Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Did a local media outlet in Detroit take down their Facebook post to shield former President Clinton from criticism?

Things that make you go hmmmm.

Local news outlet Fox 2 Detroit posted a picture of Bill Clinton and quoted Clinton saying "Detroit wasn't always such a basket case" 

 Well after numerous comment after comment of posters agreeing with Bill Clinton and all with a similar response saying, "You're right Bill.  Before the Democrats took control in 1962, the city was prosperous". Fox 2's post disappears. 

Clinton made this statement about Detroit today at an economic lecture at Georgetown.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Complete Text Of Conversation between Donald Sterling & His Mistress Stiviano

Below is the illegal wire tapped conversation between Clippers Owner Donald Sterling and his mistress Stiviano

Honey, I’m sorry.

Donald Sterling
I’m sorry too.

I wish I could change the skin. The color of my skin.

That isn’t the issue. You’ve missed this issue.

What’s the issue?

The issue is we don’t have to broadcast everything.

I’m not broadcasting anything. I don’t do anything wrong.

Nobody said you did anything wrong.

I don’t do anything wrong. If we ever have any issues it’s because people call you and tell you things about me that are not true.

Then why are you broadcasting? … And why are you taking pictures with minorities...why?

What’s wrong with minorities? What’s wrong with black people?

Nothing. Nothing.

What’s wrong with Hispanics?

It’s like talking to an enemy. There’s nothing wrong with minorities, they’re fabulous. Fabulous. Because you’re an enemy to me.


Because you don’t understand.

I don’t understand what?

Nothing. Nothing.

That racism still is alive?

No, but there’s a culture. People feel certain things. Hispanics feel certain things towards blacks. Blacks feel certain things toward other groups. It’s been that way historically, and it will always be that way.

But it’s not that way in my heart and in my mind.

But maybe you want to adjust to the world.

But why if the world doesn't do anything for me and they don't make me happy?

You're right. I don't wanna argue with you. I don't wanna argue.

I can’t be racist in my heart.

And that’s good. I’m living in a culture, and I have to live within the culture. So that’s the way it is….You can’t be flexible. You can’t be flexible, you can't--

I am flexible. I understand that that’s the way you were raised, and that’s your culture. And I’m respectful and--

Well why do have to disrespect them. Those are--

Who am I disrespecting?

The world before you.

Why am I disrespecting them?

By walking, and you’re perceived as either a Latina or a white girl. Why can’t you be walking publicly with black people? Why? Is there a benefit to you?

Is it a benefit to me? Does it matter if they’re white or blue or yellow?

I guess that you don’t know that. Maybe you’re stupid. Maybe you don’t know what people think of you. It does matter, yeah! It matters.

Do you know that I’m mixed?

No, I don’t know that.

You know that I’m mixed.

You told me you were going to remove those. You said, “Yes, I understand you.” I mean, you change from day to day. Wow. So painful. Wow.

People call you and tell you that I have black people on my Instagram. And it bothers you.

Yeah, it bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people. Do you have to?

You associate with black people.

I’m not you, and you’re not me. You’re supposed to be a delicate white or a delicate Latina girl.

I’m a mixed girl. And you’re in love with me. And I’m black and Mexican, whether you like it or not, whether the world accepts it or not. And you’re asking me to remove something that’s part of me and in my bloodstream because the world thinks different of me and you’re afraid of what they’re going to think see because of your upbringing? You want me to have hate towards black people?

I don’t want you to have hate. That’s what people do, they turn things around. I want you to love them, privately. In your whole life, everyday, you can be with them. Every single day of your life.

But not in public?

But why publicize it on the Instagram and why bring it to my games?

Why bring the black people to the games...I…

I don't think we need to discuss anymore. It's over. I don't wanna talk about it.

I'm sorry that you feel that way.

I feel that way so strongly, and it may cause our relationship to just break apart. And if it does, it does. It's better to break apart now, than to break apart later.

I’m sorry that you still have people around you that are full of racism and hate in their heart. I’m sorry that you’re still racist in your heart. I’m sorry that you live in a world that’s still--

How about your whole life, everyday, you could whatever you want. You can sleep with them, you can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that...and not to bring them to my games.

