Sunday, October 16, 2016

Hillary On Verge Of Finishing 3rd Place In Utah Election

Don't look now but if the presidential election were held today in Utah, Donald Trump would win and Hillary Clinton would end up in 3rd place behind a local candidate named Evan McMullin.

CBS News 2016 Battleground TrackerUtah
Sample 951 Likely Voters

Conducted October 12-14, 2016Margin of Error
 ± 5.7%

1. How much attention have you been able to pay to the 2016 Presidential campaign so far?
A lot ............65%
Not much ... 6%
No attention so far ... 0%

2. How likely is it that you will vote in the 2016 Presidential election in November?
Definitely will vote .......................................................91%
Probably will vote ........................................................ 6%
Maybe will vote .......................................................... 1%
Probably will not vote .................................................... 0%
Definitely will not vote ....................................................0%
Already voted early or by mail ............................................1%
Don’t know ...............................................................0%

3. If the 2016 presidential election were being held today and the candidates were HillaryClinton, the Democrat, and Donald Trump, the Republican, who would you vote for?

Voters selecting someone else in the initial question were given a choice of a selection of third party candidates 

Hillary Clinton ...........................................................20%
Donald Trump .......................................................... 37%
Gary Johnson ............................................................7%
Evan McMullin ..........................................................20%
Jill Stein ................................................................. 1%
Someone else ........................................................... 4%
Not sure ................................................................11%
Probably won’t vote ...................................................... 0%