Hundreds of thousands and some estimates put the number of
participants at a half-million –
converged on the nation’s capital, Washington,
DC on Thursday, to participate in the annual March for Life, held each year on
the anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that made
procured abortion legal in all fifty states.
The only network that offered coverage was CBS, which
dedicated 15 seconds to the March in the context of highlighting moderate
Republican opposition to the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
Meanwhile, NBC , ABC, and Spanish-language networks Univision and Telemundo,
completely ignored the March. The networks did, however, find time to cover
"DeflateGate," sidecar dogs in America, and Prince Andrew’s sex
John -Henry Weston, co-founder of said, "If 200,000 people showed up in Washington to protest
in favor of almost any other cause, it would be considered national news by
nearly every newspaper or network. The decision to ignore America's biggest
march yet again shows that U.S. mainstream media, including the Big Three
networks, has no interest in reporting on anything that might harm its agenda
-- and nothing undercuts that agenda more than hundreds of thousands of mostly
young people coming to D.C. to support life."
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