Monday, August 28, 2017

More #FakeNews! Democrats Post Obama Picture Serving Food In Houston Only- Its From 2015!


As Tropical Storm Harvey rocks Houston, Texas, a Twitter user decried President Donald Trump’s response in comparison to former President Barack Obama’s purported on-the-ground efforts using an outdated photo.

Twitter user Aiden Benjamin (@Feisal_Hagi) posted a picture of Obama and his family serving food at a shelter, which he captioned with the hashtags #HurricaneHarvery and #prayfortexas.

"Something youll never see trump do: Obama is in texas serving meals!" he wrote in the Aug. 26, 2017 tweet.

This picture is actually from when the Obama's served out food a few minutes for a publicity photo shoot for homeless veterans on November 25, 2015.  

Pannebecker: Bradley is NOT the representative the Republican Party Needs

Brian Pannebecker with Ben Carson

Conservative activist and one of the leaders of the successful right to work initiative in Michigan- Brian Pannebecker, slams  the Michigan State Director of African American Affairs Wayne Bradley with a scathing post on his Facebook page.  He states in his post Wayne Bradley is NOT the representative the Republican Party Needs.

Here is what Pannebecker said:

"My friend Wayne Bradley, who is black, is supposed to be a "Conservative" , and has been paid by the Republican Party to communicate our party's values and platform to the black community. That effort is intended to help blacks understand our principles and values, and bring more black folks 'home' to the party that ended slavery. But Wayne is now using his Facebook page as a forum for his friends in the black community to attack Trump for pardoning an 85 year old life-long law enforcement officer, and to defend Colin Kaepernick for protesting on the sidelines at NFL games, not to mention defending the Antifa thugs who are instigating social violence and the destruction of public statues of Confederate War figures from the civil war.

I don't remember Wayne "used to be conservative" Bradley getting a movement going against Obama when he pardoned drug dealers and terrorists, or speaking out in favor of renaming buildings like COBO Arena when Barrack Hussein Obama was President.

But now that Donald Trump has been elected, Wayne Bradley is publicly supporting tearing down statues , renaming buildings , and jailing 85 year old law enforcement officers who were political opponents of Obama, all to please his friends in the black community. Is this the type of "Black Community Outreach" the Republican Party hired Wayne to do?

Maybe Wayne Bradley is NOT the representative the Republican Party needs to reach out to the black community here in Michigan ?

Maybe we can find a true conservative to fill the role of Outreach Ambassador to the African American community. 

He is compromising our conservative principals in order to not offend any liberal black Democrats.

Bad idea.

Randy Bishop
Randy Wood
Dave Agema
Norm Hughes
Patrick Colbeck
Phil Pavlov
John Vermeulen
Tyrone Washington
KJ Marshall"

Here are some of Wayne's Posts that are in question:

Kwame reference is the former corrupt black Mayor of Detroit Kwame Kilpatrick
who was sentenced for embezzling millions from the City of Detroit.

Bradley with Trump Last Year

Thursday, August 17, 2017

African American Woman Sets The Record Straight On Racism And The Republican Party

Linda Lee Tarver
RWFM Statement on Charlottesville (Aug. 15, 2017)

The Republican Women’s Federation of Michigan (RWFM) is deeply saddened by the senseless death resulting from recent events in Charlottesville, Virginia.  Over the past few days, there have been calls from the left for the Republican Party to take a stand against neo-Nazi and Klan activity.  Yet the Republican Party has taken a stand against slavery, racism, and discrimination since its very inception on July 6, 1854, declaring then under the oaks in Jackson, Michigan that we are, “…destined in the throes of civil strife, to abolish slavery, vindicate democracy, and perpetuate the union.”

A century later after continuing Republican led battles - including hard-won victories - against Jim Crow (segregation) laws, lynching and the Klan, in 1963, Republican Governor George Romney stood with African-Americans, marching on behalf of Michigan’s marginalized citizens. That same year, Republicans supported enshrining Civil Rights in the State’s Constitution. At the federal level, Republicans championed the national civil rights' reforms.  

As President of the RWFM and the first African-American elected to this position, I am compelled to respond to my party being wrongly accused of racism for political gain and strongly denounce the rewriting of history.  Despite the emergence of hate groups in our nation, the most dangerous - and longstanding – group perpetuating hate against African-Americans is the Democrat Party.

The feigned indignation of Democrats over the Charlottesville
tragedy belies the realities of their party.  The Democratic Party effectively supports and promotes the murder of millions of black babies through abortion - lauded as one of its favorite causes.  In Michigan, African-American women constitute only seven (7%) percent of the population but account for 51% of abortions - and Democrats are silent. 

Democrat President William Jefferson Clinton apologized to the NAACP in 2015 for signing into law the most severe criminal sentencing laws that resulted in millions of black men and women spending their entire life behind bars. These laws were introduced by then Democrat Senator Joe Biden.  In our inner cities, yesterday's Klansmen are today's disguised policy-makers who ignore the plight of Black People and left-wing academicians who fight ‘choice’ in education, thereby perpetuating failing schools and a direct pipeline to prison. Our concern and prayers are not limited to Charlottesville.  In Chicago, this past weekend, the Democrats ignored the horrific deaths of the nine people killed and thirty people wounded through gun violence.

It is time to have a conversation about race and discrimination. But, it must be an honest conversation!  Hate comes in many forms but apathy at the hands of the Democrat Party has resulted in Black genocide, institutionalized racism, and irreparable inequities in our inner cities. The RWFM stands with President Trump and his administration in calling out the apparent issues in the African-American community and urban centers, and his unabashed focus to address the issues of hate and race in America.

Respectfully & Politically,

​Linda Lee Tarver, President
On behalf of the:
Republican Women's Federation of Michigan
P.O. Box 16162
Lansing, Michigan 48901
(470) 377-0733 

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Did Hillary's $800,000 Help Fund The Race Riots In Charlottesville, Virginia?

Reports state that Hillary Clinton Sent $800,000 from Campaign Funds to Her New ‘Resistance’ Group, Federal Election Commission filings show.

Clinton announced her intent to be "part of the resistance" in May with the formation of Onward Together, a political action group that will fund a number of established "resistance" groups that can quickly counter President Trump with direct action and protests.

Federal Election Commission records show that Clinton has sent hundreds of thousands from her campaign funds to her group the same month she announced its creation.

Hillary for America, Clinton's campaign committee, made the $800,000 contribution to Onward Together on May 1, according to its FEC filings.

This past weekend resistance groups supported by the Democrat Party Black Lives Matter and Antifa clashed with the KKK --which was founded to combat free blacks after they attained their freedom from slavery after the civil war.