I don’t bring anyone to the games.

Ok then, there's nothing to argue about.

I know.

OK, we’ve got a big problem here...We’ve got a big problem. If you didn’t like someone that I was with I would stop seeing that person and…

I’m sorry, I don’t have any more friends. What would you like me to do? Remove the skin color out of my skin?

Is that a real issue or are you making something up?

I mean, I just don’t understand what the issue is.

There’s nothing wrong with you or your skin color. Why are you saying these things? To upset me?

Sweetie, I’m sorry.

I’m so sorry too. We made a giant mistake. Both of us. Everything you say to me is so painful. Do I want you to change the color of your skin? You really know how to hurt somebody, instead of saying, “I understand.”

I don’t understand how you can have so much hate toward minorities.

I don’t have any hate on nothing.

How a person like you who’s elevated, who’s here still feels he’s above the world and you can’t even be seen with someone considered of a different skin color.

They can be with me all day long and all night long.

I can’t believe that a man who’s educated, a man who’s a scholar, a man--

Well, believe it, and stop talking about it! You’re not making any good points. You can’t believe this man...that’s all I am. I’m not a good person in your eyes. If I was a good person, you wouldn’t say, “I can’t believe this, I can’t believe that.” Which are all lies. I love the black people.

Look at all this negativity coming from--

There is no negativity. I love everybody. I’m just saying, in your lousy fucking Instagrams, you don’t have to have yourself with, walking with black people. You don’t have to. If you want to, do it.

If it’s white people it’s OK?

[Long pause]

If it was Larry Bird, would it have made a difference?

You’re just a...big fighter. I can see -- who would want to live with a woman like you? Who would want to live with a woman like you? All you ever wanted to do is fight. You’re a born fighter.

I’m sorry that you’re mad.

You have the worst mouth.

Why are you so angry, honey? What’s wrong?

Why would you bring up Larry Bird? What does he got to do with it? You can walk all night long with your sisters. Or you family.

I saw someone I admire. I admire Magic Johnson.

OK, good.

I’m sorry.


He’s made a lot of changes for his community, for the world, for the people, for the minorities. He’s helped a lot of people.

Why are you forcing this down my throat? I’m finished talking to you.

And I took a picture with someone I admire. He happens to be black, and I’m sorry.

I think that fact that you admire him -- I’ve known him well, and he should be admired. And I’m just saying that it’s too bad you can’t admire him privately, and during YOUR ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE, your whole life, admire him, bring him here, feed him, fuck him, I don’t care. You can do anything. But don’t put him on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me. And don’t bring him to my games. OK?

I don’t...I’ve never brought...I don’t know him personally.

Please leave me alone. Please? Please?

I’m sorry. Is there anything that I can do to make you feel better?


No, you can never make me feel better.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Truth about Reagan's 11th Commandment

You may have heard of Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment, "Though Shall Not Speak Ill of Another Republican".  The truth is Ronald Reagan was not the one that came up with this commandment nor did he always follow it.

Ronald Reagan, 38th  President of the United States
"The Eleventh Commandment" was created by then California Republican Party Chairman Gaylord Parkinson. In his 1990 autobiography An American Life, Reagan attributed the rule to Parkinson, explained its origin, and claimed to have followed it." 

"The personal attacks against me during the primary finally became so heavy that the state Republican chairman, Gaylord Parkinson, postulated what he called the Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican. It's a rule I followed during that campaign and have ever since." 

"Reagan followed this 'commandment"' during the first five primaries during the 1976 Republican primary against incumbent Gerald Ford, all of which he lost. He abandoned this approach in the North Carolina Primary and beat Ford 52–46, regaining momentum and winning a majority of delegates chosen after that date. Some analysts credit Reagan's attacks as seriously to have weakened Ford in his contest with his general election opponent and eventual successor, Jimmy Carter" 

Wilcox, David C. (8 April 2002). "The "Eleventh Commandment"". Enter Stage Right. Retrieved 15 September 2010. Reagan, Ronald Wilson. An American Life, Simon and Schuster, 1990, p. 150

Republican Wants to Raise Michigan's Minimum Wage

A bill, brought by Sen. Rick Jones of Grand Ledge, would increase the hourly minimum to $8.15 from $7.40 in December. The minimum for tipped employees – wait staff and bartenders – would rise a dime to $2.75 per hour.
Rick Jones Minimum Wage Increase
Sen. Rick Jones, Grand Ledge

Now this bill is a dumb idea. 

