Thursday, May 1, 2014

55 schools facing sex assault investigation from the Federal Government

For sexual assault crimes is that not the job of local law enforcement?   Why this unconstitutional move by the Federal Government to overreach into local law? And you though Title IX just dealt with equality in sports. Notice that all the colleges are more of the "affluent" colleges.  

The Education Department on Thursday took the unprecedented step of releasing the names of the 55 colleges and universities currently facing a Title IX investigation over their handling of sexual abuse complaints.

The release came two days after a White House task force promised greater government transparency on sexual assault in higher education. Going forward, the department said, it will keep an updated list of schools facing such an investigation and make it available upon request.

The schools range from big public universities such as Ohio State University, the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and Michigan State University to private schools like Knox College in Illinois, Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania and Catholic University of America in the District of Columbia. Ivy League schools like Harvard, Princeton and Dartmouth are also on the list.

The agency previously would confirm such an investigation when asked, but students and others were often unaware of them.

“We hope this increased transparency will spur community dialogue about this important issue,” Catherine E. Lhamon, the department’s assistant secretary for civil rights, said in a statement.
Lhamon said a school’s appearance on the list does not mean that it has violated the law but that an investigation is ongoing.

Title IX prohibits gender discrimination at schools that receive federal funds. It is the same law that guarantees girls equal access to sports, but it also regulates institutions’ handling of sexual violence and increasingly is being used by victims who say their schools failed to protect them.
Citing research, the White House has said that 1 in 5 female students is assaulted. President Barack Obama appointed a task force comprised of his Cabinet members to review the issue after hearing complaints about the poor treatment of campus rape victims and the hidden nature of such crimes.

The task force announced the creation of a website,, offering resources for victims and information about past enforcement actions on campuses. The task force also made a wide range of recommendations to schools, such as identifying confidential victims’ advocates and conducting surveys to better gauge the frequency of sexual assault on their campuses.  Now how much did the website cost taxpayers?

The department publicized guidance on Title IX’s sexual assault provisions in 2011, and complaints by students have since increased. Complaints, however, don’t always lead to an investigation.

The department can withhold federal funding from a school that doesn’t comply with the law, but it so far has not used that power and instead has negotiated voluntary resolutions for violators.
Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., and Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., have said non-compliance under the law is “far too common.” They say a lack of federal resources is partly to blame for that, and they’ve sought more money to ensure timely and proper investigations.

Another law that campus sexual assault cases fall under is the Clery Act, which requires colleges and universities to report crime statistics on or near their campuses. It also requires schools to develop prevention policies and ensure victims their basic rights. Investigations under this law are not included in the list that was released.

The list of schools under investigation as of May 1
State    Institution
AZ       Arizona State University
CA       Butte-Glen Community College District
CA       Occidental College
CA       University of California-Berkeley
CA       University of Southern California
CO      Regis University
CO      University of Colorado at Boulder
CO      University of Colorado at Denver
CO      University of Denver
CT       University of Connecticut
DC       Catholic University of America
FL        Florida State University
GA       Emory University
HI        University of Hawaii at Manoa
ID        University of Idaho
IL         Knox College
IL         University of Chicago
IN        Indiana University-Bloomington
IN        Vincennes University
MA      Amherst College
MA      Boston University
MA      Emerson College
MA      Harvard College
MA      Harvard University—Law School
MA      University of Massachusetts-Amherst
MD      Frostburg State University
MI        Michigan State University
MI        University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
NC       Guilford College
NC       University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
ND       Minot State University
NH       Dartmouth College
NJ       Princeton University
NY       Cuny Hunter College
NY       Hobart and William Smith Colleges
NY       Sarah Lawrence College
NY       Suny at Binghamton
OH      Denison University
OH      Ohio State University
OH      Wittenberg University
OK       Oklahoma State University
PA       Carnegie Mellon University
PA       Franklin and Marshall College
PA       Pennsylvania State University
PA       Swarthmore College
PA       Temple University
TN       Vanderbilt University
TX       Southern Methodist University
TX       The University of Texas-Pan American
VA       College of William and Mary
VA       University of Virginia
WA      Washington State University
WI        University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
WV      Bethany College
WV      West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine

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