr-3-unconstitutional/
    This pipeline has nothing to do with any benefits to the USA.