 If you want to make more, apply yourself. By increasing the minimum wage to those who don't apply themselves degrades those that are making their current wage by hard work. In addition look for greater unemployment as businesses will find that upgrading their automation will be cheaper than keeping on people. An example would be all the parking attendants in Birmingham that have been replaced by computers and ATMs. You will find the same happening at fast food places like McDonalds, which is already experimenting in some markets with a point of sale system that customers use. Also by increasing the minimum wage you will be adding costs of goods and services on to the consumer. This will negate any increase in the minimum wage increase. 

In addition this bill makes Republican's look cheap.  Seriously increase the wage for waiters and waitresses a dime? So now rather than education the public on the downfalls of a minimum wage, Republican's look the stereotype of being penny pinching old men.  

Again the only true way to improve one's economic self is to apply oneself. Get educated and work hard.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Real Meaning Of Earth Day

By Zhanna Konetchy

April 22 is the very Big Day for communists, socialists around the World. Every one of them knows this day as a Birthday of Lenin, their icon, their symbol of a new economic and moral society where everyone works for a “common good”.

When American students at school and colleges celebrate Earth Day they unknowingly but indeed celebrate Lenin’s birthday.

Lenin was born April 22, 1870.

In all socialist countries, USSR, East Germany etc., the ideological war against individual property and property owners was symbolized by “the ground is being cleared for the actual building of socialism, for the development of new social links, a new discipline of work in common and a new national (and later an international) system of economy of world-historic importance.(V.I.Lenin)”
With that symbol people were forced to work for free to clean streets, plant the trees etc. Again, for a common good, to prove that the “common property” is more important and essential then individual property.

Lenin's Subbotnik
Lenin’s entire premises were that individuals were not capable of maintaining their own property and driven by greed, and that all property must be converted from private to public property for the good of all people.
“This is a matter of transforming the very habits of the people, habits which, for a long time to come, have been defiled and debased by the accursed private ownership of the means of production … For hundreds of years, freedom of trade and of exchange has been to millions of people the supreme gospel of economic wisdom, the most deep-rooted habit of hundreds and hundreds of millions of people. This freedom is just as utterly false, serving to mask capitalist deception, coercion and exploitation, as are the other “freedoms” proclaimed and implemented by the bourgeoisie, such as the “freedom to work” (actually the freedom to starve), and so on.

In the main we have broken irrevocably with this “freedom” of the property-owner to be a property-owner, with this “freedom” of capital to exploit labour, and we shall finish the job. We are combating its remnants ruthlessly, with all our might. …
Let us build a new society! ...

We shall work for years and decades practicing subbotniks, developing them, spreading them, improving them and converting them into a habit. We shall achieve the victory of communist labour. (V.I.Lenin From The First Subbotnik On The Moscow-Kazan Railway To The All-Russia May Day Subbotnik )”
Read more:
From The Heritage Foundation
“It was April 22, 1970, that Senator Gaylord Nelson, a Democrat from Wisconsin, declared a national day of support for the Earth. He claimed to have thought up the idea in 1969, after seeing a devastating oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. Inspired by the Vietnam “teach-ins,” he thought to have a nationwide environmental “teach-in” to involve Americans in environmental issues. He sent letters to every state governor and many state institutions in 1969, trying to rally support for his radical idea. And in the end, he won: the first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970. On Vladimir Lenin’s 100th birthday.
While Lenin was alive, he often ordered Earth Day-like “subbotniks,” or days of mandatory ‘service’ in the community. This would typically focus on environmental improvement, including garbage removal and the collection of recyclables. At the height of the Soviet Union, a nationally mandated yearly subbotnik—called “Lenin’s Subbotnik”—was selected to fall around or on Lenin’s birthday. The date otherwise known as April 22."
Read more:

From “Telegraph”
“The first ever Earth Day, a celebration to raise awareness of environmental issues, was held on Lenin's birthday April 22 in 1970”
“A giant tribute to the former Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin made from thousands of trees has been spotted on Google Earth.

