Sunday, March 19, 2017


The left propagandists  have been pushing out a false narrative saying that President Donald Trump is killing the program to help the elderly and the poor known as Meals on Wheels.  Meals on Wheels provides low cost to free meals to those in need.  However what Meals on Wheels receives from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services may surprise you.  President Trump's budget proposal will NOT kill the Meals on Wheels program.  

READ THE MEALS ON WHEELS STATEMENT TO CLEAR THINGS UP: “The nationwide Meals on Wheels network, comprised of 5,000, local, community-based programs, receives 35% of its total funding for the provision of congregate and home-delivered meals from the federal government through the Older Americans Act, administered by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living. Other federal funding sources that support Meals on Wheels program operations may include the Community Development Block Grant, Community Services Block Grant or the Social Services Block Grant. In addition, programs rely on contributions from state or local governments, private donations and other resources to cover the rest, demonstrating one of the best examples of a successful public-private partnership. Meals on Wheels America, the largest and oldest national organization representing senior nutrition programs across the country, receives only 3% of its funding from the government, specifically to run the National Research Center on Nutrition and Aging.

1 comment:

  1. Ok liberal get your info straight when you post it....The us federal government to don't directly fund meals on wheels. Each state gets one huge check called cdbg allotment. This allotment is to be used to fund any social programs each state may have.Thirty five percent of funding for meals on wheels comes from health and human services. While only a mere 3 percent actually comes from that cdbg allotment....And the rest of the needed money to run the meals and wheels comes from charitable donations thru the mail. Ect. To say automatically that this meals and wheels organization will crumble is totally a false story. Allot of the cdbg allotment the states get is spent unwisely on projects that will not benefit any poor disabled persons. Curruption is prevalent as missing funds are unaccountable. So basically your own people running these social programs are crooks and liars.....