Message cut out of trees in the forest which could be seeing from the plane: Lenin is 100
The message, which translates as "Lenin is 100", was cut into a forest in a remote region of Siberia. Each letter is around 80 metres high, and the entire message stretches for 600 metres.
It was created by Russian woodcutters in 1970 to mark the centenary of the Communist leader's birth, according to EnglishRussia, the blog which spotted the image.
Despite the passing of 38 years it has kept its coherent shape, and is now clearly visible on Google Maps and Earth, the internet giant's satellite mapping services.”
Read more:

From Wikipedia answers.
“Subsequently "communist subbotniks" and "voskresniks" became obligatory political events in the Soviet Union, with annual "Lenin's Subbotnik" being held in the vicinity of Lenin's birthday.
Subbotnik was also promoted in the 1950s in the Eastern Bloc countries and in particular in the German Democratic Republic (GDR), as the USSR sought to build up the GDR as the westernmost outpost of socialism in Europe.
In Czechoslovakia, a similar kind of work was known as Akce Z ("Action Z"), from Czech word zvelebovánĂ­, "improvement", referring to the typical activities from garbage removal to housing construction. Folk wit claimed that "Z" stood for zdarma, i.e., "without pay".”
Read more:

Our youth are being indoctrinated to accept socialism and reject freedom from every direction. We must take a stand and reject this indoctrination. A good first step is to reject the support of Earth Day celebration, and instead stress and support true American values of freedom and self responsibility.

The goal of the environmentalists is not cleaning the Earth. Otherwise they would go to really dirty places: China, Russia, Africa, Arabia to “try to save the planet”. Their goal is to destroy the private property and private-property owners.

Zhanna Konetchy is a Russian immigrant who came to the U.S. from the Siberian Region of Russion in 1993.  She holds an engineering degree and knows first hand how socialism works and spends time educating American's to the creeping socialism taking place here in this Country.  She is married to Peter Konetchy, currently a candidate for the 4th District Congressional Seat in Michigan

Monday, April 21, 2014

About Setting The Record Straight - It is About The Whole Story

Welcome to the first blog of Setting the Record Straight.  The reason for this blog/news source will be to correct the many errors, omissions and intentional lies that are being told by not only  by politicians but also the lapdog media that gets paid to cover stories that politicians want you to know about or that are threatened, if they report news that isn't favorable to the political powers. 

Don't think it can happen?  Well then listen to what former CNN investigative journalist Amber Lyon, a three-time Emmy winning investigative journalist and photographer, had to say.  She has come forward, accusing CNN of being “fake news.”

Lyon says she was ordered to report fake stories, delete unfriendly stories that would put U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama in an unfriendly light, and construct stories in specific manners, creating an image of reality that was far from the truth.

Lyon also claims, according to the reports, that CNN is paid by foreign and domestic Government agencies for specific content.

In addition to Lyon, another Emmy awarding winning investigative reporter, Sharyl Attkisson, resigned at CBS just a month ago. Attkisson, who has been with CBS News for two decades, had grown frustrated with what she saw as the network's liberal bias, an outside influence by the network's corporate partners and a lack of dedication to investigative reporting, several sources said.

Attkisson has been critical of CBS since her departure, expressing similar displeasure in an interview with Howard Kurtz during his Fox News media show on April 13. "There seems to be a visceral reaction to doing stories that could ruffle feathers, whether it is certain people in the political spectrum or even corporate interests," she told Kurtz. "I think there has come to be a narrowing universe of stories that are desired by the broadcasts, and it leaves us sometimes I think with newscasts that don't dig very deep."

Setting The Record Straight will be digging deep and reporting stories that the public show know.  We will be covering local, national and international stories and providing the in-depth information to educate you as to the real stories.